Supervisor Ahsha Safai - COVID19 Update 03312020 Newsletter

Legislative Update

March 31, 2020 


A Message From The Supervisor:

As our City is coping with the effects of the novel coronavirus ("COVID-19"), I wanted to let each of you know that my office is working hard to stay up-to-date on all fronts so that you all can be informed of what is happening locally, statewide, and nationally. Lastly, please don't hesitate to email us at and we will immediately respond. 

Thank you all for your time, we will get through this collectively. 


Supervisor Ahsha Safai 

Mayor London Breed Announces Expanded Benefits and Leave Provisions for City Employees During This Emergency:

Today, Mayor London Breed announced (1) the expanded benefits and leave provisions for City employees during this emergency and (2) updated timeline for the City's budget process. 

(1) Brief Summary of Expanded Benefits and Leave Provisions for City Employees: 

The expanded benefits for City employees include all of the following: (i) an additional 80 hours of paid sick leave to use for a variety of circumstances, including the impacts of school closures; (ii) the creation of a new program that establishes a City paid administrative leave program for any essential employee who is required to come to work, in the event they are diagnosed with COVID-19 or have confirmed COVID-19 symptoms; (iii) income security and paid leave for City employees through May 1, 2020; (iv) allowing for essential employees who are required to come to work to earn additional floating holidays; (v) increasing compensatory time off for the extra work employees perform during the emergency and waiving limits on how much vacation and compensatory time off they can accrue.

(2) Updated Timeline for the City's Budget Process

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the City's budget timeline will be delayed for two months. To allow for the necessary City response to COVID-19 and to ensure the City has enough time to incorporate changing economic projections into its budget process, the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors has agreed to an updated schedule for the FY 2020-21 and 2021-22 budget process.  Mayor Breed will reissue Budget Instructions to departments in May and Departments are instructed to submit new department proposals to aid the Mayor in developing her balanced budget in June and July. June 1st, the Mayor will introduce a balanced interim  budget at the Board of Supervisors. The Mayor will introduce a balanced interim budget at the Board of Supervisors. The Mayor will introduce the full two-year FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22 balanced budget by August 1st. Following the Budget and Finance Committee Phase and the full Board phase, the budget will go to Mayor Breed for her approval and signature by October 1, 2020. 

Currently, the City estimates that the prior deficit of $420 million for the upcoming two-year budget from earlier this year will increase to between $1.1 to $1.7 billion, driven by revenue shortfalls related to the public health crisis. 

Closure of the Tax Collector's In-Person Payment Location During San Francisco's Shelter-In-Place:

Today, Board President Norman Yee introduced a resolution closing the City Hall walk-in property tax payment location of the Treasurer and Tax Collector for  as as long as the Health Officer's "shelter-in-place."

What does this mean for you? This means that the Treasurer and Tax Collector will continue to accept your property payments by remote means, e.g., online eCheck, credit card payments, money orders, and mailed-in checks. Assuming this resolution confirmng the closure of the Treasurer and Tax Collector's City Hall location passes, second installment payments will not be deemed late.    

Please note, on March 31, 2020, the San Francisco Health Officer issued a new order extending the shelter-in-place  requirements through May 3, 2020.

The 1st of This Next Month Is Upon Us And Rent Will Be Due For Many San Franciscans: Guidance for Tenants and Landlords: 

April 1st is tomorrow, and we know that most people pay their rent -- residential or commercial -- on the first of every month. 

On March 23, 2020, Mayor Breed ordered that no landlord may attempt to recover possession of a residential unit unless due to violence, threats of violence, or health and safety issues. This moratorium will last for 60 days after the Mayor’s Order expires. The Order is set to expire on April 22, 2020 , which means the moratorium would last until June 21, 2020, unless the Mayor extends the Expiration Date further.

For additional tenant assistance as it relates to non-payment of rent, please contact the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development at; for all other inquries please contact the San Francisco Rend Board (

So, what should you do if you can't make your rent payment? 

Step 1: The Tenant must give notice to the landlord stating that Tenant is unable to pay rent due to financial impacts of COVID-19 EACH TIME the Tenant misses a rent payment and WITHIN 30 days after the date the rent was due. It is advisable that Tenants give notice in writing. 

Step 2: Documentation: After notifying the landlord, the Tenant has ONE WEEK to provide the landlord with written documentation that rent payment was missed due to financial impacts of COVID-19. 

Step 3: IF Tenant follows Steps 1 and 2 above, then the Tenant shall automatically receive an additional month after the date it provided the documentation to pay the rent. The rent owed SHALL NOT include any late charges or interest or similar amounts unless such charges are expressly authorized in the lease. 

To learn more information, please click here: 

And, below, for your convenience -- a sample letter for Tenants to draft for landlords to trigger this entire process along with some nonprofit organizations who work with tenants should you need any assistance. 


Causa Justa: (415) 487-9203
Chinatown Community Development Center: (415) 984-2728
San Francisco Tenant’s Union:
Bay Area Legal Aid: 1 (800) 551-5554 and (415) 982-1300


Querida _____________________________________________________
(Dirección Del Propietario o Representante Del Propietario)

Como le detallo en este documento, le doy un aviso de mi inabilidad de pagarle mi renta mensual debido a los impactos financieros relacionados con la novel coronavirus (o “COVID-19”), para la propriedad (su dirección) _______________________.
[I, as detailed herein, am providing you timely notice of my inability to make my regular monthly rental payment due to financial impacts related to COVID-19, for the property commonly referred as (your address):_____________________________]

Estoy escribiendo sobre mi arrendamiento en ____________________________. Conforme al Segundo suplemento de la proclamación de la alcaldesa London Breed que declara la existencia de una emergencia local emitido por la alcaldesa London Breed el 13 de marzo de 2020, según enmendada, por la presente notifico que no puedo dar el pago de alquiler/renta por la cantidad de __________________ que se debió en o alrededor el _________________ debido a los impactos financieros relacionados con COVID-19.
[Pursuant to the Second Supplement to Mayoral Proclamation During the Existence of a Local Emergency issued by Mayor London Breed on March 13, 2020, as amended, I hereby provide notice that I am unable to make a rent payment in the amount of___________ that was due on or around ______________ due to financial impacts related to COVID-19.]

Documentación de impactos financieros
                                               Documentation of Financial Impact

Debido a los impactos financieros relacionados con COVID-19, no puedo pagar el alquiler/renta porque:
Due to financial impacts related to COVID-19 (example, laid off, reduced hours, etc.), I am unable to pay rent because:




            Documentación de respaldo adicional de impacto financiero (Marque uno)*
                                 Additional Documentation of Financial Impact

[   ] Documentación adicional (ej. carta del empleador, facturas médicas, etc.) esta adjuntado. Additional documentation (e.g. letter from employer, medical bills, etc.) is attached.

[   ] Documentación adicional será entregado dentro de 7 días naturales. Additional documentation will be provided within 7 calendar days.

[   ] Documentación adicional no existe y/o en este momento no puedo obtener documentos adicionales. No additional documentation exists and/or I am currently unable to obtain additional documents.


____________________________                                ________________________
Firma del Inquilino/Tenant Signature                        Fecha/Date

Nombre Del Inquilino (letras de molde) Tenant Name (Print)



Causa Justa: (415) 487-9203
Chinatown Community Development Center: (415) 984-2728
San Francisco Tenant’s Union:
Bay Area Legal Aid: 1 (800) 551-5554 and (415) 982-1300


(Address of Landlord or Landlord’s Agent)

I, as detailed herein, am providing you timely notice of my inability to make my regular monthly rental payment due to financial impacts related to COVID-19, for the property commonly  referred as (your address):________________________________

Pursuant to the Second Supplement to Mayoral Proclamation During the Existence of a Local Emergency issued by Mayor London Breed on March 13, 2020, and as subsequently amended, I hereby provide notice that I am unable to make a rent payment in the amount of___________ that was due on or around ______________ due to financial impacts related to COVID-19.

                    Documentation of Financial Impact
Due to financial impacts related to COVID-19 (example, laid off, reduced hours, etc.), I am unable to pay rent because:




                                 Additional Documentation of Financial Impact (Check One)

[   ] Additional documentation (e.g. letter from employer, medical bills, etc.) is attached.

[   ] Additional documentation will be provided within 7 calendar days.

[   ] No additional documentation exists and/or I am currently unable to obtain additional documents.


____________________________                                ________________________
Tenant Signature                                                          Date

Tenant Name (Print)

New Shelter-In-Place Extension Restricts Most Residential Housing and Commercial Construction: 

On March 31, 2020, a new shelter-in-place was issued that extends the shelter-in-place order from April 7 to May 3 and restricts most housing and commercial construction.  Specifically, the Order provides that only certain limited types of construction are permitted to continue, including healthcare projects directly related to addressing COVID-19 pandemic, housing and mixed-use projects that includes at least 10% affordable housing, projects that provide services to vulnerable populations, projects required to maintain safety, sanitation, and habitability of residences and commercial buildings; and construction necessary to secure existing construction site that must shut down. The Health Officer may issue guidance requiring construction site-specific health and safety plans. The Order also provides for San Francisco to limit public works construction to essential public works projects as determined by the City Administrator in consultation with the Health Officer. All other construction is prohibited. 

To read the latest order, please click here (Order of the Health Officer No. C19-07b; March 31, 2020): 
How to Donate and/or Volunteer

To Donate: 

All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law, the City and County of San Francisco's Tax ID number is 94-6000417. 

Why donate? Donations will directly support:
  • Critical facilities and supplies needed to protect the health of all San Franciscans in the face of COVID-19.
  • Taking care of our most medically and economically vulnerable neighbors, including individuals who must isolate per public health guidance and those facing economic hardship or a housing crisis related to COVID-19.
  • Local businesses and nonprofits that are not only significant contributors to the economy, they are valued parts of our neighborhoods. Support will help businesses weather temporary closures or reduced demand due to the public health crisis.  

To learn more about the many ways you can donate, please click here: 

To Volunteer: City of San Francisco & Shanti Project's COVID-19 Emergency Response Volunteer (CERV) Program: 

The Emergency Response Volunteer Program was created in partnership between the City of San Francisco's Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS) and Shanti Project. 

Examples of Support: 
  • Grocery shopping
  • Dog Walking
  • Delivery of pet food, medication, and other essentials
  • Mail pickup

Volunteer Requirements: 
  • Volunteers must be in good health and under the age of 60
  • Volunteers are required to pass a background check
  • Volunteers are required to follow San Francisco Coronavirus protocol

If you are interested, please email or call 415-674-4701 and leave a voicemail expressing your interest. For more information, please visit: 
New Shelter-In-Place Order Implemented Today:

On March 31, 2020, a new Shelter-In-Place was ordered by the Health Officer. This new Order replaces the earlier March 17, 2020 shelter-in-place order. Below, a summary of the five (5) significant changes made and a link to the Order itself.

 (1) When people leave their residence as allowed by this Order, they are ordered in most situations to strictly comply with designated Social Distancing Requirements when interacting with anyone outside their household.

(2) Outdoor recreation activities are further limited and additional recreation facilities must be closed. People cannot participate in outdoor activities that involve shared equipment, such as frisbee, soccer, or basketball, with any person outside of their own household or living unit, and areas with shared equipment and facilities like playgrounds, picnic areas, dog parks, golf courses, tennis courts, and pools must close. To prevent crowding, San Francisco may adopt further restrictions on use of parks and access to beaches, including possible closure.

(3) What businesses constitute Essential Businesses is further clarified and limited. Essential businesses must maximize the number of employees who work from home and must generally scale down operations that are not considered essential. Businesses that sell food, groceries, or cleaning products combined with nonessential products may continue to operate only if the portion of essential products they sell is a significant part of their business. There is also a new requirement that each Essential Business, such as a bank, grocery store, pharmacy, or restaurant open for takeout or delivery, must prepare, post, and implement a written protocol, in a form attached to the Order, tailored for that business, to protect customers and employees through designated social distance requirements. And Businesses that supply products needed for people to work from home are no longer Essential Businesses under the Order and must close stores open to the public in San Francisco.

(4) In addition to continuing to urge government agencies to provide shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness, the Order urges government agencies and other service providers to take steps to protect that population, including requiring social distancing in shelters and other facilities, providing hand sanitation for individuals who remain unhoused and ensuring 12 feet x 12 feet distancing for tents in encampments.

(5) The Order provides that only certain limited types of construction are permitted to continue, including healthcare projects directly related to addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, housing and mixed use projects that includes at least 10% affordable housing, projects that provide services to vulnerable populations, projects required to maintain safety, sanitation, and habitability of residences and commercial buildings; and construction necessary to secure an existing construction site that must shut down. The Health Officer may issue guidance requiring construction site-specific health and safety plans. The Order also provides for San Francisco to limit public works construction to essential public works projects as determined by the City Administrator in consultation with the Health Officer. All other construction is prohibited.

Link to Health Order: 
Legislative Update
California Governor Newsom Announces a 90-Day Relief for Homeowners -- California State’s 90-Day Mortgage Payment Relief During the COVID-19 Crisis:

On Wednesday, March 25, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that almost 200 state-chartered banks, along with the country’s four major banks (J.P. Morgan Chase, CitiBank, U.S. Bank, and Wells Fargo), and credit unions have agreed to a 90-day grace period for mortgage payments for Californians.

Below, a summary of what this means for you.

 90-Day Grace Period for Mortgage Payments:
Financial institutions will offer, consistent with applicable guidelines, mortgage payment forbearances of up to 90 days to borrowers economically impacted by COVID-19. In addition, those institutions will:
  • Provide borrowers a streamlined process to request a forbearance for COVID-19-related reasons, supported with available documentation;
  • Confirm approval of and terms of forbearance program; and
  • Provide borrowers the opportunity to request additional relief, as practicable, upon continued showing of hardship due to COVID-19.

No Negative Credit Impacts Resulting from Relief:
Financial institutions will not report derogatory tradelines (e.g., late payments) to credit reporting agencies, consistent with applicable guidelines, for borrowers taking advantage of COVID-19-related relief.

Moratorium on Initiating Foreclosure Sales or Evictions:
For at least 60 days, financial institutions will not initiate foreclosure sales or evictions, consistent with applicable guidelines.

Relief from Fees and Charges:
For at least 90 days, financial institutions will waive or refund at least the following for customers who have requested assistance:
  • Mortgage-related late fees; and
  • Other fees, including early CD withdrawals (subject to applicable federal regulations).

To apply, please click here:
Legislative Update
San Francisco Property Tax Services – April 10, 2020 Deadline OR Apply For a Penalty Waiver:
On April 10, 2020, San Francisco’s homeowners know that property taxes are due locally and that that is still the deadline, the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector cannot change state law (which sets this deadline). However, San Francisco’s Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector still urges everyone to please pay on time but if you can’t pay on time for reasons related to the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) you should submit a request for a penalty waiver online.

To apply for a Penalty Waiver, please click here:  

Please note, that currently City Hall is closed to the public and, therefore, not accepting in-person payments. To make a property tax payment you must pay by US mail or online, to pay online please click here:

If you have any questions, please call 3-1-1 or visit the Help Center:

Legislative Update

San Francisco's Shelter-In-Place (Stay-at-Home) Health Order: 

On March 31, 2020, the City issued a new Public Health Order updating the existing shelter-in-place requirements (as mentioned above).  

On March 16, 2020, the City issued a Public Health Order requiring people to stay at home ("shelter-in-place") except for essential needs, the order is in effect until April 7, 2020 and may be extended if necessary. 

To read the Health Order, please click here: 

To stay up-to-date regarding the City's guidelines, orders, or regulations, please click here: 

California Statewide Order To Stay-At-Home Is Still In Effect:

On March 19, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued a statewide stay-at-home order, effective at midnight, in an attempt to slow down the spread of the COVID-19. 

To read the Executive Order, please click here: 

For more general information and to stay up-to-date as to how long this order will be in place, please click here: 

The Order is still in effect, we thank each of you for complying with the order and saving lives. Thank you!

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