From: Supervisor Ammiano
To: City Librarian, Public Library
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting that the City Librarian consider
naming a Branch Library after former State Senator Mr. Milton Marks.
From: Supervisor Daly
To: City Attorney
Requesting/Inquiring: To draft separate ordinances that would:
1. Provide for a gift ban for all elected officials.
2. Prohibit the use of public funds for the printing or mailing
of greeting cards.
From: Supervisor Hall
To: Director, Department of Public Health
To: Director, Department of Human Services
To: Director, Mayor’s Office of Community Development
To: Director, Mayor’s Office of Housing
To: Director, Department on the Status of Women
To: Director, Department of Children, Youth and Their Families
To: Director, Redevelopment Agency
Requesting/Inquiring: That the Directors of the Department of Public
Health, Human Services, Community Development, Mayor’s Office of Housing,
Department on the Status of Women, Department of Children, Youth and
Their Families and the Redevelopment Agency report what funds are allocated
to organizations (according to the "Survey of the Cost of Direct Services
Provided to the Homeless Population") that provide direct services to
the homeless population, with a copy of each organization’s annual budget.
Moreover, please determine what standards each organization employs
when determining who receives the services offered.
From: Supervisor Hall
To: Presiding Judge, Superior Court
Requesting/Inquiring: Inquiring why San Francisco Superior Court
is cutting back their services (by closing a half-hour earlier) while
increasing the cost of their services?
From: Supervisor Hall
To: Executive Director, Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)
Requesting/Inquiring: To contact the proper representative for each
California City and