Petitions and Communications received from December 9, 2008 through December 29, 2008 for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on January 6, 2009.
From James Chaffee, regarding contributions made by the organization "Friends of the S.F. Public Library" from 2001 through 2008.(1)
From Human Services Agency, submitting year-end report from the Department of Aging and Adult Services. Copy: Each Supervisor(2)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposal that cuts the funding for the arts by 50%. Approximately 12 letters(3)
From MJM Management Group for the Union Square Business Improvement Division, urging the Board not to reduce the funding for the Mayor's Office of Economic Development's budget by $500,000. Copy: Each Supervisor(4)
From the Bohemian Club, submitting request to be excluded from the assessment of the Tourism Improvement District. File 081517, Copy: Each Supervisor (5)
From Office of the Mayor, withdrawing Susan Sun's nomination to the Historic Preservation Commission. File 081554, Rules Clerk(6)
From Office of the Mayor, withdrawing Allison Williams nomination to the Historic Preservation Commission. File 081548, Rules Committee(7)
From Patrick Monette-Shaw, submitting ideas on how to fully fund the Laguna Honda Hospital's Adult Day Health Care program.(8)
From concerned citizens, urging the City and County of San Francisco to restore Sharp Park Golf Course. Approximately 20 letters(9)
From Dee Modglin, submitting opposition to proposed legislation regarding the "Below Market Rate Condominium Conversion Program" that is up for final passage on the December 16, 2008. File 080520, 081088, 2 letters, Copy: Each Supervisor(10)
From Pat Missud, regarding another car accident on Alemany Boulevard and San Juan Avenue.(11)
From concerned citizens, regarding request for all email sent to Supervisor Ammiano's City Hall Office in the last several months.3 letters(12)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting notice that the appeal filed regarding concerns of the Eastern Neighborhoods Rezoning and Area Plans Project was not filed in a timely manner. File 081538(13)
From Brad Paul, submitting support to fully fund the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce Development Program. Copy: Government Audit and Oversight Committee(14)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting names of the City departments and agencies that have submitted their conflict of interest code notice: SF Local Agency Formation Commission, Department of Aging and Adult Services, Workforce Investment-San Francisco, Department of Human Resources, SF Community Health Authority, SF Parking Authority Commission, SF Housing Authority, CCSF Finance Corporation.(15)
From State Department of Transportation, submitting a copy of their new awareness video titled California's General Aviation Airports: Links to Vitality. Copy: Lafco, Supervisors Peskin, Maxwell, Sandoval(16)
From Airport Commission, submitting a compliance audit of British Airways.(17)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, submitting request for waiver of Administrative Code Chapter 12B for Transtech of SC, LP.(18)
From Office of City Administrator, submitting request for continued funding of the Emergency Management Coordinator position. Copy: Government Audit and Oversight Committee Clerk(19)
From Fire Department, submitting request for waiver of Administrative Code Chapter 12B for testing at the Cow Palace in March 2009 for the administration of the H-2 Firefighter written examination.(20)
From Office of the Controller, submitting the final report of the SF Police Department Organizational Assessment conducted by the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF). File 081558, Copy: Each Supervisor(21)
From Capital Planning Committee, submitting recommendations on the General Hospital Rebuild General Obligation Bonds, General Hospital Emergency Generator Replacement and the Moscone Center Improvement Project. Copy: Each Supervisor, Budget & Finance Committee Clerk(22)
From Mayor's Office of Housing, submitting an additional emergency work notification letter of added work that must be completed at the Midtown Park Apartments.(23)
From Supervisor Peskin, submitting appointment of Supervisor David Campos to serve as Vice Chair of the Government Audit and Oversight Committee to fill the seat vacated by Supervisor Ammiano. Copy: Rules Committee(24)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting notice that the following individual has submitted a Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests: Supervisor David Campos.(25)
From Assessor-Recorder, submitting support for proposed ordinance to expand San Francisco's Clean Technology Payroll Tax Exclusion. File 081449, Copy: Each Supervisor(26)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting appointment of Tammy Chan as member of the Historical Preservation Commission to fill seat 7, term to expire four years after the Board approves this nomination. Copy: Rules Committee(27)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting appointment of Alan Martinez as member of the Historical Preservation Commission to fill seat 1, term to expire four years after the Board approves this nomination. Copy: Rules Committee(28)
From Kimo Crossman, requesting the unlitigated IRS matter for closed session that was continued from the December 4, 2008 Rules Committee. Copy: Supervisor Daly(29)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, responding to inquiry requesting the feasibility of establishing various stop signs within the Sunset District. (Reference No. 20081118-001) Copy: Supervisor Chu(30)
From Saveri & Saveri, Inc., submitting opposition to granting an exemption from environmental review of proposed project at 2655 Scott Street. File 081432, Copy: Each Supervisor(31)
From Rev. Vernon Link, submitting support for a new mall that includes a Safeway on Market Street between 5th and 6th Streets. Copy: Each Supervisor(32)
From Department of Public Works, regarding removing graffiti from various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20081028-002)(33)
From Department of Public Works, regarding removing graffiti from various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20081021-008)(34)
From Department of Public Works, regarding removing graffiti from various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20081028-006)(35)
From Department of Public Works, regarding removing graffiti from various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20081104-004)(36)
From Department of Public Works, regarding removing graffiti from various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20081104-005)(37)
From Department of Public Works, regarding removing graffiti from various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20081209-004)(38)
From Department of Public Works, regarding removing graffiti from various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20081209-005)(39)
From Department of Public Works, regarding removing graffiti from various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20081209-003)(40)
From Department of Public Works, regarding removing graffiti from various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20081216-004)(41)
From Sunset Parkside Education and Action Committee, submitting amendments to the creation and funding of a Tourism Improvement District.File 081517(42)
From B & Z Gabriel, submitting petition opposing the size and magnitude of the proposed building at 2800 Sloat Boulevard.(43)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed sidewalk encroachment for 1335 Stanyan Street. File 081463, 8 letters(44)
From Claire Barnum, submitting support for continued funding of Neighborhood Emergency Response Training (N.E.R.T.).(45)
From Teresa Welborn, submitting opposition to five of the six members recommended by the Rules Committee for the Market-Octavia Citizens Advisory Committee. Copy: Rules Clerk(46)
From Richard McRee, requesting correction of numerous misspellings in past official minutes.(47)
From Francisco Da Costa, submitting support to keep the leadership in the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families intact.(48)
From MK Hickox, regarding the lack of parking on Jackson Street between Franklin and Gough.(49)
From Kimo Crossman, regarding cost breakdown to post recordings of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force meetings in City Hall. 2 letters(50)
From Christian Holmer, regarding request for all email sent to Supervisor Peskin's City Hall Office in the last several months.(51)
From Christian Holmer, regarding request for all email sent to Supervisor McGoldrick's City Hall Office in the last several months.(52)
From Christian Holmer, regarding public records request for all department heads and the mayor's calendar for the period of 12/13/08 - 12/19/08.(53)
From Secretary of State, submitting notice that amendments to the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco, ratified by the voters at the election on November 4, 2008, were filed on December 15, 2008 and assigned Charter Chapter Number 14 for publication in the Statutes of 2008.Copy: Clerk of the Board(54)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting letter vetoing File 081088, which would require Conditional Use authorization for any elimination of dwelling units through mergers, conversions or demolition of existing dwelling units. Copy: Each Supervisor, Clerk of the Board(55)
From Richard McRee, submitting communication entitled "Your failure as President to uphold and defend Constitutional Rights" dated December 15, 2008.(56)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting notice that he will be out of the State of California from 9:00 a.m., December 27, 2008 until 9:00 p.m., January 4, 2009, Supervisor Dufty and Supervisor Elsbernd are designated as Acting Mayors. Copy: Each Supervisor, Clerk of the Board(57)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting his commitment to furthering the City's interest in closing the Potrero Power Plant at the earliest possible date. File 081191(58)
From Roberto Hernandez, submitting his resignation from his seat on P.R.O.S.A.C. as one of two District 9 representatives. Copy: Rules Clerk(59)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the Below Market Rate Condominium Conversion Program. File 080520, 3 letters(60)
From State Senate Rules Committee, submitting the reappointment of Pamela Giacomini to the State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection. Copy: Each Supervisor, Clerk of the Board(61)
From concerned citizens, submitting petition in-support of appeal of the conditional use permit for parking at 299 Valencia. File 081420(62) |