Supervisor Ahsha Safai - COVID19 Update 06242020 Newsletter


June 24, 2020 

A Message From The Supervisor:

A lot is happening in our nation and our City as we grapple with the effects of injustice in our African American community at the same time of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. We will get through this together and create an even stronger City where all people can feel safe and supported.

Please don't hesitate to email us at or call us at 1-415-554-6976 if we can assist you in any way and we will immediately respond. 

Thank you all for your time, cooperation, and perseverance -- we will all get through this together! 


Supervisor Ahsha Safai 
California Experienced A 69% Increase Of New COVID-19 Cases In The Last Two Days

Today, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that the number of new COVID-19 cases in California rose from 4,230 on Sunday, to 5,019 this Monday, and to 7,149 this Tuesday. That is a 69% increase in new cases in just two days.

The increase, the Governor also announced, was not because of a rise in testing, it was because the positivity rate, the percentage of those being tested that do test positive for COVID-19, also increased, it went from 4.6% from a week ago to 5.1% as of this week. Please continue to wear your face mask and practice social distancing, we are not back to “normal”, pre-COVID-19 times. Please be safe.

Outside Lands Festival 2020 Officially Cancelled 

Today, it was officially announced that the Outside Lands festival is officially cancelled. This year would have been the 13th year for the annual music festival and it was slated to take place from August 7- August 9.  The event was cancelled because of COVID-19, tickets would have gone on sale this Thursday, June 25, 2020. 

To learn more, please click here:  

June 29, 2020, San Francisco Will Move To Its Next Phase Of Re-Opening

Earlier this week, Mayor London Breed announced that San Francisco will be moving to its next phase of the City’s reopening this upcoming Monday, June 29, 2020. Specifically, more businesses will be allowed to reopen earlier than anticipated, some of the venues include: 

This will be allowed so long as the State approves the City’s variance request, if so, the following activities and businesses will be able to resume next Monday (June 29, 2020): 

•    Hair salons and barber shops
•    Nail salons
•    Tattoo salons
•    Museums
•    Zoos
•    Outdoor bars
•    Outdoor swimming

San Francisco’s reopening plan is based on a San Francisco-specific risk model to control the spread of COVID-19 and protect public health. The plan is also informed by the work of the San Francisco COVID-19 Economic Recovery Task Force and the Department of Public Health monitoring of the virus. 

This, of course, is on the heels of San Francisco’s June 15th announcement that it would be entering into its Phase 2B of its local reopening plan. Phase 2B allowed for outdoor dining with mandatory safety protocols to participate. 

To read, in general, about the reopening plan, please click here: 

To read the Press Release from Mayor London Breed detailing this next phase, please click here:

Walk and Wave Wednesday In District 11

The District 11 office was informed by a group of constituents that every Wednesday at noon they meet at 1532 Cayuga (ask for Ms. Mary, the owner) and then head out as a group, by foot, to Alemany while holding homemade signs with friendly and community oriented messages (a simple, "hi" or "hello") and waving to those simply passing by or driving by. 

This weekly activity is meant to encourage morale in a time of imposed isolation and to also provide space for people to socialize safely. Note, to participate you MUST have a face mask on and you must also comply with social distancing, and please remember to bring your own sign! Enjoy!


S.F.M.T.A. Updates Regarding Market Street 

Market Street is a critical corridor for transit in San Francisco. It is where multiple lines intersect and where many riders transfer. As many of you know, the S.F.M.T.A. has reduced service to 17 core routes since the beginning of the Shelter-In-Place order, and has been gradually restoring service as operator, cleaning and facilities staff availability increase. Currently, several Muni bus routes are in service along Market Street, including L, N, and T Buses that replaced Muni Metro rail service. 

In order to support riders using S.F.M.T.A, the agency has taken the following steps to ease confusion by riders along Market Street:

1. COVID-19 Ambassadors

The COVID-19 Ambassador Program was created in direct response to the public health emergency. It was designed to support both customers and operators by facilitating communication and public outreach that encourages behaviors at transit stops and on transit to reduce risk of COVID-19 transmission. Ambassadors also respond to customer questions about ongoing service changes and help customers locate where buses are stopping along Market Street. 

In the second month of the program, the S.F.M.T.A. engaged its Crossing Guard team to serve in that capacity and as San Francisco prepares for schools to resume the S.F.M.T.A. is working on a longer-term staffing solution. 

2. COVID-19 Transportation Information 

The S.F.M.T.A. put together a COVID-19 Developments and Response page on the S.F.M.T.A. website with translations in Spanish, Chinese and Filipino that can be accessed via language specific short URLs – see This page is regularly updated with the latest information about the S.F.M.T.A.'s COVID-19 response. 

Core messages that the S.F.M.T.A. is highlighting in its work along Market Street include the following:
•    Muni service is still for essential trips only. 
•    Muni operators may skip stops if their buses are too full to allow for adequate physical distancing.
•    All Muni customers are required to wear face coverings. Muni operators may skip stops if customers are not wearing face coverings.

3. On-site Information
While customers wait at bus stops, pavement markings and decals promote physical distancing, the S.F.M.T.A. has signage posted at every stop on Market Street to remind customers to wear a face covering and also some information about the Essential Trip Card (ETC) as an alternative for seniors and people with disabilities to take discounted trips by taxi. 

Mayor London Breed Announces $1.5 Million Fund To Establish San Francisco's First Small Business Revolving Loan Fund For Black San Franciscans In Response To COVID-19

This past Friday, June 19, 2020, Mayor London Breed, along with the Office of Economic Workforce Development (OEWD), Main Street Launch, and the San Francisco African American Chamber of Commerce, announced the establishment of the African American Small Business Revolving Loan Fund (henceforth, the "Fund"). 

The Fund will be supported by an initial investment of $1.5 million from Give2SF donations and the funding will provide access to capital and financial assistance for Black entrepreneurs and Black-owned small-businesses impacted by COVID-19. 

This new Fund also complements Citywide efforts to support micro-enterprises and small businesses that historically have been underserved and redlined by private banks and other traditional sources of financing. 

All interested small businesses can visit the following link to learn more about how to apply for this new loan program, and to also learn about other existing loan and grant programs. 

Please click here: 

Californians Must Now Always Wear A Face Mask At All Times When Not Inside The Privacy Of Their Home Unless Explicitly Exempted From Having To Do So

This past week, California Governor Gavin Newsom, along with the California Department of Public Health, issued California's "Guidance For The Use Of Face Coverings" (henceforth, the "Guide") and, in so doing, made it mandatory for all Californians to wear face mask outside of the comfort of their home. Details below. 

The Guide notes that people in California must wear face coverings in the high-risk situations listed below: 

1) Inside of, or in line to enter, any indoor public space.

2) Obtaining services from the healthcare sector in settings including, but not limited to, a hospital, pharmacy, medical clinic, laboratory, physician or dental office, veterinary clinic, or blood bank.

3) Waiting for or riding on public transportation or paratransit or while in a taxi, private car service, or ride-sharing vehicle.

4) Engaged in work, whether at the workplace or performing work off-site. 

There are also exemptions. 

To read the (3-page) Guide itself, please click here: 


LGBTQIA+-Specific Community Services During The Coronavirus Outbreak 

The City has created a public-run website for San Franciscans to find easily accessible resources for individuals who are LGBTQIA+, this website will provide information on legal help, rental assistance, youth resources, health resources, and will also provide access to more resources for our LGBTQIA+ family. 

To learn more, please click here:

Happy Pride Month!

San Francisco's Great Plates Program 

The Great Plates Delivered SF is a temporary food program that delivers three restaurant meals a day to eligible adults during COVID-19. 

The Program is free and runs through July 10, 2020. 

Who Qualifies?

Older adults in the San Francisco community who need access to healthy and nutritious meals and who meet ALL of the following criteria: 

(1) Aged 65 or older, as well as older adults who are aged 60-64 and in high-risk categories (i.e., people who have received a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, have been exposed to COVID-19, or who have underlying health conditions).

(2) Unable to obtain or make their own meals.

(3) Living alone or with one other adult who also meets these criteria.
(i) Earning less than $74,940 for a single-person household or $101,460 for two-person households.

Older adults who currently receive state or federal food assistance such as CalFresh or home-delivered meals should contact the Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS) helpline at (415) 355-6700 to understand their eligibility for this program or other assistance.

How To Enroll? 

You can either: 

(1) Call (415) 355-6700 seven days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You may experience long wait times due to high call volumes.


(2) Or complete the online interest form (English | Español | 中文). A DAS representative will call you back as soon as possible.

To see if someone you know may qualify for this program or other services, please call (415) 355-6700 or visit

The City's helpline is available Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM.

*Side Note: That the Department of Disability and Aging Services helpline is now open seven days a week to older adults and adults with disabilities to assist with everyday tasks and connect them to volunteers who may be able to provide assistance. To learn more, please click here:

To Stay Up-To-Date As To What Is Going On In San Francisco's Public Schools Please Sign-Up For The San Francisco Unified School District's "Digest"

To stay up-to-date on the latest from the San Francisco Unified School District ("S.F.U.S.D."), please be sure to visit this page here:

Family Resource Link 

To access S.F.U.S.D.'s Family Resource Link -- its latest project meant to help families navigate all of the S.F.U.S.D. resources available to them during distance learning for the remainder of the school year -- note, however, that this service will not replace existing phone lines and support already provided by district departments. 

You can access the Family Resource Link in three ways: 

(1) Visit to complete an online request form. 

(2) Email your request to

(3) Call 415-340-1716
*Hours of operation for the phone line is Monday through Friday, 9AM-1PM. Callers are encourage to leave a voicemail. 

For general updates, please click here:


Transit Modifications For The 9 Bay Area Counties Because Of COVID-19 And The Shelter-In-Place Orders

Because of COVID-19, there are several transit modifications or reductions in place that have been implemented by each of the 9 Bay Area counties. 

To ensure that you have the latest information regarding transit services across all counties in the Bay Area, please click here: 

The above-noted website will provide you with updates on any one of the following matters: 

(1) Transit Agencies Status (e.g., AC Transit, ACE, BART, Blue & Gold Fleet, Caltrain, Capitol Corridor, etc.)

(2) Supplemental Late Night Service

(3) Express Lane Status

(4) Bay Area Bridges Status

(5) Bike/Pedestrian Bridge Access

(6) Sign-Up for Emergency Alerts

Of course, in addition to getting the latest information (by clicking on the website I shared), please be sure to wear a face covering and to practice social distancing. Be safe!
San Francisco Water Power Sewer: COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Program

Because of COVID-19, many San Franciscans are struggling to make ends meet and pay for basic utilities (e.g., power, sewer, and water services), and, in an attempt to help San Franciscans who are struggling in these difficult times, the SFPUC has created the COVID-19 Emergency Customer Assistance Program. 

What is the COVID-19 Emergency Customer Assistance Program? 

Anyone who has recently lost their job -- even if you are receiving unemployment benefits -- you may qualified for reduced utility rates. 

What does the COVID-19 Emergency Customer Assistance Program provide? 

The Program provides the following utility bill discounts: 

*Water -- 15%

*Sewer -- 35%

*Hetch-Hetchy Power -- 30%

To learn more about the COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Program, please click here: 

Please note, this is a TEMPORARY PROGRAM THAT DOES NOT PROVIDE ADDITIONAL ELECTRICITY BILL DISCOUNTS TO COSTUMERS ENROLLED IN CleanPowerSF. For electricity bill discounts and financial assistance available to CleanPowerSF customers, please click here: 

Legislative UpdateThis
Update On City Facilities And Public Access

As the City and County of San Francisco begins to slowly re-open, so has her various Departments in City Hall. To find out which City services are open during the COVID-19 outbreak and our Shelter-In-Place Order, please click here: 

This website has crucial information for important services that many San Franciscans rely on, for example: notary signature authentication, marriage records, professional registrations, public libraries, permits, and so on. 

Please be sure to check the website and confirm that the service or Department you are looking for is in fact open to the public. Thank you. 

Give2SF COVID-19 Response And Recovery Fund

The Give2SF COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund ("Give2SF") is a special fund created and established by the City and County of San Francisco, the City also regularly summarizes both monetary and in-kind donations for Give2SF and the uses of the donations. 

To learn more about Give2SF and how you can participate, please click here: 


Supervisor Safai's Statement On The Potential Of District 11's Crocker Amazon Park Being Used For Unhoused Individuals

Let me be clear. A request was made for a list of potential sites for providing space to our unhoused on public land which included parks, to be produced and to be presented to the Board. The press has taken that list and published it. For any site to move forward there would have to be extensive community buy in and a process. I do not support a site at Crocker Amazon’s parking lot as summer camp will begin soon and many more people will begin to use the parking lot for recreation etc as the parks open back up.

I have posted a strong message of opposition on social media and sent an email to my list of neighbors to try and get the word out. 

In the end, these are simply a list of “potential sites” and would have to be supported by the community and the district Supervisor. There will be no process and nothing will move forward on this site. I DO NOT SUPPORT SITES in our PARKS. 

Thank you 



San Francisco's Essential Worker Ride Home Program

The City’s new Essential Worker Ride Home program supports essential employees in San Francisco impacted by public transportation reductions. The program offers a taxi ride home from work to qualifying participants. To be eligible, you must commute to work via a sustainable mode of transportation and commute home between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. 
To learn more about eligibility and how to apply, please click here: 

COVID-19 Testing In San Francisco

San Francisco is providing expanded COVID-19 testing for San Francisco residents. Below, more details and information for your convenience. 

Citywide Test Sites: 

(1) Fillmore Pop-Up Testing Site: 
Cathedral of St. Mayr's (details already provided above)

(2) City College Pop-Up Testing Site
50 Friday Kahlo Way I HC-100
Monday-Friday: 7AM-7PM
*Sites 1 and 2 will test people WITHOUT SYMPTOMS (i.e., people who are asymptomatic) BUT you must make an appointments, please visit 

(3) Embarcadero
Pier 30/32
Monday-Sunday: 8AM-6PM

(4) SOMA 
7th and Brannan
Monday-Friday: 9AM-5PM
*Sites (3) and (4) require that you schedule a test by either clicking here 
OR calling 311

(5) Castro Mission
3850 17th Street
Monday-Friday: 9AM-5PM
Saturday-Sunday: 12PM-4PM

(6) Maxine Hall 
1181 Golden Gate Avenue
Monday-Friday: 8AM-5PM

(7) Southeast Health Center
2401 Keith Street
Monday-Friday: 8AM-5PM

(8) ZSFG
1001 Potrero Avenue
Monday-Friday: 9AM-6PM
*PLEASE CALL 415-682-1740 to schedule a test at one of these locations (5)-(8)

(9) Mission Neighborhood Health Center
Shotwell Parking Lot, 240 Shotwell Street
Monday-Friday: 8AM-5PM
*To schedule a test for this specific cite, please call 415-552-3870.

To learn more information about getting tested in general, please click here: 

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