Agenda & Minutes Archive
City and County of San Francisco
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

Thursday, December 23, 1999
11:00 AM
Legislative Chamber - Second Floor
Special Meeting
Board of Supervisors TOM AMMIANO, PRESIDENT
Members Present: |
Alicia Becerril, Sue Bierman, Amos Brown, Barbara Kaufman, Mark Leno, Mabel Teng, Michael Yaki. |
Members Excused: |
None. |
Members Absent: |
Tom Ammiano, Leslie Katz, Gavin Newsom, Leland Y. Yee. |
The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco met in special session on the above date.
In the absence of President Ammiano, the Clerk of the Board called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m. On call of the roll, the following Supervisors were noted absent:
Supervisors Ammiano, Katz, Newsom, Yee - 4.
Quorum present.
Supervisor Ammiano was excused. (See infra.)
Supervisor Katz was excused. (See infra.)
Supervisor Newsom was excused. (See infra.)
Supervisor Yee was excused. (See infra.)
The Clerk announced that in the absence of the President it has been past practice that the Supervisor who will be last on "roll call" for introduction may be appointed as President Pro Tempore for this meeting. In the absence of Supervisor Newsom, Supervisor Leno would be the next person to nominate.
Appointment of President Pro Tempore |
Supervisor Teng, seconded by Supervisor Bierman, moved to appoint Supervisor Leno as President Pro Tempore for this meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 7 - Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno, Teng, Yaki
Absent: 4 - Ammiano, Katz, Newsom, Yee
Supervisors Ammiano, Katz, Newsom, Yee Excused from Attendance |
Supervisor Yaki, seconded by Supervisor Kaufman, moved to excuse Supervisors Ammiano, Katz, Newsom, Yee from attending today's meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: |
Ayes: 7 - Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno, Teng, Yaki
Absent: 4 - Ammiano, Katz, Newsom, Yee
Recommendations of Rules Committee |
992224 |
[Rebuttal Argument, Bond, Park and Recreation Facilities] |
Supervisor Newsom |
Motion authorizing rebuttal to opponent's ballot argument against Proposition A, a bond measure regarding recreation and parks bond. |
Motion No. M99-157 |
APPROVED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 7 - Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno, Teng, Yaki
Absent: 4 - Ammiano, Katz, Newsom, Yee
992225 |
[Rebuttal Argument, Bond, California Academy of Sciences] |
Supervisor Yaki |
Motion authorizing rebuttal to opponent's ballot argument against Proposition B, a bond measure regarding California Academy of Sciences bond. |
Supervisor Yaki requested the City Attorney to confer with the Director of Elections and report back to the Board concerning signature consent authority to represent an organization on a ballot argument and how the signature of the person signing for the entity is verified to determine whether the entity truly supports the measure. |
Motion No. M99-158 |
APPROVED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 7 - Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno, Teng, Yaki
Absent: 4 - Ammiano, Katz, Newsom, Yee
992223 |
[Rebuttal Argument, Charter, Park, Recreation and Open Space Fund] |
Supervisor Newsom |
Motion authorizing rebuttal to opponent's ballot argument against Proposition C, a charter amendment regarding park, recreation and open space fund. |
Motion No. M99-156 |
APPROVED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 7 - Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno, Teng, Yaki
Absent: 4 - Ammiano, Katz, Newsom, Yee
992222 |
[Rebuttal Argument, Charter, Medical/Retirement Benefits for Members of the Board of Supervisors] |
Supervisor Ammiano |
Motion authorizing rebuttal to opponent's ballot argument against Proposition D, a charter amendment regarding health and retirement benefits for members of the Board of Supervisors. |
Motion No. M99-155 |
APPROVED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 7 - Becerril, Bierman, Brown, Kaufman, Leno, Teng, Yaki
Absent: 4 - Ammiano, Katz, Newsom, Yee
There being no further business, the Board at the hour of 11:15 a.m. adjourned.
Gloria L. Young, Clerk
N.B. The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.
Approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 18, 2000.
I, Gloria L. Young, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Minutes of said Board on the date stated and was approved as recited.