Petitions and Communications received from May 29, 2007 through June 4, 2007 for reference by the President to June 12, 2007.
From Fire Commission, submitting copy of Resolution 07-5,San Francisco Fire Department and EMS apparatus and vehicle replacement program, and Resolution 07-6, San Francisco Fire Department maintenance and repair plan.(1)
From Caterina Rindi, commenting on various concerns regarding San Francisco Police Officer Jesse Serna.(2)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on removing graffiti at various property locations in District 5. (Reference 20070424-007) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(3)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on removing graffiti from news stands at various locations in District 5. (Reference 20070501-004) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(4)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on moving graffiti from emergency boxes and fire hydrants at various locations in District 5. (Reference 20070501-007) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(5)
From BJ Sullivan, commenting on various issues with MUNI's N-Judah light rail service.(6)
From Verizon Wireless, submitting copy of notification letter to the California Public Utilities Commission regarding a cellular base site at 1515 - 19th Avenue.(7)
From Office of the Controller/City Services Auditor, submitting report on ownership of property in San Francisco by employees of and officials connected with the Department of Building Inspection (DBI).(8)
From Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector, submitting annual report of businesses that filed for the clean energy technology exclusion for the 2006 calendar year pursuant to the provisions of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code.(9)
From Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector, submitting annual report of businesses that filed for the biotechnology exclusions for the 2006 calendar year pursuant to the provisions of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code.(10)
From Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector, submitting annual report of businesses that filed for tax credits for the 2006 calendar year pursuant to the provisions of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code.(11)
From West of Twin Peaks Central Council, submitting draft West of Twin Peaks Central Council April 23, 2007 meeting minutes. Copy: Each Supervisor(12)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to Public Utilities Commission's proposed water rate increase for single family households. File 070668, Over 90 letters(13)
From San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, submitting Resolution No. 07-0090, proposing a conservation-based tiered water rate structure for single family residential customers that is designed to promote less water use. File 070688(14)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for Mayor Newsom's appointment of Michael Sullivan to the Recreation and Parks Commission. File 070761, Copy: Each Supervisor, 20 letters(15)
From G. Vago, urging the Board to spend taxpayer money more efficiently.(16)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the implementation of Community Choice energy in San Francisco. File 070501, Copy: Each Supervisor, 5 letters(17)
From Office of the Controller/City Services Auditor, submitting report concerning the review of Public Glass and its compliance with the City and County of San Francisco ordinance prohibiting the use of City funds for political purposes.(18)
From Betty Chopoff, commenting on issues regarding the eviction of a tenant in her disabled mother's apartment building.(19)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on removing graffiti from mailboxes at various locations in District 5. (Reference 20070522-006)(20)
From Richard Santana, commenting on the proposed cuts to the mentally ill in the San Francisco General Hospital Department of Psychiatry.(21)
From Department of the Environment, submitting annual report for San Francisco's Resource Conservation Ordinance.(22)
From various City Departments, submitting list of sole source contracts entered into during fiscal year 2006-2008:(23)
Department of Children, Youth and Their Families
San Francisco Rent Board
From concerned citizens, commenting on the proposed pay increase for San Francisco Police officers. File 070721, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters(24)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding status on removing graffiti on metal poles in various locations in District 5. (Reference 20070522-012) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(25)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the proposed Wi-Fi agreement with Google and Earthlink. File 070077, Copy: Each Supervisor, 4 letters(26)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting the Interim Annual Salary Ordinance (ASO) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008.(27)
From Environmental Defense, submitting support for the Public Utilities Commission's proposal to implement a three-tiered water rate structure for single family households. File 070668, Copy: Government Audit and Oversight Committee Members(28)
From League of Women Voters of San Francisco, submitting notice of Suzanne Stassevitch's nomination to hold the League's seat on the Ballot Simplification Committee (BSC).(29)
From Christian Holmer, regarding an immediate disclosure request from the District Attorney's office. 3 letters(30)
From Christian Holmer, regarding an immediate disclosure request from various City departments.(31)
From Ralph and Valerie Daniels, commenting on the impeachment of President Bush.(32)
From James Chaffee, commenting on the Branch Library Improvement Program. Copy: Supervisor Peskin(33)
From Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, regarding a Sunshine Task Force Ordinance complaint. 3 letters(34)
From Brenda Le, submitting opposition to Supervisor Mirkarimi's opposition to support the proposed Wi-Fi agreement with Google and Earthlink. Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(35)
From Planning Department, regarding a General Plan Referral request ordering the vacation of two pathways located in the Ingleside neighborhood. File 070461(36)
From Jerry Cauchi, commenting on traffic along the Embarcadero when cruise ships enter port with passengers.(37)
From Karen Lageveen, commenting on the new Sick Leave law.(38)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the ordinance prohibiting the feeding Red Masked Parakeets. File 070467, Copy: Each Supervisor, 3 letters(39)
From Mayor Gavin Newsom, submitting notice of designation of Supervisor Elsbernd as Acting Mayor from June 3, 2007 to June 4, 2007, and Supervisor Alioto-Pier as Acting Mayor from June 4, 2007 to June 7, 2007 pursuant to Charter Section 3.100. Copy: Each Supervisor, City Attorney(40)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the proposed Resolution rejecting the Public Utilities Commission's tiered-rate structure for single family households. Copy: Government Audit & Oversight Committee Members, 10 letters(41)
From Laura D'Amico, commenting on her experience at Ferry Park on June 3, 2007. File 070467, Copy: Each Supervisor(42)
From Citizens Housing Corporation, submitting letter of support for Franklin Square Park renovation. Copy: Mayor Newsom, Supervisor Ammiano, Supervisor Daly, Supervisor Dufty, Supervisor Elsbernd and Supervisor Mirkarimi(43)
From San Francisco Public Library Government Information Center, submitting Agenda Posting Fact Sheet June 2007.(44)
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting copy of letter to Lake Merced Task Force and Lakewood Tenants Association regarding concerns raised about the process to determine the preferred location for the SFPUC's recycled water facility.(45)
From Glen Reid, urging the Board to spend less time on political and ideological matters and more time on quality of life issues.(46)
From Vincent Poy, Ph.D, commenting on concerns with the San Francisco Housing Authority. Copy: Supervisor Peskin, Supervisor Daly.(47)
From Fire Department, submitting Fire/Life Safety Inspection Report, Adult/Juvenile Detention Facilities for the Taravel Police Station.(48)
From Fire Department, submitting Fire/Life Safety Inspection Report, Adult/Juvenile Detention Facilities for the Ingleside Police Station.(49)
From Kimo Crossman, regarding a Sunshine Ordinance complaint.(50)
From Christian Holmer, regarding an immediate disclosure request from the District Attorney's office.(51)
From Idriss Stelley Foundation, regarding an email received.(52)
From concerned citizen, commenting on Halloween in the Castro.(53)
From Lisa Anton, commenting on inclining block rate structure. Copy: Each Supervisor(54) |