Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code by adding a new Chapter 30, Sections 30.1 through 30.8, to: 1) centralize the City's workforce development policy and oversight under the Department of Economic and Workforce Development (DEWD), or successor department; 2) require the Director of Economic and Workforce Development to manage all general fund expenditures on workforce development, create City-wide workforce development policy, develop a Funding Allocation Plan for workforce development funds and annually report on workforce development policies to the Board of Supervisors; 3) require City departments to enter into Memoranda of Understanding with DEWD as a condition of administering workforce development dollars; 4) require the Mayor to submit the names of prospective appointees to the Local Work Force Investment Board to the Board of Supervisors for approval or to appoint two members of the Board of Supervisors to the Local Workforce Investment Board; 5) create a community advisory committee to the Local Workforce Investment Board; and, 6) require that the Workforce Investment Act Local Plan be submitted for review and comment to the Board of Supervisors, and by amending Administrative Code Section 83.6 to place the administration of the First Source Hiring Program under the DEWD.
10/18/07, AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING NEW TITLE. Heard in Committee. Speakers: Supervisor Mirkarimi; Virginia Elizondo, Deputy City Attorney; Rhonda Simmons, Mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development; Joe Ramirez-Forcier, Positive Resource Center; Julian Davis, Tenderloin Economic Development Project; Homer Teng, Chinatown Families Economic Self-Sufficiency Coalition; Stephanie Allan, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Retired); Kevin O'Hair, Business Representative, Stationary Engineers, Local 39; Jesse Mason, Arc Ecology's Window; Don Marcos, Executive Director, Mission Hiring Hall; Terry Anders, Anders & Anders; William "Bill" Wong, Carpenters Union; Michael Theriault, San Francisco Building Trades; Conny Ford, San Francisco Labor Council, OPEIU, Local 3; Stephen Bingham, Staff Attorney, Bay Area Legal Aid; Francisco Da Costa, Director, Environmental Justice Advocacy; Rosalie Bulack, Name-Finders List Inc.; Sharon Hewitt, Executive Director, CLAER Project; Abner J. Boles, Chief Executive Officer, Human Services Network/Westside Community Services; Dr. Laura Luster, L. Luster & Associates; Jim Lazarus, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce; Abby Snay, Executive Director, Jewish Vocational Service; Gwen Henry, Associate Director, Florence Crittenton Services; |