Petitions and Communications received from October 27, 2009, through November 2, 2009, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on November 10, 2009.
From Office of the Mayor, submitting letter vetoing proposed legislation regarding the "Confidentiality of Juveniles' Immigration Status" an amendment to the Sanctuary Ordinance. File No. 091032, Copy: Each Supervisor(1)
From Supervisor David Campos, submitting copy of letter sent to Mayor Newsom regarding his veto of legislation concerning the "Confidentiality of Juveniles' Immigration Status" amendment to the Sanctuary Ordinance; and extending a formal invitation to Mayor Newsom to debate the matter publicly. File No. 091032, Copy: Each Supervisor, City Attorney (2)
From Supervisor Eric Mar, submitting copy of letter sent to Mayor Newsom regarding his veto of legislation concerning the "Confidentiality of Juveniles' Immigration Status" amendment to the Sanctuary Ordinance. File No. 091032, Copy: Each Supervisor, City Attorney (3)
From Human Services Agency, submitting the interim plan to coordinate all foster care placement improvement plans among the Juvenile Probation Department, Department of Public Health, and the Human Services Agency for children and youth in need of high-end residential treatment. Copy: Each Supervisor (4)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interest for Jennifer Stuart, Legislative Aide to Supervisor Alioto-Pier, leaving. (5)
From the Airport, submitting request for release of reserved funds for workforce development in the amount of $1,000,000. (6)
From State Office of Historic Preservation, submitting notice that the Tobin House was placed on the National Register of Historic Places, this property has also been listed in the California Register of Historical Resources, pursuant to Section 4851(a) (2) of the Public Resources Code. Copy: Each Supervisor (7)
From Office of the Controller, submitting report concerning the review of franchise fee payments Pacific Gas and Electric Company made to the City and County of San Francisco to use its streets to transmit, distribute, and supply electricity and gas within the City.(8)
From Office of the Controller, submitting report concerning the audit of DFS Group, L.P. DFS has a ten year agreement through December 2010 with the Airport Commission. (9)
From Department of Public Works, submitting the "2000 Branch Library Improvement Bond Quarterly Report" for the third quarter of 2009 (July through September). (10)
From T-Mobile, submitting a notification letter regarding placement of cellular antennas at 959 Peralta Avenue. (11)
From concerned citizens, regarding the "Confidentiality of Juveniles' Immigration Status" an amendment to the Sanctuary Ordinance. File No. 091032, 7 letters (12)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the expansion of Redwood Park to 555 Washington Street. 10 letters (13)
From Office of the Controller, submitting the annual year-end performance measure report for FY 2008-2009. (14)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status of removing graffiti from garbage cans and mailboxes located at various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20090922-002) (15)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status of removing graffiti from metal and wood poles located at various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20090922-004) (16)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status of removing graffiti from utility and emergency boxes located at various locations in District 5. (Reference No. 20090922-005) (17)
From Planning Department, regarding notice of environmental review for the Auxiliary Water Supply System Seismic Upgrade. (18)
From Arthur Evans, regarding Supervisor Campos and Mayor Newsom and the "Confidentiality of Juveniles' Immigration Status" an amendment to the Sanctuary Ordinance. File No. 091032 (19)
From Aaron Goodman, submitting request for a public hearing on District 7 and future transit plans of Parkmerced and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. (20)
From Aaron Goodman, submitting support proposed legislation concerning just cause eviction protections for residential tenants, extend to non-rent controlled units. File No. 090583 (21)
From Francisco Da Costa, regarding Mayor Newsom and the Lennar Corporation. (22)
From Graham Raithel, commenting that the City and County of San Francisco has so much money invested in enforcing parking laws while not addressing quality of life issues for people who work and live here. Copy: Supervisor Daly (23)
From Richard Petersen, urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to reconsider closing the Park Branch Library. (24)
From Brandon, regarding crime in the Bayview District. (25)
From Eric Brooks, regarding CleanPowerSF. File No. 091161 (26)
From Janie Bray, regarding the ban on plastic bags in San Francisco. (27)
From Adele Framer, regarding take-out cartons and recycling in San Francisco. (28)
From Joyce Hammond, regarding the Mission SRO Collaborative and the American Red Cross workshop on how to protect yourself in case of a disaster. (29)
From Frank Price, regarding the forced closure of a Synagogue in Indonesia. (30)
From Glenn Riddell, commenting on the Board of Supervisors priorities. (31)
From Denise Hoover, regarding proposed legislation prohibiting onychectomy (declawing) and tendonectomy procedures on cats. File No. 091039 (32)
From concerned citizens, regarding Civil Service clerical positions. 3 letters (33)
From Department of Public Health, submitting the annual 2009 Title XV evaluation reports on detention facilities. (34) |