Petitions and Communications received from February 19, 2008 through February 25, 2008 for reference by the President to March 4, 2008.
From Beverly Cannon, withdrawing permit for improvements on property located at 2721 Pierce Street. File 071265, Copy: Each Supervisor(1)
From Office of the Controller, submitting notice that as of 5:00 p.m., February 22, 2008, the Controller's Office has not received fiscal year budget submissions from the following departments: Academy of Sciences, Economic and Workforce Development, Treasurer/Tax Collector, Trial Courts.Copy: Each Supervisor(2)
From Department of Elections, regarding the Special Primary Election on April 8, 2008 for Congressional District 12. Copy: Each Supervisor(3)
From Francisco Da Costa, commenting on Lennar Corporation. 4 letters(4)
From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, submitting request for waiver of Chapter 12B of the Administrative Code for GlobalScape Content Management to perform software maintenance.(5)
From Office of the Controller, submitting comment that the motion regulating the permitted locations of new liquor stores and their conditions of operation would be a minimal impact on the cost of government.File 080062, Copy: Rules Committee members(6)
From Capital Planning Committee, submitting recommendations for financing of and supplemental appropriation request for capital projects. File 0715520(7)
From Francisco Da Costa, submitting support for an investigation of the SF Department of Elections linked to the process of validating the petitions and the signatures regarding the affordable housing requirement for the Candlestick Point and Hunters Point Shipyard Mix-Use Development Project. 2 letters(8)
From Francisco Da Costa, commenting on the lack of good leaders in the Bayview/Hunters Point and understanding of planning issues.(9)
From Kimo Crossman, submitting letters entitled Is SF usual an "Authoritative Source" for SF Political news? 3 letters(10)
From Dougcoms, commenting on letters entitled Is SF usual an "Authoritative Source" for SF Political news?(11)
From Alex Clemens, submitting copy of letter sent to Kimo Crossman regarding Is SF usual an "Authoritative Source" for SF Political news?(12)
From Christian Holmer, commenting on various issues concerning city government.4 letters(13)
From Department of Elections, submitting copy of letter sent to the proponent of the Initiative Ordinance concerning Mixed-Use Development Project for Candlestick Point and Hunters Point Shipyard.(14)
From Michael Nulty, regarding HUD low income maintenance prodigal problem.(15)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the elimination of the Clinical Director position at the Center for Special Problems located at 1700 Jackson Street. Approximately 100 letters(16)
From Department of Elections, regarding the effects of Proposition C on submitting, withdrawing, and publishing ballot measures. Copy: Each Supervisor(17)
From Department of Elections, regarding review of the initiative petition submitted regarding "Affordable Housing Requirement for the Candlestick Point and Hunters Point Shipyard Mixed-Used Development Project."(18)
From Public Utilities Revenue Bond Oversight Committee, submitting the 2007 annual report of the Public Utilities Revenue Bond Oversight Committee.(19)
From Peter Witt, submitting the "SF Limousines Operating Illegally" report for January 2007 through January 9, 2008.(20)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting portfolio statistics from July 1, 2007 to January 31, 2008.(21)
From Susan Vaughan, submitting support for the reappointment of Christina Olague to the Planning Commission. File 080240(22)
From State of California Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of proposed changes in regulations relative to Klamath River Sport Fishing.(23)
From State of California Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of proposed changes regulations relative to 2008-2009 mammal hunting.(24)
From Ivan E. Pratt, commenting on the HIV/AIDS Foundation.(25)
From Howard Chabner, commenting on the proposed Chambers settlement agreement. File 080125, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters(26)
From Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, regarding the San Francisco General Hospital Seismic Hospital Replacement Project Environmental Impact Report.(27)
From Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, regarding several issues and concerns. 3 letters(28)
From Ann Garrison, commenting on being directed to the wrong polling place in her district.(29)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting correction regarding status on violence prevention and the ShotSpotters pilot project. (Reference 20080115-011)(30)
From Idriss Sterlley Foundation, urging the Board to allow the SF voters decide whether or not to allow the Blue Angels air show. Copy: Supervisor Sandoval(31)
From Jerry Landis, commenting on the proposal to make 10 percent of the Treasure Island units affordable.(32)
From Martin Guttmann, regarding renaming the San Francisco International Airport to "Tom Lantos San Francisco International Airport".(33)
From Peggy Setiono, submitting opposition to the elimination of the Community Behavioral Health Services Program Director position at the Center for Special Problems. 2 letters(34)
From concerned citizen, commenting on St. Luke's Hospital's medical services being cut by Sutter Health. File 071489(35)
From Eileen Hessi, submitting support for the Mission/Bernal Formula Restricted Use District ordinance. File 071561,(36)
From Kevin Montreuil, commenting on minimum health and safety standards in the City's shelters. 2 letters(37)
From Small Business Commission, submitting a resolution urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to authorize a budget expenditure to evaluate different business tax options.(38)
From Manish Champsee, regarding Mayor Office staff being paid by Municipal Transportation Agency funds.(39)
From Mr. and Mrs. George O'Connell, submitting opposition to the elimination of positions in the Health Service System. Copy: Each Supervisor(40)
From Christopher Calder, commenting on an article published regarding biofuel being worse for the environment than using oil. (41)
From Benjamin Disraeli, commenting on proposed budget cuts which will affect the California school system.(42)
From Alvin Johnson, regarding an appeal of termination filed on his behalf.(43)
From Cathie Quickert, regarding the proposed plan to close the clinic at San Francisco General Hospital.(44)
From Tim Brace, commenting on the proposed central subway project.(45)
Retirement Board
Brenda Wright
Public Utilities Commission
Francis X. Crowley |