Resolution appointing Ann Togia, Rose Toney, Deanna Rossi, Marie Hoemke, Mariaelena Alioto, Veroncia Lightfoot, Ann Melamed, Mary Higgins, Carolyn Noble, Peg Strub, Carla Furtado, Ben Loewy, Beth Saiki, Barbara Conner Andersen, Julie McKown, Lisa Kroon, Diedra Epps-Miller, John Balmes, and Micheal Walter Green, terms ending June 30, 2003, to the Asthma Task Force, waiving residency requirement.
Ann Togia, new appointment, seat 1, must be a representative of community-based organization that provides advocacy related to asthma issues in San Francisco, for a new two-year term ending June 30, 2003; Rose Toney, new appointment, seat 2, must be a representative of community-based organization that provides advocacy related to asthma issues in San Francisco, for a new two-year term ending June 30, 2003; Deanna Rossi, new appointment, seat 3, must be a representative of childcare coordinating/advocacy organizations, for a new two-year term ending June 30, 2003; Marie Hoemke (residency requirement waived), new appointment, seat 4, must be an individual who is either person with asthma, the parent of a child with asthma, or an asthma patient advocate, for a new two-year term ending June 30, 2003; Mariaelena Alioto, new appointment, seat 5, must be an individual who is either person with asthma, the parent of a child with asthma, or an asthma patient advocate, for a new two-year term ending June 30, 2003; Veroncia Lightfoot, new appointment, seat 6, must be an individual who is either person with asthma, the parent of a child with asthma, or an asthma patient advocate, for a new two-year term ending June 30, 2003; Ann Melamed, new appointment, seat 7, must be a representative of an environmental health/justice organization, for a new two-year term ending June 30, 2003; Mary Higgins, new appointment, seat 8, must be a representative of an environmental health/justice organization, for a new two-year term ending June 30, 2003; Carolyn Noble (residency requirement waived), new appointment, seat 9, must be a representative of a hospital association or health care provider institution, for a new two-year term ending June 30, 2003; Peg Strub, new appointment, seat 10, must be a representative of a hospital association or health care provider institution, for a new two-year term ending June 30, 2003;