Budget Information

For the Fiscal Years 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 City budget, the Board of Supervisors charge to the Budget Committee as the City is facing a nearly $800 million deficit is to ensure that budget cuts do not disproportionately impact the most vulnerable, including immigrants, families, youth, seniors, working people and small businesses - those that are in the most need of critical city services.

We remain committed to working collaboratively with policy makers, residents, and community stakeholders to identify solutions that hold City departments accountable for their spending and service funded and also ensure ALL San Franciscans have access to the critical services they rely on. That is why it is so important that working on meaningful solutions and robust oversight of City spending is a priority for the BOS Budget Committee year around, not just during “budget season.”

Please use this site as a source of information about announcements and hearing schedules related to the City Budget. I invite all San Franciscans to participate and keep track of our progress as the Budget Committee holds our departments accountable for their spending and works together on meaningful solutions that ensure an equitable budget for all San Franciscans.

Click here for Budget Hearing Calendar

Provide Public Comment on the Budget

Budget Documents for Fiscal Years 2024-25 and 2025-26:

Budget Related Documents and Presentations:

Additional Budget Resources: