Sox Kitashima, Day of Remembrance: Julie Hatta, letter from YWCA and GFTA funding; Rev. Gary Barbaree, Day of Remembrance; Karen Kai, Japanese YWCA, Day of Remembrance; Abdulla
Megahed, homeless, police harassment; J. B. Saunders, Black History Month; L. Schlogel, Municipal Railway; Betty Walker, permanent housing for fire victims; Daniel Pieste,
homeless; Jakkee Bryson, Episcopal Sanctuary report, welfare workfare fraud, stop light in front of City Hall; Dave Mcguire, emergency from single room occupancy fires; Male speaker,
fire victim, housing need; Enka Espinosa, permanent housing; James Tracy, replacement of permanent housing for victims of fires; Male speaker, long term housing; Jesse Turner,
housing; Rboert J. Gray, hotel abusive tactics; Marisa Raymond, fire victim, retrival of belongings; Lisa Caramat, fire victim, permanent housing; Bill Sorro, single room occupancy
fires; Chris Daly, SRO hotel fire disaster relief, 21-28 day limit; Nick Pagovlatos, assistance to hotel fire victims, code enforcement; Amie Fishmon, SRO fire disaster response
plan; Male speaker, victim of Hartland Hotel fire, code violation; Female speaker, victim of Hartland Hotel fire, code violation; Male speaker, voucher hotel; Female speaker,
homeless agenda