Petitions and Communications received from January 6, 2009 through January 16, 2009 for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on January 27, 2009.
From concerned citizens, urging the Board to deny the conditional use permit for excess parking for 299 Valencia Street. File 081420, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters(1)
From Bruce Brugmann, regarding the "Bay Guardian" editorial on the problem with the BART police.2 letters(2)
From Patrick Monette-Shaw, suggesting that Supervisor Mirkarimi is the clear choice to become the next president of the Board of Supervisors.(3)
From Daly City, Department of Water and Wastewater Resources, submitting notice of preparation of the Harding Park Recycled Water Project. Copy: Each Supervisor(4)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, submitting request for waiver of Administrative Code Chapter 12B for Star Machine and Tool Company.(5)
From Christian Holmer, submitting copy of Resolution 421-04, regarding the Public Information Pilot Project.(6)
From Jim Meko, regarding the Board of Supervisors inaugural meting on January 8, 2009.(7)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting notice that the following individuals have submitted a Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests: (8)
Frances Hsieh, Legislative Aide to Supervisor Avalos
Lin-Shao Chin, Legislative Aide to Supervisor Mar
Linnette Haynes, Legislative Aide to Supervisor Campos
Pooja Jhujhuwala, Legislative Aide to Supervisor McGoldrick
David Owen, Legislative Aide to Supervisor Peskin
From concerned citizens, urging the City and County of San Francisco to restore Sharp Park Golf Course.Approximately 20 letters(9)
From Letty Cenidoza, regarding various issues.(10)
From Fred Biagini, commenting on proposed legislation regarding "Congestion Toll" that would charge motorists for entering and leaving portions of San Francisco.(11)
From Ahimsa Sumchai, submitting the air monitoring data for Parcel A of the Hunters Point Shipyard Lennar Development.(12)
From Giannetto, urging the Zoo Director to put more of an emphasis on education and rehabilitation of the animals at the San Francisco Zoo.(13)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, submitting an overtime justification report for July 1, 2008 through October 31, 2008. Copy: Budget Clerk(14)
From James Chaffee, submitting copy of letter sent to the Mayor regarding responsiveness in government: an attendance policy.(15)
From Health Service System Director, submitting notice of the Health Service Board Election.(16)
From David Tornheim, submitting opposition to the appointment of Jonathan Pearlman to the Historic Preservation Commission. Files 081545, 081546, Copy: Rules Committee members, clerk(17)
From Lynn Dyer, regarding her dismissal as an employee at the Recreation and Park Department.(18)
From Ted Strawser, commenting on the lack of bike lanes in San Francisco.(19)
From BART, Government and Community Relations, submitting an update on the BART Police shooting incident.(20)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting an updated Financial Recovery and Savings Report.(21)
From David Silverman, regarding the special exception which allows an extension of an appeal hearing date for cases where a full Board is not in attendance. File 081420(22)
From Patrick Monette-Shaw, regarding access to activated hyperlinks to background files on various Board of Supervisors agendas posted on-line three days in advance of Board hearings.(23)
From Francisco Da Costa, submitting letter entitled "Lennar Corporation must be charged for crimes against the constituents of Bayview Hunters in San Francisco.(24)
From concerned citizens, thanking the Board for their support for grants for the arts in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor, 5 letters(25)
From Aaron Goodman, regarding the lack of new affordable rental housing in San Francisco.(26)
From concerned citizens, submitting letter regarding Lennar Corporation stocks and shares down by 20%.2 letters(27)
From Christian Holmer, submitting request for a current signed copy of the Ethics Commissions Record Retention and Destruction Schedule.(28)
From Francisco Da Costa, submitting letter entitled "Lennar Corporation and blatant corruption all over this nation" dated January 11, 2009.(29)
From Francisco Da Costa, regarding the thousands that gathered to honor and make sure another Oscar Grant incident never happens again.3 letters(30)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting letter vetoing File 081589, regarding the Eastern Neighborhoods Zoning Map height district for Mission Street theater properties. File 081589, Copy: Each Supervisor(31)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting letter vetoing File 081440, de-appropriating $998,145 of General Fund in the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice and $761,021 of Federal District Grant Revenue in the Department of Public Health for the Community Justice Center in fiscal year 2008-09. File 081440, Copy: Each Supervisor(32)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting notice that Supervisor Alioto-Pier and Supervisor Dufty have been designated as Acting Mayor from January 16 until January 20, 2009. Copy: Rules Committee(33)
From Office of the Controller, submitting the biannual and monthly overtime report.(34)
From Office of the Controller, submitting annual audit report from the city services auditor for fiscal year 2007-08. (35)
From Patrick Missud, regarding the dangerous intersection of Alemany Boulevard and San Juan Avenue. Copy: Supervisor Alvalos(36)
From concerned citizens, urging the Planning Commission to continue the public comment period on the Bicycle Plan DEIR. Copy: Each Supervisor(37)
From Lloyd Schloegel, regarding letter he received from Office of the Clerk, Supreme Court of the United States.(38)
From Cheryl Cotterill, regarding commendation of Captain Casciato.(39)
From Richard Skaff, regarding the Department of Building Inspection dimensional tolerance policy.(40)
From Christian Holmer, regarding public records request from various City Officials.(41)
From Department of Public Health, submitting a status report on the Health Care Security Ordinance that provides an update on the development and implementation of the Employer Spending Requirement and the Healthy San Francisco Program.(42)
From Port, submitting the contracting activity quarterly report for the period September 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008.(43)
From Office of the Controller, confirming that all newly elected and continuing Supervisors have been bonded as of January 1, 2009 as required by the San Francisco Administrative Code.(44)
From California Association of County Fish and Game Commission, announcing the 2009 California Association of County Fish and Game Commission conference on February 4, 2009. (45)
From Arts Commission, submitting the fiscal year 2008-09 second quarterly report. Copy: Each Supervisor, Budget clerk(46)
From Sharon Seliga, submitting support for an amended version of the clean energy ordinance which ensures that the City closes the Mirant Power Plant by 2012.(47)
From SF Preservation Consortium, regarding the mayoral nominees to the SF Historic Preservation Commission.(48)
From Angela Bates, urging the Board to take all possible steps to improve and secure the well being of all the animals that live at the SF Zoo.(49)
From State Department of Transportation, submitting report regarding illegal discharge (or threatened illegal discharge) of hazardous waste, which could cause substantial injury to the public health or safety.(50)
From David Villa-Lobos, commenting on police chief candidates.(51)
From Francisco Da Costa, commenting on the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.(52)
From Francisco Da Costa, commenting that the Joint Bay View/Hunters Point PAC and CAC tries to push an urban design plan for Phase 2 of the Hunters Point Shipyard.(53)
From State Department of Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of proposed regulatory action that delta smelt warrants uplisting from endangered to threatened species status.(54) |