Ernestine Weiss, Ferry Park, traffic study; Abdalla Megahed, gift for family of Xiana Fairchild; Eula Walters, Sunshine rule, opposes appointments of SPUR, San Francisco Beautiful to
Recreation and Park; James McCrag, Jr., Dr. Amos C. Brown, Walter Johnson, Nat Mason, Peter Graham Cohn, Mike Benardo, Arnold Townsend, Mary Helen Rogers, Carmen Johnson, James Ryan,
supporters of Mr. Leroy King; Norman Rolf, Dan Krause, Richard Mlynarik, Santa Clara Bart funds, Transbay Terminal Joint Powers Agency; Eric Mills, opposes live animal markets, urges
funding for Animal Control and Welfare for enforcement purposes; Frederick Hobson, Vincent Hubbard incident, needs for community policing; Tracy Aubuchon, public safety; Nicholas
Rosenberg, Adopt a Block program, property owner accountability; Abel, supports creation of municipal utility district, power emergency; Margaret Okuzcimi, David Llewellyn, Maria, Matt
Williams, support Transbay Terminal Joint Powers Agency; Frankie Jacobs Gillette, African American History Month, accomplishments of African Americans working for the City; Roberto
Mendez, Vincent Hubbard, support Leroy King; Tom Radavich, supports BART extension, Transbay Terminal project; Ross Merkirimi, supports creation of municipal utility district, urges
extending goodwill to Brisbane, message to Sacramento representatives.