Petitions and Communications received from July 24, 2007 through July 30, 2007 for reference by the President to August 7, 2007.
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding status of removing graffiti at various locations in District 5. (Reference 20070710-005) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi (1)
From Port of San Francisco, submitting Resolution No. 07-53 adopted by the Port Commission in support of the Blue Angels Air Show. File 070931, Copy: Each Supervisor (2)
From Jack Wholely, regarding the tentative map appeal for 3150 Geary Boulevard. File 070985, Copy: Each Supervisor, City Attorney (3)
From Matt Leonard, submitting support for the implementation of Community Choice Aggregation in San Francisco. File3, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters (4)
From various City departments, submitting list of sole source contracts entered into during fiscal year 2006-2007: (5)
Fire Department
Municipal Transportation Agency
From Clerk of the Board, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from: (6)
Cathleen Sullivan, Member of the SF LAFCO
Katherine Higgins, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Sophie Maxwell
Pilar Schiavo, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Tom Ammiano
Kay Gulbengay, Deputy Director II
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on removing graffiti from pillars of the pedestrian walkway at O'Farrell and Geary Street and emergency box at the corner of Fulton and Clayton Street. (Reference 20070710-001) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi (7)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on removing graffiti from newsstands at various locations in District 5. (Reference 20070710-013) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi (8)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on removing graffiti at various locations in District 5. (Reference 20070710-006) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi (9)
From concerned citizens, regarding the appeal of final mitigated negative declaration for 3400 Cesar Chavez Street. File 070708, Copy: Each Supervisor, City Attorney, 42 letters (10)
From concerned citizens, regarding appeal of determination of categorical exemption for the Earthlink Wi-Fi proposal. File 070800, Copy: Each Supervisor, 4 letters (11)
From Department of Public Health, submitting request for waiver of Administrative Code 12B and 14B for Safeway, Inc. (12)
From Judith Hoyem, submitting support for the landmark appeal of the UCB extension site at 55 Laguna Street. File 071028 (13)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the proposed Wi-Fi agreement with Google and Earthlink. File 070077, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters (14)
From Kimo Crossman, commenting on a study conducted on cell towers conducted in the United Kingdom. File 070077, Copy: Each Supervisor (15)
From Department of Public Health, submitting monthly STD report for the month of June 2007. (16)
From Christian Holmer, regarding immediate disclosure requests. 6 letters (17)
From Human Services Agency, regarding human services care fund fiscal year 2006-2007 4th quarter update. (18)
From concerned citizens, submitting appreciation to the Board for passing the City budget with increased funding for City parks. 24 letters (19)
From Kimo Crossman, commenting on SOTF charging for paper copies of emails previously sent. (20)
From Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association, commenting at Halloween in Mission Bay. 3 letters (21)
From concerned citizens, regarding the lack of available street parking in their neighborhood. File 070428, Copy: Each Supervisor, 8 letters (22)
From Count Gramalkin, commenting on the proposed gun offender registry. File 070689, Copy: Each Supervisor (23)
From Socrates Cara, commenting on the proposed ordinance to ban firearms on County property. File 070682, Copy: Each Supervisor (24)
From Howard L. Chabner, regarding the Planning Commission's approval of the California Pacific Medical Center Neurosciences Institute at the Davies campus. (25)
From Jodi Watson, commenting on the lack of response from 311/28 Clean and DPW to pick up bio-hazardous waste. (26)
From Steve Rice, regarding a proposed ballot measure by the Mayor to block Community Choice Aggregation. Copy: Each Supervisor (27)
From concerned citizen, commenting on the number of international students allowed to attend classes at all of San Francisco's College/Universitys. (28)
From Winfred Jew, regarding the SFPD Honda Unit. Copy: Each Supervisor (29)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the recent crime wave the Marina District neighborhood. Copy: Supervisor Aioto-Pier, 2 letters. (30)
From Robbie Hansen, regarding the proposed cancellation of events during Fleet Week. (31)
From Linda Sabau, regarding various issues and concerns. Copy: Each Supervisor (32)
From Jeff Wozniak, commenting on problems regarding Golden Gate Park. Copy: Each Supervisor (33)
From Thomas Orgain, commenting on homeowners concerns that District 4 has legal and appropriate representation at the Board. Copy: Supervisor Peskin (34)
From Thomas Ferriole, commenting on the Civil Grand Jury Report of July 9, 2007 on the Entertainment Commission. (35)
From John Kasper, regarding July 20, 2007 article: Duboce Bottle Snatcher . (36)
From Ron Chornow, urging Supervisor Daly to have a crosswalk placed at the intersection of 8th and Natoma Street. Copy: Supervisor Daly (37)
From Benjie Go, commenting on pedestrians jaywalking across the Hall of Justice on Bryant Street. Copy: Each Supervisor (38)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the problem of homelessness in San Francisco. 2 letters (39)
From George Lewis, commenting on crime in the Mission District. Copy: Each Supervisor (40)
From Jimmy Lembcke, commenting on the ongoing graffiti problem. 2 letters (41)
From Lee Strawser, regarding various comments and concerns. (42)
From J.P., commenting on the bedbug epidemic. (43)
From Sue Voelkel, commenting on fare-free public transit. (44)
From Patty Riek, commenting on smoking at the Alemany Farmers' Market. (45)
From Craig Dawson, commenting on the Natural Areas Program. (46)
From Gene Eplett, commenting on Police Captain for the Northern Station, Kevin Dillon. Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters (47)
From Dwayne Newton, commenting on various issues and concerns. (48)
From Andy Scarbrough, commenting on various concerns. (49)
From Service Employee International Union, submitting copy of letter written to the San Francisco Housing Authority regarding employee morale. (50)
From Erik Honda, commenting on the Davies Medical Center expansion. (51)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on removing graffiti from mailboxes at the Northeast corner of Golden Gate and Pierce Street and garbage cans at the Southwest corner of Waller and Downey Street. (Reference 2000612-006) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi (52)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on removing graffiti from emergency boxes at the Southeast corner of Cole and Frederick Street and the Northeast corner of Hayes and Broderick. (Reference 20060612-008) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi (53)
From Kimo Crossman, regarding referral letters to the Ethics Commission regarding Mayor Newsom, Nathan Ballard, Chris Vein and Ron Vinson. (54)
From Office of the Controller, submitting Controller's annual report for municipal code-mandated fee reviews and schedules, fiscal year 2007-2008. (55)
Commission on the Status of Women
Kay Gulbengay
Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority
Nancy Conner
Douglas Moran
Airport Commission
Eleanor Johns
Rent Board
Bart Murphy
Larry Becker
Deborah Henderson
Commission on the Environment
Angelo King
Relocation Appeals Board
Steven Lee
Albert Seto
Harry Kim
Essie Webb