Petitions and Communications received from April 14, 2009, through April 20, 2009, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on April 28, 2009.
From Office of the Mayor, submitting appointment of Cass Calder Smith, to serve as member of the Arts Commission, effective April 14, 2009, for term ending January 15, 2013.(1)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting appointment of Nicky Calma, to serve as member of the Entertainment Commission, effective April 14, 2009, for a four-year term.(2)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting appointments for the following: (3)
Leo Chow, Arts Commission
John Calloway, Arts Commission
Amy Chuang, Arts Commission
Nicky Calma, Commission on the Status of Women
Rich Peterson, Retirement System Board
From Capital Planning Committee, submitting recommendations for the following items: supplemental appropriation for the Advance Meter Infrastructure Project in the amount of $58,747,600 and supplemental appropriation for Wastewater Enterprise 5-year Capital Improvement Program and Sewer System Master Plan Projects in the amount of $119,800,000. Copy: Each Supervisor(4)
From Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, submitting letter from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services responding to her email regarding the community residents and the children attending one of the schools/daycare centers within one mile of the Hunters Point Shipyard, Parcel A. Copy: Each Supervisor (5)
From James Chaffee, regarding the Board of Supervisors (Rules Committee) endorsement of the Bay Area Library and Information System Advisory Board candidate advanced by the Library Administration. Copy: Each Supervisor(6)
From Aaron Goodman, commenting on the proposed Street Encroachment at 3711-19th Avenue and Crespi Drive. File 090252, Copy: Each Supervisor(7)
From Arthur Evans, questioning if the Public Safety Committee should be disbanded.(8)
From Ernest Tachihara, commenting that the Neighborhood Emergency Response Training (NERT) program is extremely beneficial to the citizens of San Francisco and urging support for full funding. Copy: Each Supervisor(9)
From Natalie Wong, submitting opposition to any changes that redevelop Visitacion Valley and instead use tax dollars to repair all areas of San Francisco and bring back the bus # 15 to Visitacion Valley and other surrounding neighborhoods. File 090446, Copy: Each Supervisor(10)
From Kimo Crossman, regarding City Department using work orders to transfer money to other departments.(11)
From Malcolm Dudley, requesting that a Conditional Use Permit be denied for Live Nation's plans to convert the Masonic Auditorium into a Rock Concert Hall.(12)
From State Lands Commission, submitting notice of public hearing to determine acceptance of retrocession of jurisdiction from the United States over tidelands adjacent to Fort Mason, The Presidio and Alcatraz Island. Copy: Each Supervisor(13)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting the investment activity (for fiscal year to date) of the portfolios under Treasure's management.(14)
From State Department of Fish and Game, submitting notice of intent to adopt a Negative Declaration for the proposed amendment to Section 670.5 pertaining to the American Peregrine Falcon.(15)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, regarding the feasibility of installing traffic calming measures and sped bumps at various locations in District 4. (Reference No. 20090127-008)(16)
From Marc Parsley, commenting how Mendocino County has changed since the pot growers have taken over the county and urging San Francisco not to make the same mistake as Mendocino County.(17)
From State Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of emergency regulatory action relating to incidental take of Pacific fisher, the revised regulatory language, and the statement of facts constituting need for emergency action. (18)
From County of Mendocino Board of Supervisors, submitting copy of letter sent to Minerals Management Services opposing the consideration of the Mendocino Coast for off-shore oil and gas leasing and request for a local public hearing. (19)
From Department of Public Works, regarding the status of removing graffiti from utility poles at various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20090324-006)(20)
From Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, submitting news article from the Miami Herald entitled Lennar reports eighth straight loss as housing slump worsens.(21)
From Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, questioning why there is not an emergency plan for the District Attorney's office or the Hall of Justice.(22)
From Office of Citizen Complaints, submitting the 2009 first quarter statistical report.(23)
From Abdalla Megahed, submitting copy of letter sent to Congresswoman Barbara Lee regarding his trip to Washington D.C.(24)
From Metropolitan Transportation Commission, submitting the 2008 Annual Report.(25)
From concerned citizens, thanking the Board for taking the first step to transform our publicly owned land at Sharp Park from an exclusive, underused, and budget-breaking golf course into a community-centered model for endangered species recovery, natural flood control, outdoor recreation and sustainable land use. File 090329, 42 letters(26)
From Jim Meko, submitting notice of the next Western SoMa Task Force on April 22, 2009.(27) |