Agenda & Minutes Archive
City and County of San Francisco
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

Monday, October 19, 1998
2:00 PM
Legislative Chamber - Room 404
Regular Meeting
Members Present: |
Tom Ammiano, Sue Bierman, Amos Brown, Leslie Katz, Barbara Kaufman, Mark Leno, Jose Medina, Gavin Newsom, Mabel Teng, Michael Yaki, Leland Y. Yee. |
Members Excused: |
None. |
Members Absent: |
None. |
The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco met in regular session on the above date with President Barbara Kaufman presiding.
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. On call of the roll, the following Supervisors were noted absent:
Supervisors Katz, Newsom - 2.
Quorum present.
Supervisor Katz was noted present at 2:06 p.m.
Supervisor Newsom was noted present at 3:02 p.m.
Board of Supervisors Sitting as a Committee of the Whole |
Appointment of President Pro Tempore |
The Clerk announced that Supervisor Katz will assume the Chair on all Mission Bay items. |
Supervisor Kaufman Excused From Voting |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Katz, moved to excuse Supervisor Kaufman from voting on all Mission Bay matters. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Newsom, Teng, Yaki, Yee
These items were deferred to 3:00 p.m. for consideration.
Supervisor Kaufman assumed the chair on all other items on the agenda.
981477 |
[Public Hearing] |
Supervisor Yaki |
Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to proposed ordinance approving and adopting the Redevelopment Plan for the Mission Bay North Plan Area, which is generally bounded by the north embankment of the China Basin Channel and Townsend, Third and Seventh Streets, and contains approximately 65 acres of land; approving and authorizing an Interagency Cooperation Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco, in furtherance of the adoption and implementation of the Redevelopment Plan; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; adopting findings that the Plan and related cooperation agreement are consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight Priority Policies of the Planning Code Section 101.1; and adopting other findings pursuant to the California Community Redevelopment Law.
(Companion measure to File 981440.)
The following department representatives presented brief reports: David Prowler, Marsha Rosen, Gerald Green, Jim Morales, Ms. Neches, Jessie Smith, Kate Stacey, Elaine Warren, David Madway, Anthony DeLuca.
Speakers in support of the Mission Bay project: Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.; Nelson Rising; President, Citizens Advisory Committee; Mr. Smith; Guinea Apollo; Andrea Shorter; Bob Brenner; Roberta Achtenberg; Charlotte Brown; Dave Bracker; male speaker; Jack Bair; Jim Chappell; Fred Alvarez; D. Butler; Enola Maxwell; Andrew Butler; John Barry; Bill Reed; Scott Anderson; Kathleen Wood; Thomas Campbell Reed; Ernestine Weiss; Kevin Stampley; Ron Eagle; Bob Planthold; Janin; Michael; Michael Osso; Jeff Marmer; Ruth Gravanis; Imogene Hubbard; Jesse Teppar; Claude Wilson; Jake McGoldrick; Sue Marline Day.
Speakers in opposition: Casey Allen; Lloyd Schlaegel; Neal Wright; Alice Sim; Martha Bridegam.
981478 |
[Public Hearing] |
Supervisor Yaki |
Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to proposed ordinance approving and adopting Redevelopment Plan for the Mission Bay South Plan Area, which is generally bounded by the south embankment of the China Basin Channel and Seventh Street, Interstate 280, Mariposa Street, Terry Francois Boulevard and Third Street and contains approximately 238 acres of land; approving and authorizing an Interagency Cooperation Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco, in furtherance of the adoption and implementation of the Redevelopment Plan; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; adopting findings that the Plan and related cooperation agreement are consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight Priority Policies of Planning Code Section 101.1; and adopting findings pursuant to the California Community Redevelopment Law.
(Companion measure to File 981441.)
The following department representatives presented brief reports: David Prowler, Marsha Rosen, Gerald Green, Jim Morales, Ms. Neches, Jessie Smith, Kate Stacey, Elaine Warren, David Madway, Anthony DeLuca.
Speakers in support of the Mission Bay project: Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.; Nelson Rising; President, Citizens Advisory Committee; Mr. Smith; Guinea Apollo; Andrea Shorter; Bob Brenner; Roberta Achtenberg; Charlotte Brown; Dave Bracker; male speaker; Jack Bair; Jim Chappell; Fred Alvarez; D. Butler; Enola Maxwell; Andrew Butler; John Barry; Bill Reed; Scott Anderson; Kathleen Wood; Thomas Campbell Reed; Ernestine Weiss; Kevin Stampley; Ron Eagle; Bob Planthold; Janin; Michael; Michael Osso; Jeff Marmer; Ruth Gravanis; Imogene Hubbard; Jesse Teppar; Claude Wilson; Jake McGoldrick; Sue Marline Day.
Speakers in opposition: Casey Allen; Lloyd Schlaegel; Neal Wright; Alice Sim; Martha Bridegam.
Committee of the Whole Rise and Report Without Recommendation |
981440 |
[Mission Bay North Redevelopment Plan] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Ordinance approving and adopting the Redevelopment Plan for the Mission Bay North Plan Area, which is generally bounded by the north embankment of the China Basin Channel and Townsend, Third and Seventh Streets, and contains approximately 65 acres of land; approving and authorizing in Interagency Cooperation Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco, in furtherance of the adoption and implementation of the Redevelopment Plan; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; adopting findings that the Plan and related cooperation agreement are consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight Priority Policies of the Planning Code Section 101.1; and adopting other findings pursuant to the California Community Redevelopment Law. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Ordinance No. 327-98 |
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981441 |
[Mission Bay South Redevelopment Plan] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Newsom, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Ordinance approving and adopting Redevelopment Plan for the Mission Bay South Plan Area, which is generally bounded by the south embankment of the China Basin Channel and Seventh Street, Interstate 280, Mariposa Street, Terry Francois Boulevard and Third Street and contains approximately 238 acres of land; approving and authorizing an Interagency Cooperation Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco, in furtherance of the adoption and implementation of the Redevelopment Plan; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; adopting findings that the Plan and related cooperation agreement are consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight Priority Policies of Planning Code Section 101.1; and adopting findings pursuant to the California Community Redevelopment Law. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor.
Supervisor Yaki requested that this item be continued to October 26, 1998.
Ordinance No. 335-98 |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Ammiano, moved that this Ordinance be CONTINUED ON FIRST READING. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
NOTE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 65009, the following notice is hereby given: if you challenge, in court, the adoption of the Redevelopment Plans for Mission Bay North and Mission Bay South, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors at, or prior to, the public hearing. |
Recommendations of Finance Committee |
981442 |
[Price Adjustment, Local Sale/Business Tax Revenues] |
Supervisors Kaufman, Yee, Leno, Katz, Brown, Teng, Medina, Yaki, Newsom, Ammiano |
Ordinance amending Administrative Code by adding Chapter 21C, Sections 21C.1 through 21C.4, to require adjustment of priced offers for the purpose of evaluating price contracts for the purchase of commodities to reflect direct sales tax and gross receipts tax revenues produced by the procurement for the City, the San Francisco Unified School District, the San Francisco Community College District and the San Francisco Transportation Authority.
(Adds Sections 21C.1 through 21C.4.)
Ordinance No. 322-98 |
981557 |
[County Clerk and Assessor-Recorder Fees] |
Supervisor Kaufman |
Ordinance amending Administrative Code by repealing Section 8.33 which sets certain fees for the office of the County Clerk-Recorder and by adding Sections 8.33.1 and 8.33.2, setting certain fees for the Office of the County Clerk and setting certain fees for the Office of the County Assessor-Recorder; ratifying the imposition of certain fees.
(Repeals Section 8.33; adds Sections 8.33.1, 8.33.2.)
Ordinance No. 323-98 |
Recommendations of Health, Family and Environment Committee |
981460 |
[Contract] |
Resolution authorizing the Department of Public Health, Population Health and Prevention Division, to enter into a subcontract in the amount of $6,003 with the University of California, the primary contractor, to collaborate in the Marin County Breast Cancer Study of adolescent risk factors, which includes indemnification clauses and which does not include patent infringement indemnification and false claims clauses; retroactive to July 1, 1998; waiving indirect costs. (Department of Public Health) |
Resolution No. 856-98 |
981498 |
[Contract, DPH/University of California] |
Resolution authorizing the Department of Public Health to enter into a subcontract in the amount of $13,846 with the University of California, the primary contractor, to collaborate in the "Connie Wofsy Womens HIV Study" to be responsible for the scientific conduct of this project, and which includes indemnification clauses and which does not include patent infringement indemnification and false claims clauses; retroactive to July 1, 1998. (Department of Public Health) |
Resolution No. 857-98 |
981605 |
[Contract] |
Resolution authorizing the Department of Public Health, Population Health and Prevention Division, to enter into a subcontract in the amount of $85,012 with the Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc., the primary contractor, to participate in a project for enhanced hepatitis surveillance which includes indemnification, binding arbitration, and rights in data clauses and which does not include patent infringement indemnification and false claims clauses; retroactive to July 1, 1998; waiving indirect costs. (Department of Public Health) |
Resolution No. 861-98 |
981606 |
[Grant - State Funds] |
Resolution authorizing the Department of Public Health, Population Health and Prevention Division, Community Health and Safety, to accept retroactively and expend grant funds of $358,910 from the California Department of Health Services to provide HIV-1 Viral Load Tests and to enter into an agreement which includes indemnification and rights in data clauses and which does not include patent infringement indemnification and false claims clauses; waiving indirect costs. (Department of Public Health) |
Resolution No. 862-98 |
Recommendations of the Rules Committee |
981422 |
[Long v. San Francisco Fire Department] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation entitled Long v. San Francisco Fire Department by payment of Forty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($47,000). (City Attorney)
(U.S. District Court Case No. C97-4421 (CAL).)
Ordinance No. 336-98 |
981553 |
[Settlement of Litigation - Mary L. LoBuglio] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation by the City and County of San Francisco against Mary L. LoBuglio by accepting consideration in the total amount of $71,228 plus interest at the rate of 10% per annum payable in cash on or before October 30, 1998 and filing stipulation for entry of judgment upon default to secure payment. (Treasurer-Tax Collector)
(Superior Court No. 994516.)
Ordinance No. 334-98 |
981595 |
[Sue Long Soon, et al. v. CCSF, et al.] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of Sue Long Soon against the City and County of San Francisco by payment of $90,000. (City Attorney)
(Superior Court No. 987-398.)
Ordinance No. 338-98 |
981637 |
[John A. Brady, et al. v. CCSF, et al.] |
Ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation of John A. Brady, Lorraine C. Duddy, Sharon E. Samuel against the City and County of San Francisco by payment of $55,140.25. (City Attorney)
(S.F. Superior Court Case No. 980975; California Court of Appeal Case Nos. A080127 and A083020.)
Ordinance No. 339-98 |
981457 |
[Appointment] |
Resolution appointing member to the Drug Abuse Advisory Board. (Clerk of the Board)
(Appointing Irene In Hee Sung to succeed John Entwistle, Jr., Seat 11, must represent public at large, new three-year term ending October 1, 2001.)
Resolution No. 855-98 |
981530 |
[Gift Acceptance] |
Resolution authorizing the Chief of Police to accept a gift of a forty-seven foot motor-life vessel from the United States Coast Guard. (Police Department) |
Resolution No. 858-98 |
981536 |
[Appointment, S.F. Port Commission] |
Resolution confirming reappointment of Michael Hardeman to the San Francisco Port Commission. (Mayor) |
Resolution No. 827-98 |
981537 |
[Appointments, S.F. Redevelopment Agency] |
Resolution confirming reappointment of Benny Yee and Leroy King to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency. (Mayor) |
Resolution No. 828-98 |
981538 |
[Settlement of Claim, Chung Ming Ng] |
Resolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim of Chung Ming Ng by payment of $50,000.00 (City Attorney) |
Resolution No. 859-98 |
981545 |
[Appointments, S.F. Port Commission] |
Resolution confirming appointments of Brian McWilliams and Pius Lee to the San Francisco Port Commission. (Mayor) |
Resolution No. 829-98 |
981547 |
[Appointments] |
Resolution appointing members to the Drug Abuse Advisory Board. (Clerk of the Board)
(Appointing Cedric Akbar to succeed Gregory Senegal, Seat 10, must be a provider, new three year term ending October 1, 2001; Juan Oyarzun to succeed himself, Seat 3, must represent public at large, new three year term ending October 1, 2001; Mary Louise Robinson to succeed herself, Seat 8, must represent the public at large, new three year term ending October 1, 2001; Victoria Schneider to succeed Cedric Akbar, Seat 9, must represent public at large, new three year term ending October 1, 2001.)
Resolution No. 860-98 |
The foregoing items were acted upon by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Recommendations of Finance Committee |
981607 |
[Waiving Statute of Limitations] |
Resolution waiving the statute of limitations with respect to payment of certain warrants of the City and County of San Francisco, in the amount of $11,514.07, a legal obligation of the City and County of San Francisco. (Payee, Robert C. Williams). (Controller) |
Resolution No. 863-98 |
ADOPTED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
981641 |
[Waive Statute of Limitations, Mary Williams] |
Resolution waiving the statute of limitations with respect to payment of certain warrants of the City and County of San Francisco, in the amount of $7,863.32 a legal obligation of the City and County of San Francisco. (Controller) |
Resolution No. 864-98 |
ADOPTED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Special Finance Committee/Economic Development, Transportation and Technology Committee |
981427 |
[CEQA Findings] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng |
Resolution adopting environmental findings (and a statement of overriding considerations) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and State Guidelines in connection with adoption of the Mission Bay North and Mission Bay South Redevelopment Plans and various other actions necessary to implement such plans. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Resolution No. 854-98 |
ADOPTED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981432 |
[Mission Bay North Tax Allocation Agreement] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Resolution approving and authorizing a tax increment allocation pledge agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco, concerning the pledge of net available tax increment from the Mission Bay North Plan Area for the purpose of financing public infrastructure in furtherance of the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan for the Mission Bay North project and for development of affordable housing in the Mission Bay North and South Plan Areas; authorizing and approving the incurrence of bonded indebtedness by the Redevelopment Agency not to exceed $190,000,000 for such purposes; approving the use of available housing increment produced in the Mission Bay North Plan Area for the development of affordable housing on parcels to be contributed to the Redevelopment Agency; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that the agreement is consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight Priority Policies of the Planning Code Section 101.1.
(Fiscal impact.)
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor.
Supervisor Yaki requested that this item be continued to October 26, 1998.
Resolution No. 884-98 |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Teng, moved that this Resolution be CONTINUED. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981433 |
[Mission Bay South Tax Allocation Agreement] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Resolution approving and authorizing a tax increment allocation pledge agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco, concerning the pledge of net available tax increment from the Mission Bay South Plan Area for the purpose of financing public infrastructure in furtherance of the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan for the Mission Bay South project and for the development of affordable housing in the Mission Bay North and South Plan Areas; authorizing and approving the incurrence of bonded indebtedness by the Redevelopment Agency not to exceed $450,000,000 for such purposes; approving the use of all available housing increment produced in the Mission Bay South Plan Area for the development of affordable housing on parcels to be contributed to the Redevelopment Agency; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that the agreement is consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight Priority Policies of the Planning Code Section 101.1.
(Fiscal impact.)
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor.
Supervisor Yaki requested that this item be continued to October 26, 1998.
Resolution No. 887-98 |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Teng, moved that this Resolution be CONTINUED. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981434 |
[Land Donation Agreement, UCSF Campus] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Resolution approving and authorizing a land donation agreement between the City and County and the Regents of the University of California, for the contribution to the Regents, at no transfer price of approximately 11.89 acres of City-owned present and former street areas, for the development of a new UCSF expansion campus in Mission Bay South; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that the conveyance is consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight Priority Policies of the Planning Code Section 101.1.
(Fiscal impact.)
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor.
Supervisor Yaki requested that this item be continued to October 26, 1998.
Resolution No. 881-98 |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Teng, moved that this Resolution be CONTINUED. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
Recommendations of Economic Development, Transportation, and Technology Committee |
981375 |
[Diesel Bus Purchase] |
Supervisor Teng |
Resolution approving assignment of amendment to agreement for purchase of 45 diesel buses and associated equipment and spare parts as a cooperative buying agreement between the City, AC Transit and North American Bus Industries. (Public Transportation Commission) |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Resolution No. 853-98 |
ADOPTED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
981426 |
[Mission Bay FSEIR] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng |
Motion affirming the certification of the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for the Mission Bay North and Mission Bay South Redevelopment Plans by the Planning Commission. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Motion No. M98-132 |
APPROVED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981428 |
[General Plan Amendment, Mission Bay] |
Supervisor Yaki |
Ordinance rescinding the Mission Bay Plan and approving amendments to the San Francisco General Plan. |
Supervisor Yaki presented an amendment of the whole. |
Ordinance No. 324-98 |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Teng, moved that this Ordinance be AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
PASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981429 |
[Planning Code Amendment, Mission Bay] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Ordinance amending Planning Code by amending Section 901, and figures 1 and 3 of Article 9, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1.
(Amends Section 901, Figures 1, 3.)
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Ordinance No. 325-98 |
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981430 |
[Zoning Map, Mission Bay] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Ordinance amending zoning map of the City and County of San Francisco for property located in Mission Bay area, generally bounded by Townsend Street, Seventh Street and Interstate 280, Mariposa Street, Terry A. Francois Boulevard and Third Street, to delete the height and use district classifications to a cross-reference to the Mission Bay North and Mission Bay South Redevelopment Plans and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Ordinance No. 326-98 |
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981431 |
[Subdivision Code Amendment, Mission Bay] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Ordinance amending Subdivision Code by adding the Mission Bay Subdivision Code to provide for processing of subdivision and parcel maps in the Mission Bay area, generally bounded by Townsend Street, Seventh Street and Interstate 280, Mariposa Street, Terry A. Francois Boulevard and Third Street, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Ordinance No. 329-98 |
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981435 |
[Mission Bay City Land Transfer Amendment] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Ordinance approving and authorizing the amendment and restatement of the Mission Bay land transfer agreement between the City and County, including its Port Commission, and Catellus Development Corporation; approving and authorizing the Catellus lease in connection therewith; approving indemnities and releases by the City in connection with the transactions contemplated by such documents; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that such agreement is consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight priority policies of the Planning Code Section 101.1. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Ordinance No. 330-98 |
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981436 |
[Mission Bay Port Land Transfer Amendment] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Ordinance approving and authorizing the amendment and restatement of the Mission Bay Port Land Transfer Agreement between the City and County, through its Port Commission, and Catellus Development Corporation; approving the Agency lease and the Catellus lease in connection therewith; approving indemnities and releases by the City in connection with the transactions contemplated by such documents; adopting environmental findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that such agreement is consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight Priority Policies of Planning Code Section 101.1. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Ordinance No. 331-98 |
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981437 |
[Public Trust Agreement Amendment, Mission Bay] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Ordinance approving and authorizing the amendment and restatement of the agreement concerning the public trust for Mission Bay, among the City and County, including its Port Commission, the State of California and Catellus Development Corporation; adopting findings that certain transfers of land contemplated by such agreement are authorized by and consistent with the provisions of state legislation set forth in Chapter 1143 of the Statutes of 1991, as amended by Chapter 86 of the Statutes of 1992 and Chapter 203 of the Statutes of 1997; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that such agreement is consistent with the City's General Plan and eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Ordinance No. 332-98 |
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981438 |
[Administrative Jurisdiction, Mission Bay] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Newsom, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Resolution approving and authorizing the transfer of administrative jurisdiction over certain property in Mission Bay South described as the city facilities parcel, from which the Burton Act Trust and Public Trust shall be removed in connection with the closing of the land transfer agreements, from the Port Commission to the Director of Administrative Services; approving jurisdiction over certain Mission Bay land transfer parcels in the Port; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that such transfer of jurisdiction is consistent with the City's General Plan and eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor.
Supervisor Yaki requested that this item be continued to October 26, 1998.
Resolution No. 882-98 |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Teng, moved that this Resolution be CONTINUED. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981439 |
[Mission Bay Transportation Projects Agreement]] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Resolution approving and authorizing the termination of the Mission Bay Transportation Projects Agreement between the City and County and Catellus Development Corporation; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that such action is consistent with the City's General Plan and eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor.
Supervisor Yaki requested that this item be continued to October 26, 1998.
Resolution No. 880-98 |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Teng, moved that this Resolution be CONTINUED. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981500 |
[CCSF v. All Persons - Mission Bay Project Area] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Newsom, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Ordinance authorizing settlement with defendant 1900 Third Street, LLC in litigation of City and County of San Francisco v. All Persons.
(Superior Court No. 44492.)
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Ordinance No. 333-98 |
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
981501 |
[License Agreement - 1900 Third Street LLC] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Newsom, Bierman, Medina, Brown, Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee |
Resolution approving license agreement with 1900 Third Street LLC relating to use of former City streets within the Mission Bay Development Project Area; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that the license is consistent with the City's General Plan and Eight Priority Policies of Planning Code Section 101.1. |
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Resolution No. 883-98 |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Teng, moved that this Resolution be CONTINUED. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Excused: 1 - Kaufman
Recommendations of Health, Family and Environment Committee |
981504 |
[Health Contracts] |
Ordinance amending Administrative Code by repealing Section 1.33, amending Section 19A.23 and adding Sections 19A.37, 19A.38, 19A.39, and 19A.40 to authorize the Director of Health to enter into agreements that contain an indemnification provision with University of California, UCSF/Stanford Health Care, Alameda County, San Mateo County, and San Francisco Unified School District. (Department of Public Health)
(Repeals Section 1.33, amends Section 19A.23, adds Sections 19A.37, 19A.38, 19A.39, and 19A.40.)
Ordinance No. 337-98 |
PASSED ON FIRST READING by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Recommendation of the Rules Committee |
981535 |
[Legislative Analysts] |
Motion amending the Rules of Order of the Board of Supervisors by amending Rule 6.22 to provide that Legislative Analysts at committee meetings shall furnish verbal summaries of their written reports on legislation before Committees. (Clerk of the Board) |
Motion No. M98-134 |
APPROVED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
981699 |
[Public Hearing] |
Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to proposed ordinance ordering the vacation of certain street areas within Mission Bay; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that such vacation of street areas is consistent with the City's General Plan and eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1.
(Pursuant to notice of intention given in Resolution No. 705-98 adopted August 24, 1998. Companion measure to File 981333.)
The following department representatives presented brief reports: David Prowler, Marsha Rosen, Gerald Green, Jim Morales, Ms. Neches, Jessie Smith, Kate Stacey, Elaine Warren, David Madway, Anthony DeLuca.
Speakers in support of the Mission Bay project: Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.; Nelson Rising; President, Citizens Advisory Committee; Mr. Smith; Guinea Apollo; Andrea Shorter; Bob Brenner; Roberta Achtenberg; Charlotte Brown; Dave Bracker; male speaker; Jack Bair; Jim Chappell; Fred Alvarez; D. Butler; Enola Maxwell; Andrew Butler; John Barry; Bill Reed; Scott Anderson; Kathleen Wood; Thomas Campbell Reed; Ernestine Weiss; Kevin Stampley; Ron Eagle; Bob Planthold; Janin; Michael; Michael Osso; Jeff Marmer; Ruth Gravanis; Imogene Hubbard; Jesse Teppar; Claude Wilson; Jake McGoldrick; Sue Marline Day.
Speakers in opposition: Casey Allen; Lloyd Schlaegel; Neal Wright; Alice Sim; Martha Bridegam.
981333 |
[Mission Bay Street Vacation] |
Supervisor Yaki |
Ordinance ordering the vacation of certain street areas within Mission Bay; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that such vacation of street areas is consistent with the City's General Plan and eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1. |
Supervisor Newsom requested to be excused from voting because of a possible conflict of interest.
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Bierman, moved to excuse Supervisor Newsom from voting.
Motion adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee.
Excused: 2 - Kaufman, Newsom
Supervisor Yaki presented an amendment of the whole.
Ordinance No. 328-98 |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Teng, moved that this Ordinance be AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Excused: 2 - Kaufman, Newsom
Supervisor Teng requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
PASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Excused: 2 - Kaufman, Newsom
Espanola Jackson, adopt southeast section of San Francisco;
Norman Rolfe, Peninsula Rail 2000, CalTrain;
Jakkee Bryson, homeless services;
Peter, request anti-gay ad resolution be sent to committee;
Male speaker, biotechnology industry in Mission Bay;
Genene, identification stolen, can't make police report without it;
Neil Wright, biotechnology;
Ernestine Weiss, housing, traffic problems on Eddy and Geary, tenants bill of rights;
Tate, HIV virus.
Recess |
The Board, at the hour of 4:33 p.m. , took a brief recess. |
Reconvening of the Board |
The Board, at the hour of 4:39 p.m., reconvened.
Calling the Roll
On call of the roll, the following Supervisors were noted present: Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Teng, Yaki - 7.
Noted Absent: Supervisors Kaufman, Medina, Newsom, Yee - 4.
Quorum present:
Supervisor Kaufman excused. (See supra.)
Supervisor Medina was noted present at 4:49 p.m.
Supervisor Newsom excused. (See supra.)
Supervisor Yee was noted present at 5:14 p.m.
These measures are introduced for adoption without committee reference. A unanimous vote is required for adoption of a resolution today. Any Supervisor may require any resolution to go to committee. |
981704 |
[Supporting HR-4194] |
Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Leno, Medina, Brown, Katz |
Resolution supporting Senate Bill HR-4194 which increases the amount of mortgage that the Federal Housing Authority can insure for first time home buyers. |
Supervisors Bierman, Leno, Medina, Brown, Katz requested to be added as co-sponsors. |
Resolution No. 865-98 |
981705 |
[Contract Modifications - TRW, Inc.] |
Supervisors Kaufman, Medina |
Resolution authorizing the E-911 Project Director to execute modifications to the contract with TRW which increase the contract amount up to Five Million Dollars (5,000,000.00).
(Fiscal impact.)
Supervisor Medina requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Resolution No. 866-98 |
981706 |
[Metropolitan Transportation Commission Funding for Alternative Fuel Projects] |
Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Leno, Medina, Katz |
Resolution urging the Metropolitan Transportation District to set aside a portion of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funding for projects that promote the use of alternative fuel and directing City staff to apply for CMAQ funding for alternative fuel projects. |
Supervisors Bierman, Leno, Medina, Katz requested to be added as co-sponsors. |
Resolution No. 867-98 |
981708 |
[Hate Crime Law] |
Supervisors Katz, Leno, Ammiano, Yaki, Newsom, Brown, Bierman, Teng, Yee, Kaufman, Medina |
Resolution urging the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate to adopt a hate crime law. |
Supervisor Medina requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Resolution No. 868-98 |
981710 |
[Discrimination Against San Franciscan Citizens of Iranian Descent] |
Supervisors Brown, Bierman |
Resolution urging the Human Rights Commission to conduct hearings on discrimination against San Franciscan citizens of Iranian descent. |
Supervisor Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Resolution No. 869-98 |
981712 |
[Commendation] |
Supervisors Kaufman, Bierman, Leno, Brown, Katz, Teng |
Resolution commending the International Museum of Women and urging all City officials to support the steps necessary for building a major new facility of the museum in San Francisco. |
Supervisors Bierman, Leno, Brown, Katz, Teng requested to be added as co-sponsors. |
Resolution No. 870-98 |
981713 |
[Recognizing the Animal Care and Control Department] |
Supervisors Medina, Brown, Katz, Bierman |
Resolution recognizing the Animal Care and Control Department for its outstanding work in ensuring the well being of the animals of San Francisco. |
Supervisors Brown, Katz, Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsors. |
Resolution No. 871-98 |
981715 |
[Rejection of Anti-Gay Ads] |
Supervisors Leno, Katz, Ammiano, Bierman, Kaufman, Yee, Brown, Newsom, Teng, Medina |
Resolution urging local television stations to not broadcast anti-gay television advertisements. |
Supervisor Medina requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Resolution No. 873-98 |
981716 |
[Cars Blocking Sidewalk Access Ramp] |
Supervisors Newsom, Bierman, Brown, Katz |
Resolution urging the Department of Parking and Traffic to exercise all due sensitivity to the disabled community in responding to complaints and in executing the provisions of the Traffic Code with respect to the offense of cars illegally blocking the sidewalk access ramps. |
Supervisors Bierman, Brown, Katz requested to be added as co-sponsors. |
Resolution No. 874-98 |
981717 |
[Welfare Reform for Drug Felons] |
Supervisors Newsom, Bierman, Katz |
Resolution urging the State Legislature to modify Section 115 of the federal welfare legislation which bars convicted drug felons from receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and Food Stamp benefits. |
Supervisors Bierman, Katz requested to be added as co-sponsors. |
Resolution No. 875-98 |
981718 |
[Affordable Homeownership in San Francisco] |
Supervisors Yaki, Teng, Leno, Brown, Newsom, Ammiano, Medina, Katz, Bierman |
Resolution urging the Mayor's Office of Housing to establish a Citywide goal of 1000 new affordable homeownership opportunities in San Francisco and to create a Task Force to examine and study a goal of 500 such units in the Mission Bay development. |
Supervisor Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Resolution No. 876-98 |
981726 |
[Contract Modification] |
Supervisors Yaki, Kaufman, Katz |
Resolution authorizing the Public Transportation Department to enter into Contract Modification No. 9 with Breda Costruzioni Ferroviarie S.p.A. in the amount of $167,299,822, for a total contract amount not to exceed $358,547,399.
(Fiscal impact.)
Supervisor Katz requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Resolution No. 877-98 |
981727 |
[Condemning Murder of Matthew Shepard] |
Supervisors Ammiano, Katz, Leno, Yee, Brown, Kaufman, Bierman, Medina |
Resolution condemning the anti-gay motivated murder of Matthew Shepard and urging the Wyoming State Legislature to adopt a hate crimes statute which includes sexual orientation. |
Supervisor Medina requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Resolution No. 878-98 |
981728 |
[Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Act] |
Supervisors Leno, Katz, Teng, Bierman, Brown |
Resolution condemning the United States House of Representatives for passing the Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Act (S.10) and urging the United States Senate not to pass the Act in its current version. |
Supervisor Brown requested to be added as co-sponsor. |
Resolution No. 879-98 |
981694 |
[Final Map, 1263 Oak Street] |
Motion approving final map of 1263 Oak Street, a Residential Condominium Project, being a subdivision of Lot 29 in Assessor's Block No. 1219, and adopting findings pursuant to the Planning Code Section 101.1. subject to Planning Commission Motion No. 14506. (Department of Public Works)
(DPW Order No. 171,260.)
Motion No. M98-135 |
981700 |
[Final Map, Showplace Square Lofts] |
Motion approving final map of Showplace Square Lofts, a Live/Work Condominium Project, being a merger and resubdivision of Lots 9 and 10 in Assessor's Block No. 3956, and adopting findings pursuant to the Planning Code Section 101.1. (Department of Public Works)
(DPW Order No. 171,258.)
Motion No. M98-136 |
981729 |
[Final Map, Marquee 1000 Van Ness Avenue] |
Motion approving final map of the Marquee 1000 Van Ness Avenue, a Residential Condominium Project, being a subdivision of Lot 13 in Assessor's Block No. 715, and adopting findings pursuant to the Planning Code Section 101.1. (Department of Public Works)
DPW Order No. 171,308
Motion No. M98-137 |
The foregoing items were acted upon by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Severed from For Adoption Without Committee Reference |
981711 |
[HRC Staffing and Operating Budget at SFO] |
Supervisors Brown, Bierman, Leno, Katz, Teng, Medina, Yaki |
Resolution urging the Airport Commissioners and the Director of the Airport to increase the size of the Airport's HRC staff and budget to ensure that the constitutional rights of San Francisco citizens are being protected at construction sites at the Airport and to ensure that the City's non-discrimination codes and ordinances are effectively implemented. |
Supervisor Brown requested this item be severed for the purpose of continuing it to October 26, 1998. |
Supervisors Bierman, Leno, Katz, Teng requested to be added as co-sponsors. |
Supervisor Brown, seconded by Supervisor Leno, moved that this Resolution be CONTINUED. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
981714 |
[Commendation] |
Supervisor Yee |
Resolution commending the Chinese/Vietnamese workshops of the Express to Success Program for successful training and placement of Vietnamese and Chinese individuals who are transitioning from welfare to work and recognizing the staff for their commitment to the success of the program. |
Supervisor Yee requested this item be severed for the purpose of moving an amendment. |
Resolution No. 872-98 |
Supervisor Yee, seconded by Supervisor Ammiano, moved that this Resolution be AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Supervisors Brown, Katz, Bierman requested to be added as co-sponsors. |
ADOPTED AS AMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Resolution(s), if any, to be adopted within limits imposed by the Sunshine Ordinance and the Ralph M. Brown Act, introduced today, not on the printed agenda. For such resolutions to be considered, the Board must first adopt the Serious Injury Finding or the Purely Commendatory Finding and the Brown Act Finding. Each motion requires 8 votes or a unanimous 6 or 7. A unanimous vote is required for the resolution(s). For such resolutions to be considered, the Board must first adopt the following two motions. |
[Serious Injury Finding] Motion that the Board find that for the resolution(s) being considered at this time "the need to take action is so imperative as to threaten serious injury to the public interest if action is deferred to a later meeting." |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Katz, moved adoption. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
[Brown Act Finding] Motion that the Board find by roll call vote that for the resolutions being considered at this time there is a need to take immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention of the City and County of San Francisco after the agenda was posted. |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Katz, moved adoption. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
981748 |
[New Absentee Ballots] |
Supervisors Yaki, Kaufman, Bierman, Medina, Katz |
Resolution urging the Department of Elections immediately to mail to the voters of San Francisco new absentee ballots with Chinese translation for all candidates' names, and to include a letter of explanation (in Chinese and English), and urging the Department of Elections to make certain that all ballots intended for use on election day shall also include Chinese translation for the names of all of the candidates whose names appear on the ballot. |
Supervisor Katz, seconded by Supervisor Yaki, moved the previous question with Supervisor Bierman as the second seconder. The Clerk then stated, "Shall the previous question be now put?". The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 10 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Katz, moved immediate adoption. The resolution was refused adoption by the following vote: |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki
Noes: 1 - Yee
Absent: 1 - Newsom
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Katz, moved that the City Attorney be directed to send letter to the Superior Court indicating the Board of Supervisors considered a Resolution urging the Department of Elections immediately to mail to the voters of San Francisco new absentee ballots with Chinese translation for all candidates' names, and to include a letter of |
Ayes: 9 - Ammiano, Bierman, Katz, Kaufman, Leno, Medina, Teng, Yaki, Yee
Absent: 2 - Brown, Newsom
REFERRED to the Rules Committee. |
Introduced by Supervisors or Mayor |
981744 |
[Ammunition Sales Registration] |
Supervisors Yaki, Leno, Katz |
Draft ordinance amending Police Code by amending Section 618, to require vendors to obtain the thumbprint or fingerprint of persons purchasing firearm ammunition.
(Amends Section 618.)
10/19/98, ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee, expires on 11/18/1998. |
981745 |
[Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Membership] |
Supervisor Brown |
Ordinance amending Administrative Code by amending Section 67.30 to add two members to the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, one member being a journalist from the minority press or electronic media and one member being an additional member of the public who has demonstrated interest in or has experience in the issues of citizen access and participation in local government.
(Amends Section 67.30.)
10/19/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee. |
Ordinance No. 387-98 |
981755 |
[Ammunition Sale Prohibition] |
Supervisors Yaki, Leno, Katz, Bierman |
Draft ordinance amending Police Code by adding Section 613.10-2, to prohibit sales of firearm ammunition during the weeks immediately preceding New Year's Eve and the Fourth of July.
(Adds Section 613.10-2.)
10/19/98, ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee, expires on 11/18/1998. |
981746 |
[Privatizing Harding and Lincoln Golf Courses] |
Supervisor Brown |
Resolution directing the Budget Analyst to prepare a report on the impact of privatizing the operation and maintenance of the golf courses at Harding and Lincoln Parks. |
10/19/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee. |
981747 |
[Civil Filing and Appearance Fees for Law Library] |
Supervisor Brown |
Resolution increasing civil filing and appearance fees provided in Business and Professions Code Section 6321, 6322, 6322.1 for the operation of the Law Library. |
10/19/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance Committee. |
Resolution No. 980-98 |
981749 |
[Year 2000 Contingency Plan] |
Supervisors Katz, Bierman |
Resolution requesting the City departments responsible for San Francisco's public safety develop contingency plans to continue business operations in case of a year 2000 emergency. |
10/19/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
981750 |
[Disaster Debris Recycling] |
Supervisor Katz |
Resolution urging City departments to maximize disaster debris landfill diversion. |
10/19/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Health, Family, and Environment Committee. |
981751 |
[Treasure Island Development Authority] |
Mayor |
Resolution approving and authorizing the Treasure Island Development Authority to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with the Navy whereby the Treasure Island Development Authority will assume certain responsibilities regarding the operation and maintenance of Treasure Island, and the Navy will reimburse the Authority for the costs therefor. |
10/19/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Economic Development, Transportation, and Technology Committee. |
Resolution No. 938-98 |
981752 |
[Abolishing Homosexual Panic Defense] |
Supervisors Leno, Bierman |
Resolution deploring the use of "Homosexual Panic" theory as a defense against hate crimes and urging the California State Legislature to examine the use of "Homosexual Panic" as a means of invoking a diminished capacity defense to specific intent crimes such as murder. |
Resolution No. 905-98 |
981753 |
[Commendation] |
Supervisors Medina, Katz, Bierman, Ammiano, Yaki, Brown, Leno |
Resolution commending the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) on the occasion of "Adopt a Dog Month". |
Resolution No. 906-98 |
981756 |
[Commendation] |
Supervisors Medina, Yaki, Brown |
Resolution commending the San Francisco Municipal Court Bail Committee for reviewing and revising bail rates in the City and County of San Francisco. |
Resolution No. 907-98 |
981757 |
[San Francisco Beautiful Day] |
Supervisors Teng, Bierman, Brown, Katz, Leno, Kaufman, Medina, Newsom, Ammiano, Yaki |
Resolution commending San Francisco Beautiful for its devotion to creating, enhancing and retaining civic beauty and declaring October 22, 1998 as "San Francisco Beautiful Day" in San Francisco. |
Resolution No. 908-98 |
981758 |
[Ralph J. Torrisi Day] |
Supervisors Teng, Bierman, Medina, Ammiano, Yaki, Brown, Katz |
Resolution honoring Ralph J. Torrisi for his distinguished work and outstanding contributions to the labor movement and declaring October 15, 1998 "Ralph J. Torrisi Day" in San Francisco. |
Resolution No. 909-98 |
981759 |
[Commendation] |
Supervisors Ammiano, Bierman, Medina, Yaki, Brown, Katz |
Resolution commending the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for acting quickly to remove a covenant in the Lakeside Property Owners Association bylaws that barred non-whites from living in the subdivision. |
Resolution No. 910-98 |
981098 |
[Mental Health System] |
Supervisors Bierman, Katz |
Hearing to consider the status of the mental health system in San Francisco, particularly with regard to availability and types of services offered, accessibility to these services, eligibility requirements for services and success in implementing a single standard of care. |
6/29/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Health, Family, and Environment Committee. |
10/19/98, SUBSTITUTED. |
10/19/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Health, Family, and Environment Committee. |
981760 |
[Public Health and Safety in Haight-Ashbury] |
Supervisor Leno |
Hearing to consider the public health and safety in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood. |
10/19/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
981761 |
[Police Department Staffing] |
Supervisor Brown |
Hearing to consider the full staffing of the San Francisco Police Department pursuant to the provisions of the San Francisco Charter, to determine whether S.F.P.D. can and will come into compliance with the Charter in the near future. |
10/19/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
981762 |
[Stop Intersection, Lyon and Jackson Streets] |
Supervisor Brown |
Hearing to consider whether a stop sign can be posted at the intersection of Lyon and Jackson Streets. |
10/19/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
981763 |
[Inebriation in Public] |
Supervisor Brown |
Hearing to consider issues facing the City with regard to public drunks, whether the current facilities that serve these individuals are adequate and whether there are sufficient number of such facilities. |
10/19/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee. |
981764 |
[Needle Exchange Program] |
Supervisors Bierman, Teng, Ammiano, Yaki, Kaufman, Katz, Brown, Newsom, Leno, Medina, Yee |
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle exchange program. |
Motion No. M98-139 |
Introduced by the President at the Request of Departments |
981702 |
[Grant - State] |
Resolution authorizing the Department of Public Health, Population Health and Prevention Division, Emergency Medical Services, to accept retroactively and expend a grant in the amount of $20,000 from the State EMS Authority to complete the local EMS Plan and to enter into an agreement which includes a rights in data clause and which does not include patent infringement indemnification and false claims clauses. (Department of Public Health) |
10/13/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Health, Family, and Environment Committee. |
Resolution No. 916-98 |
981703 |
[Grant - Private] |
Resolution authorizing the Department of Public Health, Population Health and Prevention Division, HIV Research Section, to accept retroactively and expend a grant in the amount of $321,317 from Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc. to conduct a preventive HIV vaccine Phase III efficacy trial and to enter into an agreement which includes indemnification and rights in data clauses and which does not include patent infringement indemnification and false claims clauses. (Department of Public Health) |
10/13/98, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Health, Family, and Environment Committee. |
Resolution No. 917-98 |
Requests Granted |
By Supervisor Leno, that City Attorney prepare legislation which would create a three year amnesty program for the legalization of decks, rear stairways, balconies, fire escapes, porches and other building attachments.
By Supervisor Medina, that City Attorney draft legislation to require that the Department of Emergency Communication maintain a report on total number of non-English phone calls to the 911 system.
By Supervisor Brown, that letter be sent to Terry Hill, Mayor's Office of Homelessness, to inquire as to the level of safety within the shelters, the quality of services such shelters provide and the level of funding to the shelters.
In Memoriams |
Motion that the Board adjourn its meeting this date out of respect to the memory of the following deceased:
Lemula Bynum David "Bubba" Thompson Chambers (Supervisor Bierman)
Susanne Bartnell, (Supervisors Yee, Ammiano, Bierman)
Clovis Johnson (Supervisor Brown)
Joe Samson (Supervisor Kaufman)
There being no further business, the Board at the hour of 6:40 p.m. adjourned.
Gloria L. Young, Clerk
N.B. The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.
Approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 11, 1999.
I, Gloria L. Young, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Minutes of said Board on the date stated and was approved as recited.
©1999 City & County of San Francisco 04/16/99