Motions 2025
Final action date on or after 01/01/2025 and on or before 03/11/2025.
Click on the enacted number below to obtain the background materials. These files are provided in PDF format. Click on this Acrobat Reader link if you do not have a PDF reader.
File Number | Enactment Number | Title |
250037 | M25-0001 | Committee of the Whole - Accept and Expend Resolutions for Federal Grants - January 14, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. |
250065 | M25-0002 | Reappointment, Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, Board of Directors - Supervisor Joel Engardio |
250066 | M25-0003 | Reappointment, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Board of Directors - Supervisor Shamann Walton |
241193 | M25-0004 | Affirming the Statutory Exemption Determination - Proposed MTA Mid-Valencia Curbside Protected Bikeway Project |
250088 | M25-0005 | Appointment, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Board of Directors - Supervisor Bilal Mahmood |
250089 | M25-0006 | Appointment, Bay Conservation and Development Commission - Supervisor Connie Chan |
250092 | M25-0007 | Appointment, Free City College Oversight Committee - Supervisor Connie Chan |
250091 | M25-0008 | Appointment, Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District Board of Directors - Supervisor Danny Sauter |
250090 | M25-0009 | Appointment, Bay Conservation and Development Commission - Supervisor Matt Dorsey |
250094 | M25-0010 | Appointment, Reentry Council - Supervisor Matt Dorsey |
250095 | M25-0011 | Appointment, Association of Bay Area Government Executive Board - Supervisor Matt Dorsey |
250093 | M25-0012 | Appointment, Metropolitan Transportation Commission - Supervisor Myrna Melgar |
250121 | M25-0013 | Appointment, Local Agency Formation Commission - Supervisor Jackie Fielder |
250130 | M25-0014 | Removal of Max Carter-Oberstone from the Police Commission |
250119 | M25-0015 | Appointments, Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, Board of Directors - Sabrina Hernandez, Bert Hill, Liam Devlin, and Gregory Michael Hardeman |
250122 | M25-0016 | Mayoral Appointment, Police Commission - W. E. Wilson Leung |
250152 | M25-0017 | Reappointment, Citizen's Committee on Community Development, Clinton Loftman |
250155 | M25-0018 | Reappointment, Early Childhood Community Oversight and Advisory Committee - Cindy F. Lopez-Chastain |
250172 | M25-0019 | Reappointment, Bicycle Advisory Committee - Whitney Ericson |
250198 | M25-0020 | Appointment, Commission on Disability and Aging Advisory Council - Harry Breaux |