From: Supervisor Ammiano
To: City Attorney
Requesting/Inquiring: To draft legislation to implement the recommendations of the Live/Work Task Force.(See attachment)
From: Supervisor Maxwell
To: General Manager, Public Utilities Commission
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the feasibility of replicating Oakland's Recycled Water Program, specifically:
1. Current City programs to use recycled water, such as to irrigate golf courses or for industrial cooling applications.
2. How can the City and County of San Francisco replicate Oakland's East Bayshore Recycled Water Project through which high-rise buildings are being fitted with dual plumbing systems to utilize recycled water.
3. Other potential programs to utilize recycled water.
Due: September 17, 2001
From: Supervisor Maxwell
To: City Attorney
Requesting/Inquiring: Submitting inquiry regarding inclusion of the non-discrimination policy in City agreements.
1. List all agreements entered into by City departments that are not subject to Administrative Code Chapter 12B, the city's non-discrimination policy.
2. Explain if there is any legal reason why these agreements, while they may not be required by City policy to incorporate Chapter 12B, would be precluded from incorporating such a non-discrimination policy.
3. The timeline and process by which a City department could incorporate such a non-discrimination policy in its agreements.
Due: August 22, 2001
From: Supervisor Maxwell
To: Executive Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: To report on the street width, feasibility of creating bicycle lanes, and recommendation for implementing bicycle lane improvements, and a description of the process and timeline, for the following streets:
1. Indiana between Mariposa and Cesar Chavez
2. Jerrold between Bayshore