From: Supervisor Gonzalez
To: Executive Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: To provide information on steps they are taking or are planning to take for traffic and pedestrian safety for the Fell and Oak Street corridor.
From: Supervisor Hall
To: City Attorney
Requesting/Inquiring: To draft an amendment to Section 540 of the Elections Code that (1) allows drafters of arguments to submit only one argument per ballot measure; and that (2) creates a new fourth priority in Sections 545 (a)(I) and 545 (a)(2) for any other elected public office holder at the state or local level who is registered to vote in San Francisco (excluding members of state or county party central committees).
From: Supervisors Hall, Newsom
To:Director, Mayor's Office of Housing
Requesting/Inquiring: 1996 Proposition A - Affordable Housing Funds
1. How many units of housing were created with the Prop A funds?
2. What was the average cost per square foot/cost per unit?
3. What was the racial, ethnic, age and income level breakdown of the individuals who received this housing?
4. What non-profit organizations received funding to construct the affordable housing, and how much was given to each non-profit organization?
5. What properties were purchased with the funds, and/or what properties were refinanced with the funds (by location)?
6. Who is the current titleholder for each property developed?
7. Please provide a copy of the original bond covenant.
From: Supervisor Hall
To: Director, Mayor's Office of Homelessness
To: Director, Department of Human Services
Requesting/Inquiring: That the Directors of the Mayor's Office of Homelessness and the Department of Human Services report on spending on Homeless Services, specifically:
1. During fiscal year 2000/01, the Department of Human