Petitions and Communications received from July 1, 2008 through July 7, 2008 for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on July 15, 2008.
From Department of Public Health, submitting annual 2008 Title XV Evaluation Reports for San Francisco detention facilities.(1)
From various City Departments, submitting list of sole source contracts entered into during fiscal year 2007-2008:(2)
Fire Department
San Francisco International Airport
Department of Public Health
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
From Department of Elections, submitting June 3, 2008 Consolidated Statewide Direct Primary Certification of Elections Results.(3)
From Mayor Newsom, designating various Supervisors as Acting-Mayor from 8:00am on Friday, July 4, 2008 until 7:00pm on Sunday, July 6, 2008. Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters.(4)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, responding to Supervisor Sandoval's inquiry requesting the study of appropriateness of installing a crosswalk in front of the Mission YMCA at 4080 Mission Street. (Reference 2080513-001)(5)
From Office of the Controller - City Services Auditor, submitting Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Review of the Statement of Cash and Investments as of December 31, 2007.(6)
From Office of the Controller - City Services Auditor, submitting Department of Public Health: The Nonprofit Organization Baker Places, Inc. and DPH Need to Improve Contract Invoicing Practices.(7)
From Department of Public Health, submitting status report on the implementation of the San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance.(8)
From Library Citizens Advisory Committee, submitting Library Citizens Advisory Committee's Annual Report.(9)
From Bay Area Water Supply & Conversation Agency, submitting opposition to appeal the Final Environmental Impact Report. File 0080918, Copy: Each Supervisor.(10)
From US Army Corps Of Engineers, submitting public notice regarding Project: Gualala River Gravel Mining.(11)
From Office of the Clerk of the Board, submitting notification that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors' Office did not receive any gifts in fiscal year 2007-2008.(12)
From Department on the Status of Women, submitting appreciation to the Board on providing addback monies for the Violence Against Women Prevention & Education Grants Program. Copy: Each Supervisor.(13)
From Department of Children Youth & Their Families, submitting proposed amendment to Children's Services Allocation Plan 2007-2010.(14)
From San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, submitting Annual Water Quality Report.(15)
From Office of the Clerk of the Board, submitting notification of receiving a report from the Civil Grand Jury regarding "San Francisco Kindergarten Admissions: Back to the Drawing Board."(16)
From Office of the Clerk of the Board, submitting notification of receiving a report from the Civil Grand Jury regarding "Fits and Starts: The response of the San Francisco Government to past Civil Grand Jury Recommendations."(17)
From Office of the Clerk of the Board, submitting notification of receiving a report from the Civil Grand Jury regarding "Accountability in San Francisco Government."(18)
From Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods, submitting a resolution passed by an umbrella alliance of 42 neighborhood organizations strongly supporting the creation of the Office of Independent Ratepayer Advocate. File 080638, Copy: Each Supervisor.(19)
From Francisco Da Costa, submitting various articles from regarding Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. 2 letters.(20)
From concerned citizens, opposing to the proposed ordinance relating to Below Market Rate Condominium Conversion Program. File 080520, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters.(21)
From Lost and Found Tenant Association, submitting copies of letters to Housing Authority regarding various concerns. 4 letters.(22)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the proposed ordinance regarding transforming the San Francisco Zoo as a rescue institution and establishing an animal welfare oversight committee. File 080818, Copy: Each Supervisor, approximately 536 letters.(23)
From Planning Department, submitting copies of Motion Numbers 17623 and 17624 and Resolution Number 17625 passed by the Planning Commission, for use as references for Board Files. File 080664 & 080663.(24)
From concerned citizens, commenting on proposed ordinance regarding regulation of newsracks. File 080480, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters.(25)
From concerned citizens, urging the Board to approve the Charter Amendment regarding creating an Office of the Independent Ratepayer Advocate. File 080638, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters.(26)
From Human Services Agency, urging the Board to vote against the proposed ordinance regarding Rental Subsidy Program for low-income families. File 080652, Copy: Each Supervisor.(27)
From Office of the Controller, submitting additional information on the use of the Children's Fund in the Fiscal Year 2008-09. Copy: Each Supervisor.(28)
From Department of Children Youth & Their Families, submitting a summary of the recommendations and discussion of the DCYF major budget changes.(29)
From concerned citizens, urging the Board to vote against the proposed ordinance regarding library fees. File 080749, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters.(30)
From R. Olen, opposing to affirming San Francisco as a sanctuary city.(31)
From Shirley A. Selby, requesting the Board to allocate funds for Sigmund Stern Grove for the dangerous trees to be assessed and to be cut down.(32)
From Gerri Hayes, submitting appreciation to Mayor Newsom and the Board regarding the Mayor's Senior Graduation Ceremony.(33)
From Francisco Da Costa, submitting an article from
From Senator Roy Ashburn, forwarding a concerned citizen's letter to the Board regarding renaming sewage treatment plant.(35)
From Davis Langdon, submitting comments to Office of the Controller/Office of Economic Analysis Report: "Mayor's Green Building Requirements: Economic Impact Report (05/21/08)." File 080063.(36)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Human Rights Commission - Waiver Request form.(37)
From Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps LLP, submitting notification of a filed complaint against the City on behalf of Fillmore Center Associates. Copy: Each Supervisor.(38)
From Sharen Hewitt, requesting assistance from the Board regarding the impending homicide crisis in the City. Copy: Each Supervisor.(39)
From Marianne Schier, commenting on homeownerships in the City.(40)
From Kimo Crossman, regarding the minutes for June 19, 2008 Budget and Finance Committee meeting.(41)
From Denise D'Anne, commenting on single occupancy vehicles relating to pollution.(42)
From Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, submitting Community First Coalition Digest Number 710 regarding various issues.(43)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on removing graffiti from public properties at various locations in District 5. (Reference 20080624-002)(44)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on removing graffiti from phone switch boxes at various locations in District 5. (Reference 20080624-005)(45)
From Patrick Monk, commenting on the Community First Coalition Digest Number 710.(46)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the City's sanctuary ordinance relating to the young Honduran juveniles. 10 letters.(47)
From Mayor Newsom, submitting a letter in regards to File Number 080779 (Resolution Number 299-08), Closure of the Potrero Power Plant. Copy: Each Supervisor.(48)
From concerned citizens, opposing to the new power plants in the Bayview and supporting the Community Choice Energy plan. 44 letters.(49)
From Ellen Opie, submitting support to the proposal ordinance for reducing unsolicited print publications. File 080380, Copy: Each Supervisor.(50)
From concerned citizens, urging the Board to reconsider the proposal budget cut to APA/APIFRN under Human Services Agency. Copy: Each Supervisor, 3 letters(51)
From E. McMillan, urging the Board to reduce the Discretionary Review fees by the Planning Department. File 080736, Copy: Each Supervisor.(52) |