Petitions and Communications received from November 6, 2007 through November 9, 2007 for reference by the President to November 20, 2007
From Office of the City Administrator, submitting Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance Report Transmittal. (1)
From Clerk of the Board, informing the Board that Andrew Murray, Senior Legislative Analyst, Nilka Julio, Special Assistant XII, Bobby Galbreath, Legislative Assistant, Camelin Blackstone, Legislative Assistant, and Vallie Brown, Legislative Assistant have submitted Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests. Received 2 Letters (2)
From Department of Public Health, submitting Quarterly AIDS Surveillance Report. (3)
From Supervisor Daly, requesting the Board's support for File #071222, an ordinance prohibiting managers from pursuing or engaging in romantic or sexual relationships with employees under their supervision. File No. 071222, Copy: Each Supervisor (4)
From Office of the Mayor, notifying the Clerk's office that Supervisor Bevan Dufty will be Acting Mayor from 1:10pm Thursday, November 8, 2007 until 8:30pm on Sunday, November 11, 2007. Copies: Each Supervisor and City Attorney (5)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for building a new skatepark in Golden Gate Park. File No. 070134, Copies: Each Supervisor. Received 9 Letters (6)
From Office of Public Finance, submitting response regarding month to month leases. (Reference 20071016-021). (7)
From William Whitmer, regarding mandatory drug test for all newly elected city officials. Copy: Each Supervisor (8)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding status of removing graffiti from various locations in the City. (Reference 20070911-014 and 20071030-006) (9)
From Jaime Ross, submitting opposition to the proposed Subway restaurant in the Mission. (10)
From Emile Lawrence, submitting support for a Memorial to murdered taxi drivers to be placed in the Hall of Justice. (11)
From Kristin Hansen, requesting a meeting with Supervisor Dufty regarding 652 Duncan Street. Copy: Supervisor Dufty (12)
From Eric Bondi, regarding Medical Marijuana patient being arrested and charged with two felony counts for cultivation and distribution. (13)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the EarthLink Wi-Fi Agreement. Received 2 Letters (14)
From Stephen M. Williams, submitting Appellants' letter brief and executive summary in support of the Appeal of the Categorical Exemption issued for 376 Eureka Street. File No. 071319. (15)
From Simon Elhage, submitting suggestions for the red light enforcement program. Copy: Supervisor Daly. (16)
From Richard Skaff, regarding Otis and Schindler "Destination-Based" Elevator Operating Systems. (17)
From Mirna Escobar, regarding alleged neglect and discrimination practices against immigrants and whites by the San Francisco Housing Authority. Received 5 Letters (18)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting response regarding month to month leases. (Reference 20071016-021). (19)
From Sarah Davis, regarding funding for the Mentally Ill at SF General Hospital. (20)
From Senator Barbara Boxer, submitting a copy of letter sent to Admiral Allen requesting them to provide her office with briefing on the status of the oil spill, its current and projected impacts, and the actions the U.S. Coast Guard has taken with regard to containment and clean-up. (21)
From John Holden, submitting support for agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and S & S Trucking for hauling biosolids and grit. File No. 071386 (22)
From Aaron Goodman VP PRO, expressing concerns regarding the Draft Preservation Element of the SF General Plan Request for Review & Comment (2007.1229A) for its proposed adoption in 2008. Copies: Each Supervisor. (23)
From concerned citizens, expressing concerns regarding the recent oil spill in our Bay. Received 2 Letters (24)
From Amy Sue-Fei Huang, expressing concerns regarding Portola Family Connections located at 2565 San Bruno Ave. (25)
From William J. Coburn, regarding mini-billboard in the Polk Strasse neighborhood. (26)
From Christian Holmer, regarding immediate disclosure request from various City departments. (27)
From Margaret Zegart, regarding various issues regarding the JFK Drive Weekend Closures. File No. 070489, Copies: Land Use Committee Members. (28)
From Iris Chao, expressing concerns regarding the environment. (29)
From Ann Garrison, regarding Pacifica Radio's attempt at Media Democracy. (30)
From Department of Public Works, regarding repainting the crosswalks at various locations in District 5. (31)
From Dina Boyer, regarding wages paid at the public access channel in San Francisco. Copy: Supervisor Daly (32)
From Francisco Da Costa, expressing concerns regarding the 2007 Mayor's Election in San Francisco. Received 3 Letters (33)
From Francisco Da Costa, submitting a copy of Term Sheet For The Closure of The Potrero Power Plant and Reuse of The Property. (34)
From Francisco Da Costa, submitting opposition to Combustion Turbines that use Fossil Fuel Power Plants in our communities. (35)
From Francisco Da Costa, concerning various issues in the City of San Francisco. (36) |