Supervisor Ahsha Safai - COVID19 Update 08312020 Newsletter


August 31, 2020 

A Message From The Supervisor:

My team and I have been working hard to provide supports and resources for our community during this time. I know we are facing a pandemic and there is extreme hardship in our community, but we will get through this together!

Please don't hesitate to email us at or call us at 1-415-554-6976 if we can assist you in any way and we will immediately respond. 

Thank you all for your time, cooperation, and perseverance! 


Supervisor Ahsha Safai 
California Update

Today, Monday, August 31, 2020, in California, there are:

-704,085 cases (a +0.6% increase)

-12,933 deaths (a +0.2% increase)

Roll-Out Of California's New Color-Coded List With Four Categories Replaces The County Monitoring List 

Under a new system for re-opening, each county (58) will be assigned a color (of four possible shades) to indicate which tier that county is in. The color-coded list is meant to be a guide for when schools can offer in-person teaching and when businesses can re-open; this color-coded list replaces the county monitoring list (which, till today, San Francisco was included). 

What's different? 

This color-coded system will track a county's rate of new cases per 100,000 residents per day and on a seven-day average with a seven-day lag, as well as the percentage of positive COVID-19 tests. The old structure -- monitoring list -- tracked counties with high rates of infections and hospitalizations. 

Under this new color-coded system, San Francisco is in the red (all other Bay Area counties, save for Napa too, are in the purple). 

To learn more, please click here: 


San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Existing Discount And Assistance For Residents, Non-Profits, And Small Businesses

For anyone struggling to pay their basic utilities: water, power, and sewer services, please know that there are existing City programs to assist. For details, please see below. 

1. The Emergency Customer Assistance for COVID-19 Relief Programs For Low-Income Account Holders 

The SFPUC's Emergency Customer Assistance for COVID-19 Relief Programs (hencefort, "Programs") provides eligible residential customers (not commercial) with the following utility bill discounts: 

*Water: 15%
*Sewer: 35%
*Hetch-Hetchy Power: 30%

To learn more, please click here: 

2. CleanPowerSF (Electricity)

For electricity bill discounts and financial assistance that is available only to CleanPowerSF customers, please click here: 

 3. Emergency Commercial Assistance: Program For Businesses/Non-Profits: 

Small businesses and or non-profits currently experiencing hardship  because of COVID-19 may be eligible for a 20% discount on your SFPUC water and sewer bill for a period of six months. 

To learn more, please click here: 


California Department Of Public Health Announces New "Guidance" For Small Cohorts/Groups Of Children And Youth 

On August 25, 2020, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced its latest "guidance" for "groups of children and youth in controlled, supervised, and indoor environments operated by local educational agencies, non-profits, or other authorized providers, including, but not limited to, public and private schools; licensed and license-exempt child care settings; organized and supervised care environments, i.e., 'distance learning hubs'; recreation programs; before and after school programs; youth groups; and day camps."

The purpose for this guidance is to " provide guidance for necessary in-person child supervision and limited instruction, targeted support services, and facilitation of distance learning in small group environments for a specified subset of children and youth, and for those programs to understand the required health and safety practices needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in their settings."


Cohort Size: 

-Cohorts must be limited to no more than 14 children and youth.

-Cohorts must be limited to no more than two supervising adults.

-Requirements for adult to child ratios continue to apply for licensed child care programs.

-Cohorts can be divided, as needed, into subgroups of children and youth from the same cohort, as long as the 14-to-2 ratio is not exceeded.

-The maximum cohort size applies to all children and youth in the cohort, even when all children are not participating at the same time. For example:

(i) A cohort may not include 6 children or youth who attend full‐time, 6 children on Mon/Wed/Fri, and 6 children on Tue/Thu (total of 18).  

(ii) A cohort may not include 8 children or youth who attend for the entire day, 4 who attend mornings only, and 4 who attend afternoons only (total of 16). 

Cohort Mixing 

-Prevent interactions between cohorts, including interactions between staff assigned to different cohorts. 

(i) Assign children and youth who live together or carpool together to the same cohort, if possible.

(ii) Avoid moving children and youth from one cohort to another, unless needed for a child's overall safety and wellness.

(iii) Cohorts must be kept separate from one another for special activities such as art, music, and exercise. Stagger playground time and other activities so that no two cohorts are in the same place at the same time. 

-One-to-one specialized services can be provided to a child or youth by a support service provider that is not part of the child or youth's cohort.

-Specialized service includes but not limited to occupational therapy services, speech and language services, and other medical, behavioral services, or educational support services as part of a targeted intervention strategy.

-Services must be provided consistent with the industry guidance for Limited Services (PDF).

Please note, the CDPH did explicitly state the following in its announcement: "Guidance and directives related to schools, child care, day camps, youth sports, and institutions of higher education are not superseded by this document and still apply to those specified settings." (emphasis in the original).

To read the Guidance for yourself, please click here:

New Ice-Cream Parlor In District 11: Balboa Ice Cream Parlor Grand Opening 

The District 11 office was notified of a grand opening taking place this week, the Balboa Ice Cream Parlor. Details below. 

Address: 1844 San Jose Avenue (between Nantucket and Colonial, a few doors up from Tasty Coffee and run by the same family).

Date: Friday, September 4, 2020

Time: 10AM-7PM

*Note, ice cream will be free on a first-come-first-serve basis until the bill reaches the first $800.00 for that day thanks to a partnership between the Balboa Ice Cream Parlor and the Excelsior Action Group (E.A.G.). Lastly, please be mindful of existing COVID-19 protocols (face mask, social distancing). Congrats, and welcome!


IMPORTANT WEBINAR HAPPENING TOMORROW: Community Partners Webinar - Census 2020: Updates, Challenges, and Resources

As of today, San Francisco is significantly undercounted citywide, with some districts showing less than 50% of known households. An undercount will mean less funding for nutrition services, libraries, public schools, transportation and a huge range of other social and community services. A decrease can also result in a loss of political representation, an impact that will be felt for the next 10 years – it’s critical to our community that we get the right count! Additionally, the Census deadline has been moved up a month early, from Oct 30th to Sept 30th.

Please join us (tomorrow)Tuesday, September 1st, at 10am, to find out more and some ways to help get our City counted! We strongly encourage you all who can attend to please do so.  (Zoom link below with more details.) 

Agenda For The Webinar:

1. Census 2020: updates & challenges

2. Panel: Community partners sharing what they’re doing post-COVID-19 to get SF counted

3. Resources, Tools & Next Steps: tangible steps & resources for community partners

You are invited to a Zoom webinar, details below. 

When: Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Time: 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 

Topic: Census 2020: How to Get Out the Count

Register in advance for this webinar, please click here: 

Recording Of This Past Thursday's (August 27, 2020) Town Hall On Violence Prevention In District 11 Available Here

This past week, Supervisor Safai was joined by San Francisco Police Department Chief William "Bill" Scott and District Attorney Chesa Boudin for a town hall on violence prevention in District 11. For those who were not able to participate, or had to leave early, below please find the link to the hearing for your convenience. Thank you.

Link to full hearing:

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1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place, San Francisco, California, 94102 United States

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