Resolution appointing Nancy Lim-Yee, Suzanne Giraudo, and Dr. Shannon Thyne, terms ending April 29, 2011, to the Children and Families First Commission; residency requirement waived.
Nancy Lim-Yee (residency requirement waived), succeeding Raymond Weisberg, term expired, seat 6, must represent one or more of the following: children services, public health services; behavioral health services, social services and tobacco and other substance abuse prevention and treatment services; recipients of project services included in the county strategic plan; educators specializing in early childhood development; representatives of a local child care resource or referral agency, the Child Care Planning and Advisory Council or another local child care coordinating group; representatives of a local organization for prevention or early intervention for families at risk; representatives of community-based organizations that have the goal of promoting and nurturing early childhood development; representatives of local school districts; and representatives of local medical, pediatric, or obstetric associations or societies; for a four-year term ending April 29, 2011.
Suzanne Giraudo, succeeding Cheryl Polk, term expired, seat 7, must represent one or more of the following: children services, public health services; behavioral health services, social services and tobacco and other substance abuse prevention and treatment services; recipients of project services included in the county strategic plan; educators specializing in early childhood development; representatives of a local child care resource or referral agency, the Child Care Planning and Advisory Council or another local child care coordinating group; representatives of a local organization for prevention or early intervention for families at risk; representatives of community-based organizations that have the goal of promoting and nurturing early childhood development; representatives of local school districts; and representatives of local medical, pediatric, or obstetric associations or societies; for a four-year term ending April 29, 2011.
Dr. Shannon Thyne, succeeding Lucy Crain, term expired, seat 9, must represent one or more of the following: children services, public health services; behavioral health services, social services and tobacco and other substance abuse prevention and treatment services; recipients of project services included in the county strategic plan; educators specializing in early childhood development; representatives of a local child care resource or referral agency, the Child Care Planning and Advisory Council or another local child care coordinating group; representatives of a local organization for prevention or early intervention for families at risk; representatives of community-based organizations that have the goal of promoting and nurturing early childhood development; representatives of local school districts; and representatives of local medical, pediatric, or obstetric associations or societies; for a four-year term ending April 29, 2011.