Former Supervisor Christina Olague - District 05

spacerDefault pictureWelcome!


I am honored and thrilled to represent the residents of District 5. Ours is a district of diverse and vibrant communities with great history and culture, and our citizens are some of the most engaged in the city. I have worked with many of you and I look forward to serving you.

I reached my most recent position on the Planning Commission after many years of grassroots political and nonprofit work, in many areas, all with the goal of creating a more equitable and just city for all. One of my first tasks in office is to work with my colleagues to create economic policy that will get more San Franciscans working. We have suffered through the worst economy of our lifetimes and we must do all we can to put our residents back on their feet. Housing and development in the post-redevelopment era are also big concerns of mine, and an area in which I will bring to bear my years of experience working for housing justice and serving on the Planning Commission. Our neighborhoods have seen more violence than most others in the city, so I am committed to finding solutions and writing policies that promote and ensure public safety. I also am deeply committed to equity in education, so that no matter where children live in the district or in the city, they receive a quality education that affords them opportunities for living-wage jobs.

This office is your office, and to serve you well we need your input. Please stop by Room 256 at City Hall or call us at (415) 554-7630. We will host monthly community outreach hours both at City Hall and in the District 5 neighborhoods. Please check this page for updates on locations and hours.



Christina Olague



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