Petitions and Communications received from October 30, 2007 through November 5, 2007 for reference by the President to November 13, 2007
From Recreation and Park Department, submitting report for the 1st quarter of FY07-08 in response to the requirements of Resolution 157-99 Lead Poisoning Prevention. (1)
From Department of Elections, submitting Disclaimer Requirements for Local Ballot Measures: Endorse, Oppose or Take No Position on a Measure (Municipal Election Code (MEC) Section 500 (c) (8). (2)
From San Francisco Arts Commission, submitting response regarding month to month leases. (Reference 20071016-021). (3)
From Clerk of the Board, informing the Board that Legislative Assistant, Colleen Crowely has submitted Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests. (4)
From California Department of Public Health, submitting Alternate Year Agreement Funding Application (AFA) Approval, Allocation Agreement #200738-FY2007/2008. (5)
From Department of Elections, regarding Voting System Update #5: Secretary of State Modifies Conditions on Use of ES&S System; Department of Elections Seeks Reimbursement from ES&S for Costs Associated with Conditions; Colorado Secretary of State Suspends Certification Testing of ES&S System. (6)
From Human Services Agency, submitting Human Services Care Fund: FY07-08 1st Quarter Update. (7)
From Airport Commission, submitting Concession Review of D-Lew Enterprises, LLC, dba II Fornaio Caffe del Mondo. (8)
From First 5 San Francisco (Children and Families Commission), submitting Financial Statement Audit July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. (9)
From Office of the Controller, City Services Auditor, submitting Annual Report Fiscal Year 2006-2007. (10)
From Port of San Francisco, submitting As-Needed Professional Service Contracts - Fiscal Year 2007/08; First Quarter Report for the Period July 1, 2007 - September 30, 2007. (11)
From Alexander Mamak, submitting his resignation letter from the Graffiti Advisory Board, effective December 8, 2007. (12)
From Planning Department, submitting Planning Commission Recommendations for Case No. 2007-0514T. File No. 070623, Copies: Land Use Committee Members. (13)
From Building Inspection Commission, submitting revised Decision on Appeal of Director's determination to grant an extension to file for an extension (Permit #200105239812). (14)
From Department of Emergency Management, submitting response regarding month to month leases. (Reference 20071016-021). (15)
From Planning Department, submitting response regarding month to month leases. (Reference 20071016-021). (16)
From Department of Public Works, submitting Revised Order #177,188, announcing the opening of ticket sales for the 2008 Condominium Conversion Lottery and the proposed date, time, and location of the lottery drawing. (17)
From concerned citizens, opposing the City's plans for Halloween night and Bart closures.3 Letters (18)
From concerned citizens, supporting the City's plans for Halloween night. Copy: Supervisor Dufty, Received 2 Letters. (19)
From Troy Nickol, regarding commutes on 10/29 and 10/30 - T-Line. Copy: Supervisor Maxwell. (20)
From Philip Susser, expressing concerns about "critical mass" in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor (21)
From Vicki Leidner, supporting the Blue Angels flying over San Francisco. File No. 071232, Copy: Each Supervisor. (22)
From Diana Anderson, regarding the pending sale of the Flower Market. (23)
From concerned citizens, supporting the EarthLink Wi-Fi Agreement. Received 2 Letters (24)
From Francisco Da Costa, submitting opposition to Combustion Turbines that use Fossil Fuel Power Plants in our communities. (25)
From concerned citizens, expressing concerns regarding Lennar being fined by Bay Area Air Quality Management District the maximum $25,000 a day for over 385 days plus. Received 2 Letters (26)
From Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, regarding possible Sunshine Ordinance violation complaint. (27)
From Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, regarding possible Ethics Commission violation. (28)
From Christian Holmer, regarding immediate disclosure request from various City departments. (29)
From Mirna Escobar, regarding alleged neglect and discrimination practices against immigrants and whites in various housing authority properties. Received 4 Letters. (30)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the Golf Courses in San Francisco. File No. 070961, Copies: Each Supervisor. (31)
From Association of Bay Area Governments, regarding several areas in San Francisco being nominated as Priority Conservation Areas (PCA) for the FOCUS regional planning program. (32)
From Kevin Reed, President The Green Cross, regarding actions taken by San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs' on Halloween night in the Castro. (33)
From Edith McMillan, opposing the Shanghai Chinese Tea Garden & Pool proposed for Golden Gate Park. File No. 071330, Copies: Land Use Committee Members. (34)
From Ruth Wheeler, submitting support for the proposed Park Camping & Sleeping Legislation. File No. 071136, Copies: Each Supervisor. (35)
From MTA, Department of Parking and Traffic, submitting response regarding review of pedestrian signals for the intersection of Masonic Ave. and Hayes St. (36)
From Allison Spampanato, submitting a copy of letter sent to Planning Commission opposing the pending Building Permit Application No. 2007.08.22.0519 for the retail store "Batteries Plus". (37)
From Marilyn Amini, regarding a continuation request for the Market and Octavia Area Plan hearing. File Nos. 071157 and 071158. (38)
From Stephen Schwichow, opposing the vote by the Board to reject a code of conduct for the Board of Supervisors. File No. 070946, Copies: Each Supervisors. (39)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for building a new skatepark in Golden Gate Park. File No. 070134, Copies: Each Supervisor. (40)
From Mani Drayton, expressing concerns regarding the San Francisco State University proposed new development. Copies: Each Supervisor. (41)
From Francisco Da Costa, regarding Wharf 10 and related issues. (42) |