City and County of San Francisco
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

Monday, November 17, 2008
10:00 AM
Legislative Chambers, City Hall, Room 250
Regular Meeting
Government Audit and Oversight Committee
Members: Aaron Peskin, Tom Ammiano, Sophie Maxwell
Clerk: Alisa Furuzawa (415) 554-4447
Members Present: |
Aaron Peskin, Tom Ammiano, Sophie Maxwell. |
Members Excused: |
None. |
Members Absent: |
None. |
The meeting convened at 10:05 a.m. |
081375 |
[Tourism Improvement District] |
Supervisor Peskin |
Hearing to conduct a public meeting on the proposed establishment of the Tourism Improvement District and the levy and collection of assessments starting January 1, 2009 and continuing through December 31, 2023, to be held November 17, 2008.
(Economic Impact.) |
10/28/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Lisa Pagan, Mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development; Scott Baublitz, Hilton San Francisco; Male Speaker; Clem Esmail, Palace Hotel; John Kenaston, The Golden Gate Hotel. |
FILED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - Peskin, Ammiano, Maxwell
080379 |
[Regulating the conditions for purchasing prior public service credit through the Retirement System] |
Supervisor Elsbernd |
Ordinance amending Administrative Code Sections 16.55-1 through 16.55-4 and 16.61-5 to allow miscellaneous members of the San Francisco Employees' Retirement System to purchase credit for prior public service at any time before retirement, to require the Retirement System to calculate the cost to purchase that service credit based on the normal cost percentage for that service as determined by the actuary, to require the member to pay for all of the normal cost for the service credit, to allow eligible members to choose to receive prorated service credit if they terminate an installment agreement to purchase prior public service, to allow the Retirement System to accept rollovers to pay for public service purchases, and to conform to changes in the applicable law and Retirement System practices. |
3/18/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. 3/24/08 - Sent referral letter to the Retirement System. |
8/22/08, FILED PURSUANT TO RULE 5.37. |
10/7/08, REACTIVATED PURSUANT TO RULE 5.23. Supervisor Elsbernd requested this matter be reactivated. 10/14/08 - Transmitted to the Employees' Retirement System for review. 10/20/08 - Response received from Employees' Retirement System. |
10/7/08, ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
10/21/08, ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
10/21/08, SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Elsbernd submitted a substitute ordinance bearing new title. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Clare Murphy, Executive Director of the Employees' Retirement System; and Debra Newman, Budget Analyst's Office. |
RECOMMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 2 - Peskin, Maxwell
Absent: 1 - Ammiano
081286 |
[Authorizing the Real Estate Division to perform and award contracts for public work under a specified procedure] |
Supervisor Peskin |
Ordinance adding San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 6, Section 6.70, to authorize the Real Estate Division to perform and award contracts for facilities public work through competition among a pre-qualified pool of contractors. |
10/7/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Amy Brown, Director of Property; and Debra Newman, Budget Analyst's Office.
11/17/08 - Amended on Page 2, Line 24, after "multiple phases," by adding "and whether under this Section or for Special Services under Section 6.65". |
RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - Peskin, Ammiano, Maxwell
081383 |
[Transferring the powers and duties of the Taxi Commission to the Municipal Transportation Agency and setting operative date for transfer] |
Supervisor Peskin |
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Police Code by adding Section 1075.1, to transfer the powers and duties of the Taxi Commission to the Municipal Transportation Agency, and setting an operative date for the transfer. |
10/28/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. 11/4/08 Transmitted to Taxi Commission for review and comment. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Nathaniel Ford, Executive Director, MTA; Debra Johnson, Director of Administration, MTA; Emil Lawrence; Peter Witt; Bud Hazelkorn, UTW; Martin Smith, Luxor Cab; John Lazar, Luxor Cab; and Mark Gruberg. |
RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - Peskin, Ammiano, Maxwell
081341 |
[Accept-Expend State Grant for Jefferson Street Redesign/Bay Trail Feasibility Study - $30,000] |
Supervisor Peskin |
Resolution authorizing the Planning Department to retroactively accept and expend up to $30,000 from the Association of Bay Area Government for Jefferson Street Redesign/Bay Trail Feasibility Study for FY2008-2009. |
10/21/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: None. |
RECOMMENDED AS COMMITTEE REPORT by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - Peskin, Ammiano, Maxwell
080518 |
[Municipal Transportation Agency Quality Review] |
Supervisor Peskin |
Hearing to consider the recently completed biennial review of the Municipal Transportation Agency's progress toward its adopted goals, objectives, and performance standards as required under Charter Section 8A.107. |
4/15/08, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Government Audit and Oversight Committee. |
6/16/08, CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR. Heard in Committee. Speaker: Nollie Boles, MTA. |
Heard in Committee. Speakers: Nathaniel Ford, Executive Director, MTA; Bonnie Nelson; and Travis Fox, MTA. |
FILED by the following vote: |
Ayes: 3 - Peskin, Ammiano, Maxwell
The meeting adjourned at 11:22 a.m. |