Agenda & Minutes Archive
Special Meeting
Monday, July 6, 1998, 12:00 Noon
Legislative Chamber, Room 404, 401 Van Ness Avenue
The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco met in special session on the above date with President Barbara Kaufman presiding.
The meeting was called to order at 12:08 p.m. On call of the roll, the following Supervisors were noted present:
Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 8.
Noted absent at first roll call:
Supervisors Brown, Katz, Yaki - 3.
Quorum present.
Supervisor Brown was noted present at 12:10 p.m.
Supervisor Katz was noted present at 12:09 p.m.
Supervisor Yaki excused. (See Journal of Proceedings of June 29, 1998.)
Motion that the Board of Supervisors convene in closed session for the purpose of considering the employment of a Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Legislative Administrator, and City Clerk, as permitted by Government Code Section 54957.
Supervisor Teng, seconded by Supervisor Katz, moved adoption.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 8.
Absent: Supervisors Brown, Katz, Yaki - 3.
The Board recessed at the hour of 12:10 p.m. to convene in closed session.
Reconvening of the Board
The Board, at the hour of 2:08 p.m., reconvened.
Calling the Roll
On call of the roll, the following Supervisors were noted present:
Supervisors Ammiano, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leal, Medina, Newsom, Yee - 7.
Noted absent:
Supervisors Bierman, Katz, Teng, Yaki - 4.
Quorum present.
Supervisor Bierman was noted present at 2:10 p.m.
Supervisor Katz was noted present at 2:10 p.m.
Supervisor Teng was noted present at 2:10 p.m.
Supervisor Yaki excused. (See Journal of Proceedings of June 29, 1998.)
Report on Closed Session
Deputy City Attorney Ted Lakey reported that the Board had met in closed session for the purpose of considering the appointment of a Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Legislative Administrator, and City Clerk, as permitted by Government Code Section 54957.
Motion that the Board finds it in the best interest of the public that the Board elect not to disclose its closed session deliberations concerning the potential appointment.
Supervisor Leno, seconded by Supervisor Newsom, moved adoption.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Brown, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Yee - 7.
Absent: Supervisors Bierman, Katz, Teng, Yaki - 4.
Adopted as Amended
[Appointment of Clerk]
Motion appointing a Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Legislative Administrator and City Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco.
File 98-1112, Motion No. M98-88
Supervisor Brown, seconded by Supervisor Teng, moved to amend line 2, after "appointing" by inserting" Gloria Young"; amend line 12, after "appoints" by inserting "Gloria Young"; amend line 16 after "on" by inserting "September 16, 1998".
Motion to amend adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
Adopted as amended by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
There being no further business, the Board at the hour of 2:14 p.m. adjourned.
John L. Taylor, Clerk
N.B. This Journal of Proceedings sets forth all actions taken by the Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.
Approved by the Board of Supervisors on November 2, 1998.
I, John L. Taylor, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Journal of Proceedings of the Board meeting of the date stated and that it was approved as recited.
John L. Taylor
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
Monday, July 6, 1998 - 2:00 p.m.
The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco met in regular session on the above date with President Barbara Kaufman presiding.
The meeting was called to order at 2:14 p.m. On call of the roll, the following Supervisors were noted present:
Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Noted absent at first roll call:
Quorum present.
Supervisor Yaki excused, on official leave of absence.
There being no errors, corrections or omissions, Supervisor Bierman seconded by Supervisor Ammiano moved that the Journals of Proceedings for Monday, May 11, 1998, be approved.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
Recommendations of Rules Committee
Finally Passed
[Parking Authority Representation in Organizations]
Ordinance amending Administrative Code, providing for the representation of the City and County in certain organizations. (Department of Parking and Traffic)
File 98-0888, Ordinance No. 234-98
(Amends Section 16.6-15.)
Finally passed.
[DPT Representation in Organizations]
Ordinance amending Administrative Code, providing for the representation of the City and County in certain organizations. (Department of Parking and Traffic)
File 98-0889, Ordinance No. 235-98
(Adds Section 16.6-61.)
Finally passed.
[Luz-Mary Harris, v. CCSF, et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Luz-Mary Harris against the City and County by payment of $100,000. (City Attorney)
File 98-0932, Ordinance No. 236-98
(United States District Court No. C97-3379 CW.)
Finally passed.
[Susan Brown, et al. v. CCSF, et al.]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Susan Brown and Shannon Murphy, by and through Guardian ad Litem, Susan Brown against the City and County by payment $79,000. (City Attorney)
File 98-0933, Ordinance No. 237-98
(Superior Court No. 982-030.)
Finally passed.
Recommendations of Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee
Finally Passed
[Sidewalk Width Regulations]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1061 entitled, "Regulating the Width of Sidewalks" by adding thereto Section 1542 to change the official sidewalk width of a portion of: a) Ninth Street between Brannan and Division Streets and b) Division Street between Brannan and Ninth Streets, as shown on the Department of Public Works drawing labeled Q-20-482, making findings pursuant to the General Plan and Planning Code Section 101.1 and requiring relocation, modification, or both of facilities affected by the sidewalk width regulations. (Department of Public Works)
File 98-0885, Ordinance No. 232-98
Finally passed.
[Sidewalk Width Regulations]
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1061 entitled, "Regulating the Width of Sidewalks" by adding thereto Section 1541 to change the official sidewalk width at the southwesterly corner of Bryant and Delancey Streets, as shown on the Department of Public Works drawing labeled Q-20-483, making findings pursuant to the General Plan and Planning Code Section 101.1 and requiring relocation, modification, or both of facilities affected by the sidewalk and width changes. (Department of Public Works)
File 98-0887, Ordinance No. 233-98
Finally passed.
Recommendation of Health, Family and Environment Committee
[State Grant for Child Abuse Prevention]
Resolution authorizing the Department of Human Services to retroactively accept, expend, and administer $511,338 of state funds, which include indirect costs in the amount of $12,783 based on 2 1/2% of the total award, allocated through AB 1733 by the State of California for fiscal years 1997-98, 1998-99, and 1999-2000 and authorizing the Department of Human Services to execute an agreement with the State Department of Social Services for the purpose of funding child abuse and neglect prevention and intervention services. Sponsor Supervisor Katz.
File 98-0924, Resolution No. 526-98
The foregoing items on the Consent Calendar were acted upon by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
Recommendations of Rules Committee
Consideration Continued
[Charter Amendment, Customer Service Plan]
Charter amendment (First Draft) adding Section 16.120 to require each department of the City and County to adopt a Customer Service Plan. Sponsor Supervisor Newsom.
File 98-0825
(June 29, 1998 - Consideration continued to July 6, 1998.)
Supervisor Teng, seconded by Supervisor Medina, moved to continue consideration to July 20, 1998.
Motion to continue adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
Ordered Submitted
[Charter Amendment, Taxi Commission]
Charter amendment (Third Draft) adding Section 4.133 creating a Taxi Commission to succeed to the powers and responsibilities relating to motor vehicles for hire now vested in the Police Commission and Police Department, and providing for recovery of costs. Sponsors Supervisors Newsom, Brown.
File 98-0826
(June 29, 1998 - Consideration continued to July 6, 1998.)
Third Draft ordered submitted by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
[Charter Amendment, Police Officer Retirement]
Charter amendment (Second Draft) amending Appendix A8.559 and A8.586 relating to retirement benefits for police officers (to upgrade the Tier II retirement benefits for police officers and to cap the amount of POST pay that can be included in pension calculations). Sponsors Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Teng, Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Leno.
File 98-0827
(June 29, 1998 - Consideration continued to July 6, 1998.)
Second Draft ordered submitted by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
[Charter Amendment, Firefighter Retirement]
Charter amendment (Second Draft) amending Appendix A8.588 relating to retirement benefits for uniformed members of the Fire Department who were previously paramedics. Sponsors Supervisors Medina, Teng, Bierman, Brown, Leno.
File 98-0828
(June 29, 1998 - Consideration continued to July 6, 1998.)
Second Draft ordered submitted by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
Finally Passed
[Supervisors Ballot Arguments]
Ordinance amending Elections Code, to provide that when an argument is submitted by the Board of Supervisors for publication in the voter information pamphlet, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall forward to the Director of Elections a list of the supervisors who voted for submission of the argument and a list of the supervisors who voted against submission of the argument, and the Director of Elections shall include a statement disclosing the name of each supervisor who voted for and against submission of the argument immediately following the argument in the pamphlet. Sponsor Supervisor Kaufman.
File 98-0703, Ordinance No. 231-98
(Adds Section 586.)
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
Recommendations of Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee
Finally Passed
[Permit Regulations, Horse-Drawn Vehicle Companies]
Ordinance amending the Police Code, providing regulations for the operation of horse-drawn vehicle companies and horse-drawn vehicle drivers. (Police Commission)
File 98-0795, Ordinance No. 238-98
(Adds Section 500 through 509.)
Finally passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
(Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee were excused from voting.)
[Moratorium, Owner Move-In]
Ordinance amending the Administrative Code, to provide procedures to qualify senior, disabled and catastrophically ill tenants for protection from eviction during the temporary moratorium of evictions for owner/relative move-ins; and making clarifying and technical changes. Sponsors Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman.
File 98-0805, Ordinance No. 239-98
(Amends Section 39.7(g).)
Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee, Excused from Voting
Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee requested to be excused from voting because of possible conflict of interest.
Motion adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
Supervisor Teng assumed the Chair.
The roll was then called on the pending ordinance and it was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng - 7.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
Excused: Supervisors Kaufman, Newsom, Yee - 3.
Recommendation of Health, Family and Environment Committee
Passed on First Reading
[Sunshine Ordinance]
Ordinance amending Administrative Code, to continue the exemption from public disclosure for rates of payment for managed health care contracts. Sponsors Supervisors Bierman, Katz, Brown.
File 98-0895, Ordinance No.
(Amends Section 67.24.)
Supervisor Kaufman reassumed the Chair.
Passed on first reading by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 10.
Absent: Supervisor Yaki - 1.
Roll call for introduction of ordinances, resolutions, charter amendments, requests for hearings, letters of inquiry, and letters of request to the City Attorney.
The privilege of the floor was granted to the following persons:
Bob Planthold Ann Cohen Tomasita Meda’l
Dan Greening Kevin Murphy Bill Hermann
Debra May Robin Rikert Michael Singsen
Thelma Kavanagh Joe O’Donahue Kevin Robinson
Clarence Brown Wayne Susan Schindler
Richard Carroll Jeri Maxwell Marsha Simms
Cecil Serman Enola Maxwell Ms. Shellneck
Audrey Joseph Jennifer John Der
Matt Goodwich Rodney
There being no one else wishing to speak, the President declared the public comment portion of the meeting closed.
Items 18 through 25
These measures are introduced for adoption without committee reference. A unanimous vote is required for adoption of a resolution today. Any Supervisor may require any resolution to go to committee.
[Lyric’s Young, Loud and Proud Conference]
Resolution honoring Lyric for the Third Annual Young, Loud, and Proud Conference. Sponsors Supervisors Katz, Leno, Ammiano, Bierman, Leno, Teng.
File 98-1090, Resolution No. 536-98
(June 29, 1998 - Introduced in Board for consideration on July 6, 1998.)
In connection with the above item, Supervisors Leno, Teng requested to be added as co-sponsors.
Resolution commending the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia for their outstanding work, and declaring July 5 in remembrance of "The Forgotten Holocaust Day". Sponsors Supervisors Teng, Bierman, Katz, Leno, Ammiano, Brown.
File 98-1091, Resolution No. 537-98
(June 29, 1998 - Introduced in Board for consideration on July 6, 1998.)
In connection with the above item, Supervisors Katz, Leno, Ammiano, Brown requested to be added as co-sponsors.
[State Legislation, SB 1887]
Resolution urging the California State Legislature and Governor Pete Wilson to approve Senate Bill 1887 allowing cities and counties to distribute medicinal marijuana. Sponsors Supervisors Leno, Bierman, Katz, Teng, Ammiano, Brown.
File 98-1092, Resolution No. 538-98
(June 29, 1998 - Introduced in Board for consideration on July 6, 1998.)
In connection with the above item, Supervisors Katz, Teng, Ammiano, Brown requested to be added as co-sponsors.
[Tobacco Consumption by Youth Report]
Resolution urging the Youth Commission to prepare report detailing a plan to address tobacco use among youth, particularly in light of the recent San Francisco survey on "Bidis" and the Vacaville youth efforts in making middle school and high school anti-smoking presentations. Sponsors Supervisors Newsom, Bierman, Katz, Leno, Teng, Ammiano, Brown.
File 98-1094, Resolution No. 539-98
(June 29, 1998 - Introduced in Board for consideration on July 6, 1998.)
In connection with the above item, Supervisors Katz, Leno, Teng, Ammiano, Brown requested to be added as co-sponsors.
[Youth Suicide]
Resolution urging the San Francisco Youth Commission and the Department of Public Health and their Mental Health Services Division to examine youth suicide and make recommendations to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors as to how to best address the issue. Sponsors Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Ammiano, Brown.
File 98-1095, Resolution No. 540-98
(June 29, 1998 - Introduced in Board for consideration on July 6, 1998.)
In connection with the above item, Supervisors Katz, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Ammiano, Brown requested to be added as co-sponsors.
[Federal Earned Income Tax Credit]
Resolution directing the Board of Supervisors’ Budget Analyst to conduct a survey of low-income City contracted employees to determine the percentage of those eligible for the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit and to determine the percentage of low income City contracted employees that take advantage of this tax credit. Sponsors Supervisors Leno, Newsom, Teng, Katz, Brown.
File 98-1099, Resolution No.
(June 29, 1998 - Introduced in Board for consideration on July 6, 1998.)
In connection with the above item, Supervisors Newsom, Teng, Katz, Brown requested to be added as co-sponsors.
[Needle Exchange Emergency]
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle exchange program. Sponsors Supervisors Bierman, Teng, Ammiano, Yaki, Kaufman, Katz, Brown, Newsom, Medina, Yee, Leno.
File 98-1100, Motion No. M98-87
(June 29, 1998 - Introduced in Board for consideration on July 6, 1998.)
[CSAC 1998 Challenge Awards Program]
Resolution authorizing the City and County to enter the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) Challenge Awards program for 1998. Sponsors Supervisors Kaufman, Yaki, Katz, Leno, Teng, Ammiano.
File 98-1110, Resolution No. 541-98
(June 30, 1998 - Referred to Board for consideration on July 6, 1998.)
In connection with the above item, Supervisors Katz, Leno, Teng, Ammiano requested to be added as co-sponsors.
The foregoing items on the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar were adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Newsom, Teng, Yee - 9.
Absent: Supervisors Medina, Yaki - 2.
Referred to Committee
[Appropriation, Dept of Animal Care and Control]
Ordinance appropriating $36,551, Department of Animal Care and Control, from the General Fund Reserve for salaries, fringe benefits and materials and supplies, and for the creation of one (1) position related to the care and treatment of horses, for fiscal year 1998-99; companion measure to File 98-1119. RO #98004. Supervisor Medina presented. Referred to Finance Committee.
File 98-1118.
[Zoning Map Amendment-South of Market]
Ordinance amending the Zoning Map of the City and County of San Francisco for the property located within that area generally bounded by Howard Street to the north, Thirteenth Street to the west, Eighth Street to the east and Bryant Street to the south, to reclassify portions of the property therein to South of Market Nighttime Entertainment Special Use District and the core entertainment subdistrict. Supervisor Newsom presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.
File 98-1121.
[Zoning-South of Market Nighttime Entertainment]
Ordinance amending Part II, Chapter II of the San Francisco Planning Code by adding a new Section 249.21 to establish a South of Market Nighttime Entertainment Special Use District in the area generally bounded by Howard, Thirteenth, Bryant and Eighth Streets, and a core Entertainment Special Use Subdistrict along certain portions of Eleventh and Folsom Streets; which would allow nighttime entertainment activity as a principal permitted use, establish acoustic construction and operational standards for residential and live/work developments and nighttime entertainment uses, require notices of special restrictions on residential and live/work buildings advising prospective occupants of the entertainment activities, require "good neighbor" operating procedures for nighttime entertainment establishments, allow temporary street closures as an accessory to an entertainment use, restrict certain ground-floor uses and allow parking in the COSTCO Garage; amending Part II, Chapter II of the Planning Code by amending Sections 816 and 817 and Tables 816 and 817 to cross-reference the South of Market Nighttime Entertainment District; amending Part II, Chapter II of the Planning Code by amending Section 161 to modify the residential and live/work parking requirement in the core entertainment subdistrict; amending Part II, Chapter 1 of the Planning Code by adding a new Section 104.7 to authorize the Department of Building Inspection to enforce the noise standards contained in Planning Code Section 219.21; making determination of consistency with the priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1(B). Supervisor Newsom presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.
File 98-1122.
[Police Code - Folsom Street District Noise Levels]
Ordinance amending Article 1 of the San Francisco Police Code by adding Section 49.1, creating an exception to noise limits for cabaret license holders and place of entertainment and dancehall permit holders in the Folsom Street and Eleventh Street area. Supervisor Newsom presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.
File 98-1123.
[Planning Code - Sound Attenuation in Live/Work]
Ordinance amending Part II, Chapter II of the Planning Code by amending Sections 102.13 and 233 to require that live/work units be constructed with sufficient sound attenuation to reduce exterior noise of 80 decibels to 45 decibels in the interior of the unit, amending Part II, Chapter 1 of the Building Code by adding a new Section 104.8 to authorize the Department of Building Inspection to enforce the acoustic construction standards contained in Planning Code Sections 102.31 and 233; and making determination of consistency with the priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1. Supervisor Newsom presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.
File 98-1124.
Referred to Board
[California Building Standards]
Resolution supporting the historic strength of California accessibility regulations, and opposing any lessening of their effectiveness. Supervisor Ammiano presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar July 13, 1998.
File 98-1125.
[Bay Area Court Interpreters]
Resolution urging the San Francisco Superior and Municipal Courts to support and establish competitive rates for interpreter services in the San Francisco Trial Courts equal to the Federal rate and further urge the Judicial Council to establish a Board of Representatives to determine rates and policies related to interpreter services. Supervisor Ammiano presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar July 13, 1998.
File 98-1126.
[Congratulating Lula and Emanuel Hepburn]
Resolution congratulating Lula and Emanuel Hepburn on their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. Supervisor Brown presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar July 13, 1998.
File 98-1127.
[Healthy Families Program]
Resolution commending Scott Hauge and the California Small Business Association for promoting the Healthy Families Program. Supervisors Leno, Kaufman presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar July 13, 1998.
File 98-1128.
[Commending San Francisco American Red Cross]
Resolution commending the San Francisco Chapter of the American Red Cross. Supervisors Medina, Kaufman presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar July 13, 1998.
File 98-1129.
[Gift Acceptance - Alemany Farmers’ Market]
Resolution accepting a gift from Klemmer and Associates to procure supplies and provide labor for painting and making repairs to the stalls and the bathrooms at the Alemany Farmers’ Market. Supervisor Newsom presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar July 13, 1998.
File 98-1130.
[Sharon Art Studio Conditions for Relocation]
Resolution establishing minimum conditions for successful relocation of Sharon Art Studio in the event that Recreation and Park Department should decide to relocate it. Supervisor Newsom presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar July 13, 1998.
File 98-1131.
[Renaming Myrtle Street to Alice B. Toklas Place]
Resolution urging the Department of Public Works to rename the one block expanse of Myrtle Street from Van Ness Avenue to Polk Street running east to west, Alice B. Toklas Place. Supervisors Teng, Katz, Leno, Ammiano, Bierman, Brown presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.
File 98-1132.
Requests for Hearings
[Impact of Entertainment Industry in S.F.]
Hearing to consider requesting the San Francisco Film, Video and Arts Commission to examine the impact of the entertainment industry in the City and County of San Francisco. Supervisor Ammiano presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.
File 98-1133.
[Community Correctional Reentry Center]
Hearing to consider the Department of Correction’s bid proposal to establish a Community Correctional Reentry Center to be located at 111 Taylor Street. Supervisor Brown presented. Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.
File 98-1134.
[Draft Report "Central Freeway North-South Access"]
Hearing to consider the Draft report entitled "Central Freeway North-South Access Study" recently prepared by the Department of Parking and Traffic (DPT) in cooperation with CALTRANS. Supervisor Katz presented. Referred to Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee.
File 98-1135.
Referred to Board
[Winter Storms 1998 Emergency]
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the Declaration of Emergency in connection with the 1998 winter storms. Supervisors Kaufman, Ammiano, Katz, Bierman, Medina, Leno, Newsom presented. Referred to Board for Adoption Without Committee Reference Calendar July 13, 1998.
File 98-1136.
[Housing Authority - Management Audit]
Motion requesting that a management audit of the San Francisco Housing Authority be added to the audit workplan, be given priority on this workplan, and be conducted at the earliest juncture. Supervisors Yee, Ammiano presented. Referred to Finance Committee.
File 98-1137.
Introduced by the President at the Request of Departments
Ordinances Referred to Committee
File 98-1077. [CCSF, v. Pacific Bell, et al.] Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of the City and County of San Francisco v. Pacific Bell, et. al, for the receipt of $75,000. (City Attorney) Referred to Rules Committee.
File 98-1078. [Domestic Violence] Ordinance amending Administrative Code by adding Section 5.190-7, authorizing the San Francisco Family Violence Council to establish an interagency domestic violence death review team pursuant to Penal Code Section 11163.3. (San Francisco Family Violence Council) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee.
File 98-1103. [Commercial & Interiors Construction v. CCSF] Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Commercial and Interiors Construction, Inc., et al. against the City and County of San Francisco by payment of $285,016.13. (Superior Court No. 990-209). (City Attorney) Referred to Rules Committee.
File 98-1104. [Marlene Joss-Zee and H. Scott Zee v. CCSF] Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Marlene Joss-Zee and H. Scott Zee against the City and County of San Francisco by payment of $95,000. (Superior Court No. 976-774). (City Attorney) Referred to Rules Committee.
File 98-1105. [Brenna Bavis v. CCSF, et al.] Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Brenna Bavis against the City and County of San Francisco by payment of $32,199. (U.S. District Court, N. D. Cal. No. C95-3969 CRB). (City Attorney) Referred to Rules Committee.
Resolutions Referred to Committee
File 98-1079. [Stop Intersections] Resolution designating certain intersections as "STOP" intersections. DPT Order No. 1526. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Svcs Committee.
File 98-1080. [Stop Intersections] Resolution designating certain intersections as "STOP" intersections. DPT Order No. 1526. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Svcs Committee.
File 98-1081. [Parking Regulations, Various Locations] Resolution enacting and rescinding parking regulations at various locations. DPT Order No. 1526. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Svcs Committee.
File 98-1082. [Traffic Regulations, Various Streets] Resolution enacting and rescinding traffic regulations on various streets. DPT Order No. 1526. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Housing and Neighborhood Svcs Committee.
File 98-1083. [Agreement, Parking Citation Processing] Resolution authorizing the Executive Director of the Department of Parking and Traffic to execute an agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and PRWT Services Inc. for an automated parking citation processing and collections system, including handheld ticket writing devices; companion measure to File 98-1111. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Finance Committee.
File 98-1111. [Prop J Contract, Parking Citation Processing] Resolution concurring with the Controller’s certification that the proposed contract with PRWT Services, Inc. for an automated parking citation processing and collections system can practically be performed by a private contractor for a lower cost than similar services performed by City and County employees; companion measure to File 98-1083. (Department of Parking and Traffic) Referred to Finance Committee.
Requests Granted
There being no objection, the Board directed the Clerk to comply with the following requests:
By Supervisor Brown, that the City Attorney prepare appropriate ordinance creating a bond measure to meet the deadline for the November 1998 ballot with regard to fund the necessary improvements for Laguna Honda Hospital.
By Supervisor Yee, that a letter of inquiry be sent to the San Francisco Housing Authority asking them to respond to the following questions: (1) What is the status of the requests for information from HUD. Which reports have been submitted and which are still outstanding. (2) Please submit to the Board of Supervisors copies of the budget reports the Housing Authority submitted to HUD. (3) On September 5, 1997, and again on May 26, 1998, the Board of Supervisors sent a letter of inquiry regarding the status of the report that was to be submitted to HUD regarding hate crimes. Please provide the Board of Supervisors with this critical information. (4) The S.F. Housing Authority was not awarded a $1.6 million grant for extra policing, security, after school programs, and anti-drug activities for children and youth. What rationale did the HUD grant reviews use when denying this grant request. (5) Please provide a list of requests that have been made over the past two years, and what the status is of fulfilling these requests. (6) Please provide the following information about the additional 730 staff that have been hired over the last two years: What services have resulted from this increase in staffing; what are their job functions; what hiring process was utilized; how many of those individuals who were hired, were residents of public housing?
By Supervisor Yee, that a letter of inquiry be sent to the Chief of Police requesting that he provide the Board of Supervisors with an assessment of the safety of the Housing Authority developments for the residents that live there, and an assessment of the current private security force that is providing security services to Housing Authority developments.
Motions Adopted
Motion that the Board adjourns its meeting this date out of respect to the memory of the following deceased:
Diana Jaicks (By the entire Board)
Alfred Fromm Sponsor Supervisor Kaufman.
Michael Dodge Sponsor Supervisor Ammiano.
Paul Chow Sponsor Supervisor Teng.
Walter Seiji Sano Sponsors Supervisors Teng, Kaufman..
Unanimously adopted by a rising vote.
There being no further business, the Board at the hour of 4:42 p.m. adjourned.
John L. Taylor, Clerk
N.B. This Journal of Proceedings sets forth all actions taken by the Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.
Approved by the Board of Supervisors on November 2, 1998.
I, Gloria L. Young, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Journal of Proceedings of the Board meeting of the date stated and that it was approved as recited.
Gloria L. Young
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors