From: Supervisor Ammiano
To: Director, Department of Recreation and Park (Yomi Agunbiade)
Requesting/Inquiring: Please provide date specific timelines for the remedying of all of the following matters regarding the Potrero Del Sol Park:
1. When will the water fountain be re-ordered and installed near the children's play area? This fountain was very clearly promised to the community on numerous occasions, including the ground breaking ceremony. Please let me know exactly when this will be installed.
2. The two honeysuckle vines that were killed during the construction of the school fence need to be replaced. When will this happen?
3. The gate needs to be open from the park to the picnic area next to the school. The picnic areas are all being well used and this area should be open all summer. When will this happen?
4. There needs to be more trash cans in the park. There are currently only two at the children's play area, one by the skate park that is constantly full and overflowing ,and only one by the three picnic areas. People are trying to pick up their trash, but they can't if there is nowhere to put it.
5. There seems to be a problem with the irrigation system. Sprinklers were on all day and night last weekend along the Potrero Avenue edge of the soccer field. When will this be fixed?
6. The fountain is not on or filled with water and should be operational for the community. When will it be operational? What about the main sign and the artwork?
From: Supervisor Ammiano
To: Chief, Police Department
To: Director, Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice (Kevin Ryan)
Requesting/Inquiring: Many other major cities have a Violent Crime Task Force consisting of motivated officers drawn from specialized units within the department such as Gang Squad, designed for lightning fast and enduring responses to incidences of violent