We are excited to celebrate Women's history Month this March! Besides honoring women who have excelled in their service to our district's communities, some things that I am working on lately include:
Strengthening community access to pharmacy services in light of recent closuresÂ
Protecting D11 MUNI services from SFMTA budget cuts
Crocker Amazon Baseball and Softball Fields RenovationÂ
Blessing scams awareness for seniors
Resources for local businesses to increase public safety and economic recovery
Championing Ocean View Branch Library improvement
Please reach out to our office with any questions or concerns: 415-554-6975 or ChenStaff@sfgov.org
Fence Repair Update:
Thank you to Sam Berenson, our Public Safety Liaison with SFPD, for coordinating with Caltrans (California Department of Transportation) on diligently repairing breached fences along Alemany Blvd and Justin Dr last week and this week! Highways 280 and 101 are state infrastructure managed by Caltrans, and it is a state priority to protect state infrastructure. If you suspect that a highway fence breach is leading to significant damage to highway land, please continue reporting incidents to 311, especially via the app.
Are you or do you know someone who is passionate about getting to know our neighbors, learning about how government works, and providing resources to our community? Our office is seeking interns/volunteers who can support our work several days a week! Bonus qualifications if you speak Chinese and/or Spanish, and are a high school graduate. Send information and resume to
​​​​​Volunteer for Mclaren Park (LOUIS SUTTER PLAYGROUND/MCNAB LAKE) Cleaning and Maintenance on April 19 9:30am – 12:30pm
Snacks and drinks provided by Grocery Outlet
The Community Living Campaign has great events citywide for seniors and people with disabilities! They are doing clothing swap events this month: March 12 at 11am at the Crocker Amazon Clubhouse, and on March 19, 12:45pm at the OMI Senior Center.
Holi, also known as the Festival of Colors, is a Hindu festival that celebrates the arrival of spring, love, and new life. Join the Holi street party on March 23rd, 1-4pm at The Check In Lounge (Otsego Ave and Ocean Ave)
The Excelsior Action Group (EAG) envisioned and brought to life the beautification of Kenny Alley
, a narrow path and stairway at 4949 Mission St across from Safeway supermarket. Join EAG for a Kenny Alley clean up and beautification day on April 5th, 10am-2pm.
The New Mission Terrace Improvement Association (NMTIA) and Cayuga Neighborhood Improvement Association (CNIA) are hosting a Easter Egg Hunt at Cayuga Playground on Saturday, April 5th, 10am.
In the spring/summer, the SF Environment Department will be launching a food waste reduction campaign, primarily in D11Tax help for tax year 2024Floodwater Management Grant Program: the grants are for SF property owners who experience flooding from the public right-of way or backflow events from the sewer system during heavy rainsBecome a SF Certified Green Business, and get paid up to $1,000 for climate-friendly purchases like LED lighting!
Have questions about how to register as a Green Business? Email kevin.kumataka@sfgov.orgThe Green Infrastructure Grant Program (GIGP) Spring 2025 cycle applications are now OPEN! GIGP funds design and construction of green stormwater infrastructure on large properties and in the public realm, beautifying neighborhoods, reducing stormwater, and building resilience to climate change. Eligible projects can receive up to $2.5M in funding per project.The SF Shines Grant Program for interior improvements received many applications; please stay tuned for upcoming grants for storefront EXTERIOR improvements! As a reminder, small business storefronts that experience vandalism and break ins can apply for the Vandalism Grant.The Ocean Avenue Association (OAA) is beginning to coordinate merchant safety meetings to support Ocean Ave commercial corridor; stay tuned for details!
To reach Supervisor Chen's office,
call 415-554-6975 or email Chenstaff@SFgov.org