Supervisor Hillary Ronen - Corona-Virus Update 1

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District 9 COVID-19
(Novel Coronavirus) Update

As we try to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) in San Francisco, I am working with my colleagues on the Board of Supervisors and Mayor Breed to support residents and small business owners through this unprecedented health crisis. San Francisco is united in protecting public health, but we know that the necessary measures we're taking are having a major economic impact.


San Francisco leaders stand in unity (and arm's length apart) during this public health crisis.
The Department of Public Health has issued social distancing recommendations to mitigate the spread of novel coronavirus.

These guidelines call on the public to cancel large gatherings, for employers to encourage telecommuting and limit travel, and for people to stay at least an arm’s length away from each other. These recommendations are meant to reduce exposure and spread of the virus. Read the recommendations here. You can also sign up for the City’s new alert service for official updates: text COVID19SF to 888-777. You can also call 311 for updates.

Several large corporations are taking steps to follow public health guidelines for social distancing by having workers telecommute. This is helpful, but it is not an option for most small businesses. Lower-wage service workers and small businesses often cannot work remotely and cannot afford any loss of income.

As the COVID-19 crisis evolves, we want to send a message loud and clear: If you are following the city’s Department of Public Health recommendations, we’ve got your back.

    Photo via Mayor Breed. San Francisco leaders stand in unity during this public health crisis.

    That's why I'm working closely with Mayor Breed, City Departments, and my colleagues on the Board of Supervisors on measures to help our most vulnerable. Here are some of the things we're working on:

    • A law to help renters by banning evictions for tenants who can’t pay rent because of the COVID-19 outbreak;
    • A law to create a small business rent stabilization loan to stop the irreversible loss of the city’s small businesses;
    • A resolution calling upon banks to suspend foreclosures, fees, and penalties to small businesses during the COVID-19 outbreak;
    • A law to create a multilingual workers rights hotline to assist in applying for benefits to cover lost wages;
    • A $5 million package to clean shelters and single-room occupancy housing and protect our residents from the spread of COVID-19; 
    • Deferred business taxes for small businesses with $10 million or less in gross receipts;
    • Deferred business licensing fees for three months;
    • A COVID-19 Small Business Resiliency Fund administered by OEWD to offer emergency grants up to $10,000 for microbusinesses;
    • The City will continue to fund non-profit contracts to ensure non-profit workers don't lose income, and so our non-profits don't shut down as a result of COVID-19;
    • The City will lead by example by reaching out to commercial tenants to discuss any need for rent payment deferral, including tenants at the Port, the Airport, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, and others.
    • If you are a small business owner, you can check this page for all these resources.
    Health officials advise that the best way to protect ourselves and others is to wash your hands with soap and warm water and rub for at least 20 seconds, sneeze and cough into your elbows, stay home if you are sick, and get your flu shot to protect against flu or symptoms similar to the novel coronavirus. Check SFDPH's page below for more information on COVID-19. Many of their recommendations are also available in multilingual versions.

    As our health officials continue to monitor the situation closely, I caution San Franciscans against acting out of fear. This virus is NOT based on race, ethnicity, or culture. We must be vigilant against acts of racial, ethnic, and cultural discrimination and xenophobia against the Chinese community. There is no excuse for this type of behavior, and novel coronavirus fears should not be used to stoke the ugly flames of racism.
    SFDPH's Coronavirus page

    Thank you to the SF Department of Emergency Management and SF Department of Public Health for coming to community meetings in both the Portola and the Mission on COVID-19, answering questions, and keeping our families informed and prepared.

    To stay up to date, please visit SFDPH's page, and check for live updates from me from my Twitter and Facebook.

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    Hillary Ronen, District 9 Supervisor
     San Francisco City Hall
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