Petitions and Communications received from May 13, 2008 through May 23, 2008 for reference by the President to June 3, 2008. Part 1 (Items 1 through 60)
From Mayor Newsom, designating various Supervisors as Acting-Mayor from 12:45p.m. on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 until 5:30p.m. on Thursday, May 15, 2008. Copy: Each Supervisor.(1)
From Office of the Controller, submitting report on San Francisco's Police District Station Boundaries Analysis. File 080612.(2)
From Office of the Budget Analyst, submitting report on Audit of the Recreation and Park Department's Cash Handling Practices.(3)
From Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, M.D., submitting an article regarding Erin Brockovich.(4)
From Philip Snyder, urging the Board to approve the increase of the Municipal Railway budget.(5)
From George Davis, regarding a complaint against Captain James Dudley with the Police Department.(6)
From M.J. Wagoner, commenting on the proposed legislation on prohibiting pharmacies from selling tobacco products. File 080594, Copy: Each Supervisor.(7)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the Combustion Turbine Peaker Project. File 080523, Copy: Each Supervisor, 46 letters.(8)
From concerned citizens, urging the Board to hold hearings to evaluate the purposes and practices of the San Francisco Zoo. File 080031, Copy: Each Supervisor, 4 letters.(9)
From Patrick Monette-Shaw, submitting testimony regarding mayoral veto override concerning audio and video recording of public meetings held in City Hall hearing room. File 071596.(10)
From Library Users Association, submitting a copy of the San Francisco Library Commission draft legislation regarding library fees and fines.Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters.(11)
From Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, regarding complaint #07096 of Kimo Crossman and the March 10, 2008 Order of Determination against the Mayor's Office. Copy: Each Supervisor.(12)
From Mayor's Memorial Day Citizen's Committee, submitting a letter to Supervisor Peskin seeking assistance.(13)
From Sophia Papageorgiou, submitting letter to various departments regarding handicapped parking spaces in municipal parking garage.(14)
From Andrea O'Leary, commenting on Recreation and Park proposals for budget cut.(15)
From Fire Department, submitting Fire/Life Safety Inspection Reports from various Adult/Juvenile Detention Facilities.(16)
From Parkmerced Residents' Organization, commenting on proposed legislation regarding the passthrough from landlord to residential tenant of water and sewer services cost. File 080436, Copy: Each Supervisor.(17)
From Marianne Hesse, urging the Board to release funds for the Community Justice Center. File 080001, Copy: Each Supervisor.(18)
From Parkmerced Residents' Organization, submitting a letter to Rules Committee regarding creating a Parkmerced Neighborhood Representative Work Group. Copy: Each Supervisor.(19)
From Parkmerced Residents' Organization, submitting comments regarding various items on the May 13, 2008 Board Meeting. File 080562, 071596, 080622 & 080609, Copy: Each Supervisor.(20)
From Mim Ellis, submitting an article regarding aerial spraying. Copy: Each Supervisor.(21)
From Parkmerced Residents' Organization, submitting a letter regarding information brochures for new tenants. Copy: Each Supervisor.(22)
From Parkmerced Residents' Organization, submitting a letter to Land Use and Economic Development Committee regarding enforcement of the general advertising sign on buildings. File 080525, Copy: Each Supervisor.(23)
From Parkmerced Residents' Organization, submitting a letter to Land Use and Economic Development Committee regarding Public Education Fund and Rainy Day Reserve Fund. File 080142 & 080143, Copy: Each Supervisor.(24)
From Robert P. Varni, commenting on draft ordinance aimed at restructuring the Veterans Affairs Commission. Copy: Supervisor Peskin.(25)
From Troy Nickol, urging the Board reconsider the zoning map amendments in connection with the Bayview Hunters Point Area Plan. File 080338, Copy: Each Supervisor.(26)
From Precita Valley Neighbors, urging the Board to reject the Solar Energy Incentive Pilot Program. File 080630.(27)
From Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, M.D., submitting an article regarding energy security, cost reduction and environmental protection. File 080648, Copy: Each Supervisor.(28)
From Office of the Controller, submitting Biannual Overtime Report.(29)
From Recreation and Park Department, submitting 3rd Quarter of FY 07-08 report regarding Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.(30)
From Alan Blackman, urging the Board to support the Sierra Club's campaign to bring solar energy to San Francisco.(31)
From Aliza Wasserman, commenting on the Community Choice Aggregation. Copy: Each Supervisor.(32)
From Planning Department, submitting the 25-Day Report regarding interim moratorium on tobacco paraphernalia retail stores. File 080237, Copy: Each Supervisor.(33)
From Colleen Fernald, commenting on various issues regarding California Democratic Party.(34)
From Benjamin Kerensa, commenting on the Care Not Cash Program.(35)
From Department of the Environment, submitting a request for release of reserved funds for Environmental Justice grant program.(36)
From Natural Resources Defense Council, clarifying the institution's position regarding the Potrero Combustion Turbine Project. File 080523, Copy: Each Supervisor.(37)
From concerned organizations, urging the Board to reject Public Library's fines and fees legislation. Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters.(38)
From Doc Jordan, commenting on various environmental issues in the City.(39)
From Department of Elections, submitting an Emergency Plan for June 3, 2008 Election.(40)
From U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice regarding statewide mitigation banking templates and checklists.(41)
From Francisco Da Costa, submitting articles from regarding various issues. 3 letters.(42)
From Natural Resources Defense Council, commenting on revenues for the Electrical Reliability Power project. File 080592.(43)
From concerned citizens, commenting on unsolicited print publications and plastic bags littering problem. File 080380, Copy: Each Supervisor, 11 letters.(44)
From North Beach Neighbors, commenting on the proposed library fees and fines legislation. Copy: Each Supervisor.(45)
From Ann Garrison, submitting an article regarding military.(46)
From Office of Contract Administration and Office of the Controller, responding jointly to the Board's inquiry requesting to assess the potential benefits of the California Strategic Sourcing Initiative. (Reference 20080415-012)(47)
From Russell Kilday-Hicks, commenting on proposed budget cuts to the CSU and CCC systems. File 080670, Copy: Each Supervisor.(48)
From Phyllis Hunt, submitting comments against the proposed amendment to divide the power to nominate members of the Municipal Transportation Agency's Board of Directors.File 080644, Copy: Each Supervisor.(49)
From concerned citizen, commenting on the Below Market Rate Condominium Conversion Program. File 080520, Copy: Each Supervisor, 5 letters.(50)
From James Chaffee, commenting on slide show graphics and Video on Demand hearings in City Hall. Copy: Each Supervisor.(51)
From concerned citizen, commenting on Copy: Each Supervisor.(52)
From Department of Public Works, submitting County Surveyor results of the findings regarding Tentative Map for 43 - 45 Lansing Street. File 080677.(53)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting portfolios on investment activities under the Treasurer's management for FY July 1, 2007 to April 30, 2008.(54)
From Edward Hong, commenting on aerial spraying of the Light Brown Apple Moth. Copy: Each Supervisor.(55)
From Philip Snyder, submitting support relating to Community Courts hold people accountable for unlawful actions that deteriorate the environment.(56)
From concerned citizen, submitting a complaint against Supervisor Chris Daly. Copy: Each Supervisor.(57)
From Jason Roach, submitting a letter to Supervisor Maxwell regarding Potrero Hill neighborhood. Copy: Supervisor Maxwell.(58)
From Police Commission, regarding the election result of president and vice president of the Police Commission. Copy: Each Supervisor.(59)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, responding to an inquiry regarding various issues.(60) |