Supervisor Ahsha Safai - COVID19 Update 09212020 Newsletter


September 21, 2020 

A Message From The Supervisor:

My team and I have been working hard to provide supports and resources for our community during this time. I know we are facing a pandemic and there is extreme hardship in our community, but we will get through this together!

Please don't hesitate to email us at or call us at 1-415-554-6976 if we can assist you in any way and we will immediately respond. 

Thank you all for your time, cooperation, and perseverance! 


Supervisor Ahsha Safai 

California Update: California's Strike Team Report, COVID-19, Wildfires, and Job-Protected Family Leave Is Extended  

a. California's Strike Team's Report 

This Saturday, September 19, 2020, California’s Strike Team (a group selected by California Governor Gavin Newsom) published its report on the State’s unemployment insurance (“UI”) claims and made a slew of recommendations.

Specifically, the report made 100 recommendations, some short- and others long-term, plus a streamlined identity verification process, expected to be ready by October 5, 2020, and that is meant to speed up the process for 90% of applications to be approved within a few weeks. This “resetting” of the IT system means that the State will not be accepting new UI claims for two weeks, i.e., till October 5th. Lastly, we now know that the State has paid out more than $86 billion in unemployment benefits on 12.6 million claims.

To read the full report (109 pages), please click here:  

b. COVID-19  

As of September 20, 2020, and based on numbers as of September 19, 2020, California had a total of 778,400 COVID-19 cases; there were 14,987 fatalities (our condolences to everyone who has lost a loved one); there were 2,607 confirmed COVID-19 hospitalizations and 807 confirmed in the ICU; lastly, there were 834 individuals who were hospitalized because of suspected COVID-19 symptons and 118 in the ICU who were also suspected of having COVID-19. 

To learn more, please click here:


c. Wildfires 

As of today, September 21, 2020, California’s wildfires were contained 34% and there are fires in two counties (Mendocino and Humboldt).

To learn more and to get the latest from Cal Fire, please click here:

d. California Extends Job Protected Family Leave To Nearly 6 Million Californians (California Senate Bill 1383)

On September 17, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 1383, authored by Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) which ensures that Californians can utilize Paid Family Leave benefits they pay without the fear of job loss.  

To learn more, please click here:


San Francisco Issues New Guidelines For Zoos, Aquariums, Museums, and Indoor Museums That Go Into Effect Today

Today, the latest Directive from San Francisco’s Health Officer Dr. Tomas Aragon went into effect at 9:00 a.m. This most recent directive (No. 2020-32) focuses on industry-specific guidelines for indoor museums, zoos, and aquariums. Because the new guidelines are pretty extensive, and interrelated to other Directives, I have opted to not summarize them but to share the links to the controlling documents so you can each review at your convenience. However, if anyone has any questions please just contact the District 11 office and we would be more than happy to assist. 

To read this latest Directive, please click here:

To review existing Health Directives related to COVID-19 in San Francisco (more than one may apply), please click here: 


Sideshow Legislation Introduced This Past Tuesday 

This past Tuesday, Supervisor Safai introduced legislation meant to tackle District 11’s ongoing sideshow problem. The legislation is making its way through the legislative process, once it is housed in a specific Committee the Supervisor’s office will circle back on this platform and provide an update. Thank you.

Next Round Of Nonprofit Sustainability Initiative Is Announced In San Francisco 

The next round of Nonprofit Sustainability Initiative grants are now open, as a refresher, the NSI is a multi-agency partnership between OEWD, MOHCD and the Arts Commission that provides real estate assistance and support for the nonprofit sector. Currently, there will be up to $2.4 million is available in this round for acquisition of newly nonprofit-owned space. 
In addition to financial assistance, Community Vision provides rapid response consultation for nonprofits impacted by COVID-19 and real estate planning services to help with site identification, evaluation, lease negotiation, and fiscal due diligence. 

Nonprofits seeking lease stabilization assistance can apply now for consulting services.
The Nonprofit Sustainability Initiative’s real estate assistance is administered in partnership with Community Vision Capital & Consulting. They are hosting learning sessions on Thursday September 24th and October 1st. Interested applicants must schedule a consultation call by Friday, September 25th. 



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