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June 15, 1998

Agenda & Minutes Archive


Monday, June 15, 1998 - 2:00 p.m.

The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco met in regular session on the above date with President Barbara Kaufman presiding.

The meeting was called to order at 2:06 p.m. On call of the roll, the following Supervisors were noted present: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

Quorum present.


The Clerk presented the following COMMUNICATION

from his Honor, Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.: Letter signed by the Mayor indicating, as part of the Fiscal Year 1998-1999 Budget proposal, he has included a new Department of Emergency COMMUNICATION

s, which would oversee all 911 related activities. The new organizational structure will create a freestanding department that better serves residents and clarifies reporting relationships among City departments that render and support emergency services. (A copy of the letter is on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No. 98-0998.)

RecommendationsofEconomicDevelopment,Transportation andTechnologyCommittee Finally Passed

[Competitive Bidding Exemption]
Ordinance waiving competitive bid requirements for the Port Commission’s award of public works contracts to the California Conservation Corps, the San Francisco Conservation Corps and the San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners for performance of wetlands enhancement and public access activities at Pier 98. Sponsors Supervisors Katz, Bierman. File 98-0821, Ordinance No. 206-98 Finally passed.

[Time for Award of Contracts]
Ordinance amending Administrative Code to provide for additional time for the awarding of contracts let by the Public Utilities Commission and the Public Transportation Commission; the provisions of this ordinance shall be effective July 1, 1998. (Public Utilities Commission) File 98-0837, Ordinance No. 207-98 (Amends Section 6.1-1.) Finally passed.

RecommendationsofHousingandNeighborhoodServicesCommittee Passed on First Reading

[Sidewalk Width Regulations, Day Street]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1061 entitled "Regulating the Width of Sidewalks" by adding thereto Section 1537 changing the official sidewalk width on the south side of Day Street west of Church Street, as shown on the revised Department of Public Works drawing labeled Q-20-451 (change 1) and making findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Department of Public Works) File 34-97-2, Ordinance No. Passed on first reading. Adopted

[Stop Intersections]
Resolution designating certain intersections as "STOP" intersections. (Department of Parking and Traffic) File 98-0743, Resolution No. 480-98 (StopSigns-Establish 32nd Avenue and Ulloa Street, northwest and southeast corners, stopping 32nd Avenue (makes this an all-way Stop); 48th Avenue and Irving Street, northwest and southeast corners, stopping 48th Avenue (makes this an all-way Stop); Princeton and Sweeney Streets, all corners, stopping all approaches (makes this T-intersection an all-way Stop).) Adopted.

[Parking Regulations, Various Locations]
Resolution enacting and rescinding parking regulations at various locations. (Department of Parking and Traffic) File 98-0744, Resolution No. 481-98 (CompactParkingOnly-Establish Diagonal(60-DegreeAngle)Parking-Establish Green Street, north side, from Sansome Street to the west terminus (legalizes existing condition). NoParkingAnytime-Rescind Alemany Boulevard, east side, from Seneca Avenue to 33 feet southerly (33-foot zone); Alemany Boulevard, west side, from Seneca Avenue to 45 feet northerly (45-foot zone). ResidentialPermitParkingArea"W"(1-HourTimeLimit,8am-6 pm,MondaythroughFriday)-Establish De Haro Street, west side, between 24th and 25th Streets (even-numbered side of the 1300 block). Tow-Away,NoParkingAnytime-Establish Cesar Chavez Street, south side, from Diamond Street to 50 feet easterly (50-foot zone). NoParkingAnytime-Rescind Tow-Away,NoParkingAnytime-Establish Gilbert Street, west side, from Brannan Street to south terminus.) Adopted.

[Traffic Regulations, Various Streets]
Resolution enacting and rescinding traffic regulations on various streets. (Department of Parking and Traffic) File 98-0745, Resolution No. 482-98 (CrosswalkClosure-Establish Cesar Chavez and Connecticut Streets, west crosswalk, crossing Cesar Chavez Street (officially closes crosswalk). NoLeftTurns,4pm-7pm,MondaythroughFriday;NoLeftTurns, ExceptTaxis,allothertimes-Rescind NoLeftTurns,4pm-7pm,MondaythroughFriday;NoLeftTurns, ExceptBusesandTaxis,allothertimes-Establish Mission Street, westbound, at 10th Street. NoLeftTurns,4pm-7pm,MondaythroughFriday;NoLeftTurns, ExceptTaxis,allothertimes-Rescind NoLeftTurns,4pm-7pm,MondaythroughFriday;NoLeftTurns, ExceptMUNIandTaxis,allothertimes-Establish Mason Street, southbound, at Market Street; Mission Street, eastbound, at 3rd Street; Mission Street, westbound, at 4th Street. NoLeftTurns,7am-9amand4pm-6pm,MondaythroughFriday; NoLeftTurns,ExceptTaxis,allothertimes-Rescind NoLeftTurns,7am-9amand4pm-6pm,MondaythroughFriday; NoLeftTurns,ExceptMUNIandTaxis,allotherTimes-Establish 4th Street, northbound, at Townsend Street. NoU-Turns-Establish Columbus Avenue, northbound, at Union Street. RightLaneMustTurnRight,ExceptBusesandBicycles-Establish Polk Street, west curb lane (southbound), between Grove and Hayes Streets. RightTurnOnly-Establish Bosworth Street, westbound, at Elk Street (within channelized right turn lane). Tow-Away,NoStopping,7am-9am,MondaythroughFriday-Rescind Market Street, south side, from 156 feet to 260 feet west of 8th Street (104-foot zone). Tow-Away,NoStopping,9am-7pm,Everyday-Rescind Fell Street, north side, from Stanyan Street to 135 feet easterly (135-foot zone, to be replaced by a longer zone). Tow-Away,NoStopping,9am-7pm,Everyday-Establish Fell Street, north side, from Stanyan Street to 160 feet easterly (160-foot zone, replacing and extending existing zone). Tow-Away,NoStopping,7am-7pm,MondaythroughFriday-Rescind Bush Street, north side, between Sansome and Battery Streets. Tow-Away,NoStopping,7am-9amand3pm-7pm,Mondaythrough Friday-Establish Bush Street, north side, from Sansome Street to 153 feet easterly (153-foot zone). DiamondLane,7am-9amand3pm-7pm,MondaythroughFriday- Establish Bush Street, north curb lane, from Sansome Street to 153 feet easterly (153-foot zone). Tow-Away,NoStoppinganytime-Establish Bush Street, north side, from Battery Street to 122 feet westerly (122-foot zone). DiamondLane-Establish Bush Street, north curb lane, from Battery Street to 122 feet westerly (122-foot zone). Tow-Away,NoStoppinganytime-Establish Bush Street, south side, from Battery Street to 132 feet westerly (132-foot zone, eliminates meters #103, #105, #109, #111, and #113). DiamondLane,7am-9amand3pm-7pm,MondaythroughFriday- Rescind Bush Street, south curb lane, between Sansome and Battery Streets.) Adopted.

RecommendationsofRulesCommittee Passed on First Reading

[Schiefer v. CCSF, et al]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Catherine M. Schiefer v. City and County, et al., by payment of $60,000, (City Attorney) File 98-0843, Ordinance No. (Superior Court No. 986-705.) Passed on first reading.

[Patrick Wong, et al. v. CCSF, et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Patrick Wong against the City and County by payment of $45,000. (City Attorney) File 98-0876, Ordinance No. (Superior Court No. 975-085.) Passed on first reading.

[Hosea Larue Shaw, Jr. et al., v. CCSF, et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Hosea Larue Shaw, Jr., et. al. against the City and County by payment of $50,000. (City Attorney) File 98-0877, Ordinance No. (Superior Court No. 986-117). Passed on first reading.

[CCSF, v. Assessment Appeals Bd.1/Federal Reserve]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of the City and County’s lawsuit against the Assessment Appeals Board Number 1 (the nominal defendant) and the Federal Reserve Bank (the real party in interest), and applications for reduced property tax assessments pending before the Assessment Appeals Board by refunding $583,924 plus interest on any delay in payment beyond August 15, 1998. (City Attorney) File 98-0878, Ordinance No. Passed on first reading. Adopted

Resolution appointing member to the Park and Open Space Advisory Committee, for new two-year term ending July 15, 1999. (Rules Committee) File 92-97-32, Resolution No. 479-98 (Mable Ng, succeeding Gregory J. Garr, Seat No. 23313, S.F. Beautiful, term expired.) Adopted.

The foregoing items on the Consent Calendar were acted upon by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

REGULARCALENDAR NEWBUSINESS RecommendationsofFinanceCommittee Passed on First Reading

[Interim Annual Appropriation Ordinance, 1998-1999]
Interim Annual Appropriation Ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for the City and County of San Francisco for fiscal year ending June 30, 1999; companion measure to File 98-0853. (Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.) File 98-0852, Ordinance No. (Fiscal Impact.) Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[Interim Annual Salary Ordinance, 1998-1999]
Interim Annual Salary Ordinance enumerating positions in the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1999, continuing, creating or establishing these positions; enumerating and including therein all positions created by Charter or State law for which compensations are paid from City and County funds and appropriated in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance; authorizing appointments or continuation of appointments thereto; specifying and fixing the compensations and work schedules thereof; and authorizing appointments to temporary positions and fixing compensations therefor; companion measure to File 98-0852. (Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.) File 98-0853, Ordinance No. (Fiscal Impact.) Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.


[Interim Redevelopment Agency Budget, 1998-1999]
Resolution approving an interim budget of the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco for fiscal year 1998-99. (Redevelopment Agency) File 98-0936, Resolution No. 488-98 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

Passed on First Reading

[Water Rates]
Ordinance approving revised schedule of rates to be charged by the Public Utilities Commission for water service to its suburban resale customers. (Public Utilities Commission) File 98-0880, Ordinance No. (Fiscal Impact.) Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[MOU, Local 856]
Ordinance implementing the provisions of a mediated settlement agreement for a Memorandum of Understanding between the Teamsters Local 856 and the City and County to be effective July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001. (Department of Human Resources) File 98-0838, Ordinance No. (Fiscal Impact.) Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[MOU, Local 350]
Ordinance implementing the provisions of a mediated settlement agreement for a Memorandum of Understanding between the Teamsters Local 350 and the City and County to be effective July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001. (Department of Human Resources) File 98-0839, Ordinance No. Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[MOU, Municipal Attorneys Association (MAA)]
Ordinance implementing the provisions of a mediated settlement agreement for a Memorandum of Understanding between the Municipal Attorneys Association and the City and County to be effective July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001. (Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.) File 98-0886, Ordinance No. (Fiscal Impact.) Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[MOU, Local 200 (S.E.A.M.)]
Ordinance implementing the provisions of a mediated settlement agreement for a Memorandum of Understanding between the Transport Workers Union, Local 200 (S.E.A.M.) and the City and County to be effective for the period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001. Sponsor Supervisor Teng. File 98-0892, Ordinance No. (Fiscal Impact.) Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[MOU, Local 250-A (7410 Automotive Service Worker)]
Ordinance implementing the provisions of a mediated settlement agreement for a Memorandum of Understanding between the Transport Workers Union, Local 250-A (7410 Automotive Service Worker) and the City and County to be effective July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001. Sponsor Supervisor Teng. File 98-0893, Ordinance No. (Fiscal Impact.) Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[MOU, Local 250-A (Multi-Unit)]
Ordinance implementing the provisions of a mediated settlement agreement for a Memorandum of Understanding between the Transport Workers Union, Local 250-A (Multi-Unit) and the City and County to be effective for the period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001. Sponsor Supervisor Teng. File 98-0894, Ordinance No. (Fiscal Impact.) Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[MOU, Local 216]
Ordinance implementing the provisions of an arbitration award for a Memorandum of Understanding between the Building Material and Construction Teamsters, Local 216 and the City and County to be effective July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001. (Department of Human Resources) File 98-0925, Ordinance No. Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[MOU, Local 39]
Ordinance implementing the provisions of a mediated settlement for a Memorandum of Understanding between the International Union of Operating Engineers Stationary Engineers, Local 39 and the City and County to be effective July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001. (Department of Human Resources) File 98-0926, Ordinance No. Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[MOU, MEA-Bargaining Units M, EM, MSA]
Ordinance implementing the provisions of an agreement of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Municipal Executives Association (for Bargaining Units M, EM, and MSA) and the City and County to be effective July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2001. (Department of Human Resources) File 98-0928, Ordinance No. Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[Amendment to MOU, MEA-Bargaining Unit MSA]
Ordinance implementing the provisions of an amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County and the Municipal Executives Association for the period July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998 to add the Management Special Assistant Bargaining Unit ("MSA") under specified conditions. (Department of Human Resources) File 98-0931, Ordinance No. Passed on first reading by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.


[Official Newspaper, FY 1998-99]
Resolution designating the San Francisco Independent to be official newspaper for specified categories of official advertising, commencing July 1, 1998. (Purchasing Department) File 98-0882, Resolution No. 486-98 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

[Official Newspaper, FY 1998-99]
Resolution designating the S.F. Examiner to be official newspaper of the City and County of San Francisco for specified categories of advertising, commencing July 1, 1998. (Purchasing Department) File 98-0883, Resolution No. 487-98 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

RecommendationofHealth,FamilyandEnvironmentCommittee Adopted

[International Tobacco Control]
Resolution urging the United States Congress to include the International Tobacco Control Legislative Package in any national tobacco legislation, including the "Bipartisan No Tobacco For Kids Act of 1998". Sponsor Supervisor Bierman. File 98-0815, Resolution No. 484-98 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

RecommendationofHousingandNeighborhoodServicesCommittee Adopted

[Hold Harmless Agreement]
Resolution authorizing the Chief of Police to execute a hold harmless agreement with the Santa Clara County Department of Corrections and TFP, Inc., concerning participation of the Police Department in the Western-DIN Network for enhanced access and sharing of digital mugshot images. (Police Commission) File 98-0791, Resolution No. 483-98 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

RecommendationofRulesCommittee Adopted

[Statute of Limitations]
Resolution waiving the statute of limitations with respect to payment of certain warrant of the City and County, in the amount of $69,780.05, a legal obligation of the City and County. (Controller) File 98-0844, Resolution No. 485-98 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee-11.

PUBLICCOMMENT The privilege of the floor was granted to the following persons: Bob Planthold, parent participation; Carolyn, Sharon Art Studio; Wes Slagle, parking facility. There being no one else wishing to speak, the President declared the public comment portion of the meeting closed. AppointmentofPresidentProTempore At the request of the President, Supervisor Teng assumed the Chair. ConferencewithCityAttorney-Litigation FromthePresident Adopted

[Closed Session]
Motion that the Board of Supervisors convene in closed session with the City Attorney for the purpose of conferring with, or receiving advice from the City Attorney regarding pending litigation in the case of O’Hara v. City and County of San Francisco, California Court of Appeals No. A082474; S.F. Superior Court No. 992-704 (Owner-Move-In Litigation). The closed session will be held pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) and Administrative Code Section 67.11(b). SupervisorsKaufman,Newsom,YeeExcusedfromVoting. Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom and Yee were excused from voting on this item by previous action of the Board. (See Journal of Proceedings of April 13, 1998.) Supervisor Ammiano, seconded by Supervisor Medina, moved adoption. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki-8. Excused: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee-3. Recess The Board recessed at the hour of 2:59 p.m. to convene in closed session. ReconveningoftheBoard The Board reconvened at the hour of 3:09 p.m.

On call of the roll, the following Supervisors were noted present: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki-8. Noted absent: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee-3.

Quorum present.

ReportonClosedSession Adopted Motion that the Board finds that it is in the best interest of the public that the Board elects at this time not to disclose its closed session deliberations concerning the possible litigation. Supervisor Ammiano, seconded by Supervisor Medina, moved adoption. Motion adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki-8. Excused: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee-3. FORADOPTIONWITHOUTCOMMITTEEREFERENCE These measures are introduced for adoption without committee reference. A unanimous vote is required for adoption of a resolution today. Any Supervisor may require any resolution to go to Committee.

SeveredFromForAdoptionWithoutCommitteeReferenceCalendar Supervisor Ammiano requested that the following measure be severed from the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar and considered separately. Adopted as Amended

[Mission High School Health Clinic]
Resolution urging the San Francisco Unified School District to conduct a hearing to examine the issues surrounding the Mission High School Health Clinic. Sponsors Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina. File 98-0953, Resolution No. 489-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Supervisor Ammiano, seconded

By Supervisor Yaki, moved to amend lines 12 and 13 by deleting the entire "whereas" clause. Motion to amend adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki-8. Absent: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee-3. Adopted as amended by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki-8. Absent: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee-3. In connection with the above item, Supervisors Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina requested to be added as co-sponsors. SeveredFromForAdoptionWithoutCommitteeReferenceCalendar Supervisor Medina requested that the following measure be severed from the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar and considered separately. Adopted

[Suspend Thirty Day Rule]
Motion suspending Rule 5.40 of the Rules of Order of the Board of Supervisors to allow the Board of Supervisors to consider, without waiting 30 days after its introduction, units regulated by the Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance and defining base rent for units occupied by tenants receiving tenant-based rental assistance or formerly receiving project-based rental assistance or indirect assistance through HUD-insured mortgages. Sponsors Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman. File 98-0974, Motion No. M98-78 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki-8. Absent: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee-3. In connection with the above item, Supervisor Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsor. SeveredFromForAdoptionWithoutCommitteeReferenceCalendar Supervisor Medina requested that the following measure be severed from the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar and considered separately. Adopted

[Suspend Thirty Day Rule]
Motion suspending Rule 5.40 of the Rules of Order of the Board of Supervisors to allow the Board of Supervisors to consider, without waiting 30 days after its introduction, amending Article 33 of the San Francisco Police Code, Section 3304, to prohibit housing discrimination based on source of income and other economic discrimination. Sponsors Supervisors Brown, Bierman. File 98-0975, Motion No. M98-79 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki-8. Absent: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee-3. In connection with the above item, Supervisor Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsor. The Board thereupon resumed its consideration of the following items on the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar. ForAdoptionWithoutCommitteeReferenceCalendar Adopted

[Universal Declaration of Human Rights]
Resolution reaffirming support for creating public and private sector jobs at a living wage, urging the federal government to reduce military spending and to make available the savings for job creation and other social programs, and reaffirming support for the International Declaration of Human Rights. Sponsors Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Leno, Medina. File 98-0954, Resolution No. 490-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

In connection with the above item, Supervisors Katz, Leno, Medina requested to be added as co-sponsors.

[Sharon Art Studio in Golden Gate Park]
Resolution establishing a preference for the Sharon Art Studio to remain in Golden Gate Park. Sponsors Supervisors Brown, Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Medina, Teng, Newsom, Leno. File 98-0956, Resolution No. 491-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

In connection with the above item, Supervisors Newsom, Leno requested to be added as co-sponsors.

[Commending National Council of Negro Women, Inc.]
Resolution commending the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. on its Thirteenth Anniversary of the Black Family Reunion Celebration. Sponsors Supervisors Brown, Bierman, Katz, Newsom, Teng, Leno, Medina. File 98-0957, Resolution No. 492-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

In connection with the above item, Supervisors Katz, Newsom, Teng, Leno, Medina requested to be added as co-sponsors.

[Commending Freedom West Homes]
Resolution commending Freedom West Homes as it celebrates its Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of cooperative living. Sponsors Supervisors Brown, Bierman, Katz, Teng, Leno. File 98-0958, Resolution No. 493-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

In connection with the above item, Supervisors Katz, Teng, Leno requested to be added as co-sponsors.

[Backyard Wildlife Habitat]
Resolution commending the National Wildlife Foundation on the 25th Anniversary of the Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program and urging San Franciscans to garden for wildlife. Sponsors Supervisors Leno, Bierman, Katz, Newsom, Teng, Medina. File 98-0959, Resolution No. 494-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

In connection with the above item, Supervisors Katz, Newsom, Teng, Medina requested to be added as co-sponsors.

[Equal Benefits Ordinance Compliance]
Resolution commending businesses and organizations that comply with the Equal Benefits Ordinance and urging other businesses and organizations to comply with the ordinance. Sponsors Supervisors Leno, Katz, Ammiano, Newsom, Teng, Bierman, Brown, Medina. File 98-0960, Resolution No. 495-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

In connection with the above item, Supervisors Brown, Medina requested to be added as co-sponsors.

[Compressed Natural Gas Taxis]
Resolution urging the Police Commission to consider reserving a portion of taxi medallions specifically designated for compressed natural gas vehicles within the year 1998-1999 and urging the Police Department to consider allowing those vehicles to operate as taxis under the provisions of the Police Chief’s Rules for longer than gasoline vehicles may operate. Sponsors Supervisors Newsom, Ammiano, Teng, Leno, Medina, Bierman. File 98-0961, Resolution No. 496-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

In connection with the above item, Supervisors Teng, Leno, Medina, Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsors.

[Recycling of Plastic Containers]
Resolution urging support for a pilot program which will allow Recreation and Park Department to implement a youth employment program focusing on the recycling of plastic beverage containers. Sponsors Supervisors Newsom, Brown, Teng, Leno, Bierman. File 98-0962, Resolution No. 497-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

In connection with the above item, Supervisors Brown, Teng, Leno, Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsors.

[Youth Court]
Resolution urging support for a pilot program which will allow San Francisco Youth Court and San Francisco Recreation and Park Department to join together in a program that calls for Youth Court participants to perform reciprocal restitution at Recreation and Park sites, with a mutual goal of preventing recidivism among non-violent juvenile offenders. Sponsors Supervisors Newsom, Bierman, Teng, Leno. File 98-0963, Resolution No. 498-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

In connection with the above item, Supervisors Teng, Leno requested to be added as co-sponsors.

[Traffic Signal - Lake Merced Boulevard]
Resolution supporting the request for a traffic signal on Lake Merced Boulevard at Middlefield Drive and urging the Department of Parking and Traffic to proceed with the installation of this signal prior to the start of the new school year in the end of August, 1998. Sponsors Supervisors Teng, Leno. File 98-0964, Resolution No. 499-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

In connection with the above item, Supervisor Leno requested to be added as co-sponsor.

[Supporting the Return of Property Taxes]
Resolution urging the California State Legislature to support the return of property taxes to local governments. Sponsors Supervisors Yaki, Leno. File 98-0965, Resolution No. 500-98 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

In connection with the above item, Supervisor Leno requested to be added as co-sponsor.

[Winter Storms Emergency]
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the 1998 winter storms. Sponsors Supervisors Kaufman, Ammiano, Katz, Bierman, Medina, Leno, Newsom. File 98-0976, Motion No. M98-80 (June 8, 1998 - Introduced in Board for introduction on June 15, 1998.) Adopted.

The foregoing items on the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar were adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki-8. Absent: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee-3. IMPERATIVECALENDAR Resolution(s), if any, to be adopted within limits imposed by the Sunshine Ordinance and the Ralph M. Brown Act, introduced today, not on the printed agenda. For such resolutions to be considered, the Board must first adopt the following two motions. Adopted

[Purely Commendatory Finding]
Motion that the Board finds by roll call vote that the resolution(s) being considered at this time are purely commendatory. Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Leno, moved adoption. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki-8. Absent: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee-3.

[Brown Act Finding]
Motion that the Board finds by roll call vote that for the resolutions being considered at this time there is a need to take immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention of the City and County of San Francisco after the agenda was posted. Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Leno, moved adoption. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki-8. Absent: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee-3.

[Imperative Resolution]

[Commend Frameline]
Resolution honoring Frameline for being the world’s source for Lesbian and Gay film, video and alternative media. File 98-0999, Resolution No. 501-98 Supervisors Katz, Leno, Ammiano, Bierman, Yee, Brown, Medina, Teng, Newsom, Yaki, Kaufman presented for immediate adoption. Resolution adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki-8. Absent: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee-3. OFF-CALENDARLEGISLATION ROLLCALLFORINTRODUCTIONOFMEASURESANDCOMMUNICATION


[Street Tree Removal]
Ordinance amending Public Works Code by amending Sections 802, 806 and 809 to expand the public notice and appeal procedures regarding street tree removal by City agencies, commissions or departments and to permit the imposition of specified fees to compensate for the removal of a nuisance street tree; companion measure to Files 98-0992, 98-0993, 98-0994. Supervisors Katz, Bierman presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 98-0991.

[Street Tree Removal Appeal Fee]
Ordinance amending Municipal Code, Part III, by amending Section 8 to establish a fee for filing an appeal from the decision of the Director of the Department of Public Works concerning street tree removal by a City agency, commission or department; companion measure to File 98-0991. Supervisors Katz, Bierman presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 98-0992.

[Hotel Tax Protocol Allocation]
Ordinance amending Municipal Code, Part III by amending Section 515.01 to delete the allocation for the Office of Protocol. Supervisor Kaufman presented. Referred to Finance Committee.

File 98-0995.

[Business Establishments/Public Accommodations]
Ordinance amending Police Code Section 3305, making unlawful discrimination in business establishments and public accommodations between patrons who have domestic partners and patrons who have spouses. Supervisors Leno, Ammiano, Katz, Bierman presented. Referred to Health, Family and Environment Committee.

File 98-0996.

[Department of Emergency COMMUNICATION

Ordinance amending Administrative Code by amending Section 7.7 to eliminate the authority of the Director of Emergency Services to manage the City’s 911 COMMUNICATION

s facility and by adding Section 2A.200 to create a Department of Emergency COMMUNICATION

s, under a Director of Emergency COMMUNICATION

s appointed by the Mayor, to operate the City’s 911 COMMUNICATION

s facility. Supervisor Medina presented. Referred to Finance Committee.

File 98-0998.

[Treasure Island Management]
Ordinance supporting the June 2, 1998 voter approval of Proposition K, declaration of policy with respect to the operation and land use management of Treasure Island. Supervisor Yee presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 98-0997. Called from Committee

[Sutro Tower Dynamic Analysis]
Resolution directing the Director of the Department of Building Inspection to require Sutro Tower, Inc. to perform a full dynamic analysis of Sutro Tower and report the results to the Board of Supervisors before construction of any additional structures to the tower. Supervisors Bierman, Ammiano, Yee. Called from Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee by Supervisors Yee, Bierman, with direction to schedule for Board meeting of June 22, 1998. File 98-0678. Referred to Committee

[Tree Removal from City Property]
Resolution urging all City agencies, commissions and departments to adopt notice procedures for the removal of trees that are visible from the public right-of-way and to submit reports describing methods of compliance with the resolution to the Commission on the Environment. Supervisors Katz, Bierman presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 98-0993.

[Street Tree Removal, Port Jurisdiction]
Resolution urging the Port Commission to adopt notice and appeal procedures for the removal of street trees that are similar to the procedures applicable to City agencies, commissions and departments which are set forth in pending amendments to Public Works Code Section 806; companion measure to Files 98-0991, 98-0992, 98-0993. Supervisors Katz, Bierman presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 98-0994. Referred to Board

[Commend Charles Bolton]
Resolution commending Charles Bolton, Bernal Heights resident, for his decade of service and activism to make Bernal Heights a better, greener, cleaner and safer place. Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar June 22, 1998. File 98-1000.

[Commend United Parcel Service Volunteers]
Resolution commending United Parcel Service volunteers for their participation in the 1998 California AIDS Ride. Supervisors Leno, Kaufman, Katz, Bierman, Ammiano presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar June 22, 1998. File 98-1001.

[State Legislation, SB 7]
Resolution supporting Senate Bill 7, which regulates early satellite voting locations. Supervisors Yee, Ammiano presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar June 22, 1998. File 98-1002.

[Alternative Fuel Ferries]
Resolution urging the San Francisco Port Commission, the City of Vallejo and other public and private ferry operators to explore the use of ferries powered by natural gas or another alternative fuel for new or existing ferry service. Supervisor Ammiano presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar June 22, 1998. File 98-1003. Referred to Committee

[Treasure Island Development Authority]
Resolution directing the Treasure Island Development Authority to amend its bylaws and Articles of Incorporation to expand the number of directors of the Board of Directors of the Authority to fifteen, eleven of whom shall be comprised of the then current members of the City’s Board of Supervisors, or their respective designees; and four of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor. Supervisor Ammiano presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 98-1004. Referred to Board

[Hate Crimes]
Resolution condemning hate crimes. Supervisor Brown presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar June 22, 1998. File 98-1005.

[Homeless Youth Working Group]
Resolution calling for the formation of a Homeless Youth Working Group, to be composed of representatives from City departments, private and non-profit service providers, the Youth Commission and members of the Homeless Youth Community, to work in conjunction with the Homeless Coordinating Local Board to develop a strategy to address the unique needs of San Francisco homeless youth. Supervisor Katz presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar June 22, 1998. File 98-1006. Referred to Committee

[City Hall Exemptions From Proposition F]
Resolution complying with Proposition F (City Hall use and occupancy) by exempting certain departments from occupying the same space in City Hall as those departments occupied as of October 17, 1989 and by exempting certain historical exterior and interior appurtenances of City Hall as of October 17, 1989 from being preserved. Supervisors Kaufman, Teng, Bierman, Katz, Brown, Yaki, Medina, Newsom, Leno presented. Referred to Finance Committee.

File 98-1007.

Resolution appointing Isabella Horton Grant as member, Ethics Commission for a four-year term ending June 8, 2002. Supervisor Kaufman presented. Referred to Rules Committee.

File 98-1008. Referred to Board

[AIDS and HIV Health Care]
Resolution urging the Health Service Board to ensure that all health care providers who provide care for City employees, retirees and their dependents assure that high quality, comprehensive, affordable and accessible health care is available for persons with HIV by adopting the Insurance Issues Subcommittee Report from the Mayor’s Summit on AIDS and HIV and the reports recommendations. Supervisors Leno, Ammiano, Katz presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar June 22, 1998. File 98-1009. Referred to Committee

[Disaster Contingency Plans]
Resolution urging that the City and County Disaster Council provide disaster contingency plans which include provisions for the disabled population and that the council include a representative from the disabled population to aid in this project. Supervisor Medina presented. Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 98-1010. Referred to Board

[Multi-use Resources with Schools]
Resolution urging the Recreation and Park Department, the Department of Parking and Traffic, the Public Utilities Commission and the Real Estate Department to collaborate with the San Francisco Unified School District in developing a plan for multi-use of resources. Supervisor Newsom presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar June 22, 1998. File 98-1011. Referred to Committee

[Treasure Island Public Access]
Resolution urging the Treasure Island Development Authority to study and develop a limited public access plan and report the plan to the Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee of the Board of Supervisors within 30 days of the passage of this resolution. Supervisor Yaki presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 98-1012. Referred to Committee

[National Archives and Records]
Resolution urging the National Archives and Records Administration to retain a California office for housing of Asian American documents and artifacts. Supervisor Yee presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar June 22, 1998. File 98-1013. RequestsforHearings:

[Sheila Detoy Investigation]
Hearing to consider the current status and findings surrounding the incident at the Oakwood Apartment Complex resulting in the death of Ms. Sheila Detoy. Supervisor Ammiano presented. Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 98-1014.

[Presidio Trust Funds and Services]
Hearing to consider City policy regarding funds and services to the Presidio Trust. Supervisor Bierman presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 98-1015.

[MBE/WBE/LBE Program]
Hearing to consider the circumstances that may impede the realization for an effective minority business enterprise/women business enterprise/local business enterprise program. Supervisor Brown presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.

File 98-1016. Motions: Referred to Committee

[Ballot Measure, Hotel Tax Surcharge]
Motion ordering submission to the voters of an ordinance approving the continued imposition of a two percent Hotel Tax Surcharge on the rent for occupancy of guest rooms in certain hotels for General Fund purposes by amending Municipal Code, Part III, by adding Section 502.6-2. Supervisors Kaufman, Ammiano presented. Referred to Rules Committee.

File 98-1017.

[Ballot Measure, Stadium Operator Tax]
Motion ordering submission to the voters of an ordinance approving the continued imposition of the Stadium Operator Admission Tax and the Temporary Admission Tax on stadium admissions, authorizing the establishment of a supplemental stadium admission tax upon expiration of the temporary admission tax and making miscellaneous technical corrections to Municipal Code, Part III. Sections 801, 802A, 805, 807 and 841. Supervisor Leno presented. Referred to Rules Committee.

File 98-1018.

[Rules of Order]
Motion amending the Rules of Order of the Board of Supervisors by adding Section 2.23(A) in order to create a Customer Service Award for employees of the City and County of San Francisco. Supervisor Newsom presented. Referred to Rules Committee.

File 98-1019. Referred to Board

[Needle Exchange Emergency]
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle exchange program. Supervisors Bierman, Teng, Ammiano, Yaki, Kaufman, Katz, Brown, Newsom, Medina, Yee, Leno presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar June 22, 1998. File 98-1020. IntroducedbythePresidentattheRequestofDepartments Ordinances Referred to Committee File 98-0939.

[Zoning Map Amendment - 500 Raymond Avenue]
Ordinance adopting changes in property use classification as an amendment to the zoning map of the City and County of San Francisco of property located at 500 Raymond Avenue, a portion of Lot 2 in Assessor’s Block 6221, from a "P" (Public Use) District to an RH-1 (House, One-Family) District and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1; companion measure to File 98-0940. (Planning Department) (Planning Department Resolution No. 14606 adopted 3/26/98, approving proposed amendment.) (Final Negative Declaration adopted and issued 3/18/98.) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 98-0943.

[Appropriation/Settlement of Lawsuit, PUC]
Ordinance appropriating $2,300,000,Public Utilities Commission-Water Department, from Water Department fund balance to claims and judgments for fiscal year 1997-98 and authorizing settlement of litigation of Hefter v. County of San Mateo, et al. by payment of $2,300,000. RO #97260. (Alameda Superior Court No. 786568). (Controller) Referred to Finance Committee.

File 98-0978.

[Appropriation/Settlement of Lawsuit, PUC]
Ordinance appropriating $4,907,500 Public Utilities Commission-Cleanwater, from Clean Water program fund balance to claims and judgments, for fiscal year 1997-98, and authorizing settlement of litigation of Howard and Iran Billman and State Farm General Insurance Company for a total settlement of $4,907,500. RO #97261. (Superior Court No. 980-740) (Controller) Referred to Finance Committee.

Resolutions Referred to Committee File 98-0940.

[Final Negative Declaration - 500 Raymond Avenue]
Resolution adopting Final Negative Declaration, finding and determining that the reclassification of property at 500 Raymond Avenue from a "P" (Public Use) District to an RH-1 (House, One-Family) District, will have no significant impact on the environment, and adopting and incorporating findings of the Final Negative Declaration; companion measure to File 98-0939. (Planning Department) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 98-0945.

[Prop J Contract, Convention Facilities Management]
Resolution concurring with Controller’s certification that convention facilities management, operation and maintenance services can be practically performed at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium and Moscone Center by private contractor for lower cost than similar work services performed by City and County employees. (City Administrator) Referred to Finance Committee.

File 98-0946.

[Parking Regulations]
Resolution enacting and rescinding parking regulations at various locations. DPT Order No. 1508. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 98-0947.

[Traffic Regulations]
Resolution enacting and rescinding traffic regulations on various streets. DPT Order No. 1508. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 98-0948.

[Grant - Federal Funds]
Resolution authorizing the Executive Director of the Department of Parking and Traffic to retroactively apply for, accept and expend a grant in Federal funds in the amount of $440,000 for improving the traffic control system within the 3rd Street/Bayshore Boulevard signal system, within the Alemany Boulevard and San Jose signal system, and within the Upper Market Street signal system. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.

File 98-0977.

[Gift Acceptance - Union Square Renovation, DPW]
Resolution authorizing the acceptance of a gift of $500,000 from the Uptown Parking Corporation to be used to explore the feasibility of renovating Union Square Garage and Plaza. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Rules Committee.

File 98-0979.

[Lease of Property at 626 Potrero Street]
Resolution authorizing a lease of real property at 626 Potrero Street, San Francisco for the Police Department’s Narcotics and Vice Divisions. (Real Estate Department) Referred to Finance Committee.

File 98-0980.

[PIC 1998 Refugee County Plan]
Resolution approving the San Francisco Federal Fiscal Year 1998 Refugee County Plan and authorizing the Private Industry Council of San Francisco, Inc. to accept and expend federal refugee funds in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000 in line with the Refugee County Plan; placing $1,500,000 on reserve. (Private Industry Council) Referred to Economic Development, Transportation/Technology Committee.

There being no objection, the Board directed the Clerk to comply with the following requests: By Supervisor Ammiano, that Clerk of the Board provide the composition, diversity, geographic breakdown on the following ten task forces: Assessment Appeals Board (15), Building Inspection (3), Comprehensive Community Policing (11), Graffiti Advisory Board (4 from neighborhoods), Park and Open Space Advisory Committee (23), TeleCOMMUNICATION

s Policy Committee (9), Veterans Affairs Commission (11), Youth Commission (diversity), Advisory Council to the Commission on Aging (11), and Airport Noise Committee (11). By Supervisor Ammiano, that letter of inquiry be sent to Bay Area Air Quality Management District requesting information on the availability and cost of natural gas or other alternative-fueled powered ferries, including examples of jurisdictions where these ferries are operating and potential funding sources for the increased capital cost of such ferries (if any) and potential funding sources for the cost of building natural gas or other alternative fuel fueling stations. By Supervisor Ammiano, that letter of inquiry be sent to the Honorable Port Commission requesting the following information: a) list of ferry companies and/or jurisdictions that currently dock ferries in San Francisco, number of ferries each company/jurisdiction docks and any projected increased in this number; b) summary of current and proposed locations where ferries can dock, including who own/rent or will own/rent each location; and c) preliminary analysis of the feasibility of equipping one or more docking facilities on Port property with natural gas or other alternative fueling capacity. By Supervisor Bierman, that City Attorney draft Owner Move-In Reform and Senior Housing Protection Act legislation that is in substantial conformance with legislation containing in File 109-96-2. By Supervisor Bierman, that letter be sent to all departments informing them pursuant to passage of Proposition L (pending certification of the June election) each department should now notify the Board of Supervisors of any requests made by the Presidio Trust for City funds or services. File 98-1015. By Supervisor Bierman, that letter of inquiry be sent to Director of Public Health to determine the implications of the Mental Health budget for fiscal year 1998-99 specifically regarding the status and implementation of a single standard of care for patients with mental illness. By Supervisor Newsom, that letter be sent to each department requesting review and report, by August 31, 1998, on the feasibility of adjusting their department’s hours to more efficiently accommodate the public. By Supervisor Teng, that letters be sent to Department of Public Health, Department of Human Services, Department of Public Works, San Francisco Police Department, Mayor’s Office on Homelessness and Recreation and Park Department concerning the proliferation of homelessness in the Sunset District and requesting a report back within 30 days on their input and suggestions on how best to address the rising level of neighborhood specific concerns surrounding homelessness in the Sunset. The Department of Human Services and Department of Public Health are requesting to meet with neighbors and merchants in the area to discuss the current status of case workers and the potential of assigning a case worker to include the Sunset as part of their case loads.

By Supervisor Yaki, that City Attorney draft legislation to implement Proposition J (Golden Gate Park Revitalization Act) which was passed by the voters on June 2, 1998.


Motion that the Board adjourns its meeting this date out of respect to the memory of the following deceased: Doctor Sam Miller Sponsor Supervisor Kaufman. Rita Cichocki Sponsor Supervisor Bierman. Ben Louie Sponsor Supervisor Yee. Unanimously adopted by a rising vote.

There being no further business, the Board at the hour of 3:21 p.m. adjourned. John L. Taylor, Clerk N.B. This Journal of Proceedings sets forth all actions taken by the Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up. Approved by the Board of Supervisors on . I, John L. Taylor, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Journal of Proceedings of the Board meeting of the date stated and that it was approved as recited. John L. Taylor Clerk of the Board of Supervisors

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:47:03 PM