After passing with a 10-1 margin, our ordinance to permanently stop evictions for tenants who can’t make rent because they lost income due to COVID was signed by the Mayor this past Friday. That same day, the Mayor extended the temporary eviction order to cover July rent payments.
It all adds up to this: If you can’t pay rent for any month between April and July, you cannot be evicted for nonpayment of rent for that time period. Not now, not ever. You still owe the money, but you will need not fear being kicked out of your home as you make up that back rent.
Credit where credit is due: Our Mayor and other elected leaders recognized early on that we needed to take bold steps, both in the near and long term, to make sure we don’t let a health crisis become a housing crisis. I appreciate her office working with me and my staff to implement the protections we have in place.
For tenants in other cities and states, the situation is dire, as Last Week Tonight with John Oliver covered on its most recent episode on Sunday.