Resolutions 2025
Final action date on or after 01/01/2025 and on or before 03/11/2025
Click on the enacted number below to obtain the background materials. These files are provided in PDF format. Click on this Adobe Acrobat Reader link if you do not have a PDF reader.
File Number | Enactment Number | Title |
241131 | 0001-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - The California Department of Social Services - Refugee Support Services Funding - San Francisco - $832,804 |
241174 | 0002-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - California Department of Parks and Recreation - Twin Peaks Promenade Project - $1,493,692 |
241176 | 0003-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Strengthening STD Prevention and Control for Health Departments (STD PCHD) - $13,635,302 |
241199 | 0004-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - National Institutes of Health - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center - NIDA Clinical Trials Network: Big South/West Node - $104,508 |
241216 | 0005-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Department of Justice - Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Site-Based Program - $1,600,000 |
241217 | 0006-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Environmental Protection Agency - Clean Ports Program - $55,386,000 |
250022 | 0007-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Federal Emergency Management Agency - California Office of Emergency Services - Pier 94/96 Seismic Improvements Project - $2,700,000 |
250023 | 0008-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Federal Emergency Management Agency - California Office of Emergency Services - Engineering with Nature Working Group - $159,900 |
250025 | 0009-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - United States Department of Energy - Building Performance Standard: Adoption, Enforcement and Equitable Support, and Preparation for Regional Adoption - $19,994,217 |
250026 | 0010-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - United States Department of Energy - Clean Cities and Communities Energy and Environmental Justice Initiative - Community Engagement Liaison Cohort 2 - $284,800 |
250028 | 0011-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - United States Department of Education - California Department of Rehabilitation - State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program - $791,433 |
250030 | 0012-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - United States Department of Transportation - Boosting Charging by 30% for San Francisco Residents - $14,996,876 |
250032 | 0013-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - The California Department of Health Care Services - CalAIM JI PATH Round 2 Funding - San Francisco - $223,673 |
250035 | 0014-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - United States Department of Transportation - Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity Program - $20,000,000 |
241218 | 0015-25 | Approval of a 90-Day Extension for Planning Commission Review of Window Replacement Standards (File No. 241021) |
241058 | 0016-25 | Agreement Amendment - AECOM Technical Services, Inc. - Mountain Tunnel Improvement Project - Not to Exceed $34,000,000 |
241089 | 0017-25 | Accept and Expend Gift - Revised Distribution of Margaret Seneshen Living Trust - Police Department Mounted Unit - $23,405.32 |
241090 | 0018-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - James Irvine Foundation - Public Workforce Capacity Fund - $496,684 |
241105 | 0019-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - California Department of Industrial Relations, Labor Commissioner’s Office - Workers’ Rights Enforcement Grant Program - $410,000 |
241135 | 0020-25 | Loan Amendment - 2530 18th, LLC - 100% Affordable Housing - 2530-18th Street - Not to Exceed Aggregate Amount of $11,846,900 |
241152 | 0021-25 | Agreement - Agurto Corporation, dba Pestec - Integrated Pest Management Services - Not to Exceed $15,500,000 |
241156 | 0022-25 | Agreement - Pitney Bowes, Inc. - Mailroom Equipment and Supplies - Not to Exceed $23,550,000 |
241166 | 0023-25 | Acceptance and Recording of Avigation Easements - San Mateo County - San Francisco International Airport's Noise Insulation Program |
241167 | 0024-25 | Settlement of Unlitigated Claim - James Hourihan - $75,000 |
241171 | 0025-25 | Sale of Taxable General Obligation Bonds (Affordable Housing, 2016 - Preservation and Seismic Safety), Series 2025E - Not to Exceed $40,000,000 |
241175 | 0026-25 | Grant Application - California Department of Housing and Community Development - Prohousing Incentive Program - Not to Exceed $1,500,000 |
241188 | 0027-25 | Settlement of Unlitigated Claims - Stripe, Inc. - $49,000,000 |
241215 | 0028-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - California Department of Health Care Service - Heluna Health - SFDPH BHS CYF Proposed Approach for Implementing MATCH - $750,000 |
250033 | 0029-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Metropolitan Transportation Commission - Visitacion Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Improvement Project - $750,000 |
250045 | 0030-25 | Temporary Sidewalk Closure - Dreamforce 2025 on Both Sides of Howard Street Between 3rd Street and 4th Street |
250076 | 0031-25 | Approval of a 90-Day Extension for Planning Commission Review of Condominium Conversion of Accessory Dwelling Units (File No. 241069) |
250044 | 0032-25 | Lunar New Year 2025 |
250046 | 0033-25 | Reaffirming San Francisco’s Commitment to the Sanctuary City Ordinance |
250063 | 0034-25 | Urging Walgreens to Reconsider Store Closures in San Francisco |
250064 | 0035-25 | Gerald W. Johnson Day - January 28, 2025 |
250078 | 0036-25 | Commending Monica Walters |
250115 | 0037-25 | Urging Pharmacies and Medical Providers to Address Pharmacy Deserts by Expanding Services in Underserved Neighborhoods |
250116 | 0038-25 | Black History Month - February 2025 |
241125 | 0039-25 | Grant Agreement Amendment - Episcopal Community Services - Rapid Rehousing for Adults - Not to Exceed $21,524,980 |
241126 | 0040-25 | Agreement - Retroactive - Community Youth Center of San Francisco - Academic Support; Beacon at Aptos; Year-Round & Summer Programs; and Teen Arts - Not to Exceed $13,724,500 |
241127 | 0041-25 | Agreement - Retroactive - Community Youth Center of San Francisco - High School Partnerships; Job Readiness for English Language Learners; Leadership; and Young Adult Worklink - Not to Exceed $11,730,000 |
241128 | 0042-25 | Agreement - Retroactive - Instituto Familiar de la Raza Inc - Roadmap to Peace Collaborative and Roadmap to Peace School Crisis Supports - Not to Exceed $12,929,020 |
241129 | 0043-25 | Agreement - Retroactive - Richmond District Neighborhood Ctr Inc - Defining Success: Academic Support Continuum, 6th-12th Grade; Beacon Pathways - Presidio MS; Beacon Pathways - Roosevelt MS; Multi-Cultural Arts Program: K-12 Art Pathway - NTE $10,366,200 |
241145 | 0044-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Crankstart Foundation - Clean Slate Program Grant - $250,000 |
241154 | 0045-25 | Real Property License - Retroactive - U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard - 1-199 Forest Road, Building 278, Yerba Buena Island, San Francisco, CA - Initial Base Rent $0 |
241155 | 0046-25 | Office Lease - Retroactive - State of California, Employment Development Department - 745 Franklin Street - Initial Annual Base Rent $105,090 |
241184 | 0047-25 | Liquor License Transfer - 1275 Fell Street - Bitters and Bottles |
241206 | 0048-25 | Liquor License Transfer - 301 5th Street - City Choice Market |
241213 | 0049-25 | Castro Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Cultural District’s Cultural, History, Housing, and Economic Sustainability Strategy Report (CHHESS) |
250019 | 0050-25 | Real Property Lease Amendment - Retroactive - William J. Piedmonte - 729 Filbert Street - Annual Base Rent $437,146.50 |
250043 | 0051-25 | Accept and Expend In-Kind Gift - Retroactive - CORO Northern California - Consulting Services - Valued at $345,000 |
250049 | 0052-25 | Commemorative Street Name Designation - “Jesai Kingston Way” - Ingerson Avenue between 3rd Street and Griffith Street |
241153 | 0053-25 | Apply for Grant and Accept Funds Allocation - California Department of Housing and Community Development - Transitional Housing Programs Up to $4,210,804 - Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program Up to $629,926 |
250015 | 0054-25 | Grant Agreement - Retroactive - Young Community Developers - Black to the Future and School Site Mentoring Program - Not to Exceed $12,422,660 |
250021 | 0055-25 | Lease Amendment - Lease No. 97-0081 - Rent Credit for BART’s Next Generation Fare Gates Replacement Project - Not to Exceed $3,150,000 |
250047 | 0056-25 | Fundraising for Services Related to Immigration, LGBTQ+ Rights, Environmental Protection, Reproductive Rights, and Racial Equity - Behested Payment Waiver |
250016 | 0057-25 | Grant Agreement Amendment - Bay Area Community Resources - Various Programs - Not to Exceed $10,473,540 |
250020 | 0058-25 | Professional Services Agreement - HDR Stantec JV - Program Management Consulting Services for Water Enterprise - Not to Exceed $80,000,000 |
250042 | 0059-25 | Grant Amendment - Catholic Charities - Family Rapid Rehousing - Not to Exceed $14,533,573 |
250127 | 0060-25 | Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month - February 2025 |
240923 | 0061-25 | Lease Termination Agreement - Minute Suites Travelers Retreat SFO, LLC - Harvey Milk Terminal 1 Retail Concession Lease 8 - Termination Fee $75,000 |
241106 | 0062-25 | Airport Specialty Retail Minimum Annual Guarantee Rent Reduction Program |
241187 | 0063-25 | Agreement Amendment - SSP Data Inc. - Palo Alto Software Products - $40,000,000 |
250070 | 0064-25 | Sale Agreement - City of San Bruno - 67,802 Square Feet of Portion of APNs 093-340-020 and 093-340-060 in San Bruno, San Mateo County - $5,000 |
250071 | 0065-25 | Public and Sealed Bid Auction - Tax-Defaulted Real Property |
250072 | 0066-25 | Contract Amendment - TEGSCO, LLC - Vehicle Towing, Storage, and Disposal Services for Abandoned and Illegally Parked Vehicles - Not to Exceed $136,700,000 |
250074 | 0067-25 | Contract Agreement - Retroactive - Department of State Hospitals - Early Access and Stabilization Services - $3,315,647.10 |
250103 | 0068-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Department of Justice - San Francisco General Hospital Foundation - Children and Adolescent Support Advocacy and Resource Center (CASARC) - $829,025.83 |
250104 | 0069-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - California Department of Social Services - Center for Immigrant Protection - $250,000 - FY2024-2027 |
250102 | 0070-25 | Grant Agreement Amendment - Mid-Market Foundation - Mid-Market/Tenderloin Community-Based Safety Program - Not to Exceed $68,851,756 |
250024 | 0071-25 | Liquor License Transfer - 1198 Pacific Avenue - Dapper |
250110 | 0072-25 | Liquor License Issuance - 406 Clement Street - Neck of the Woods |
241095 | 0073-25 | Accept and Expend Grant and Grant Agreement - BXP Embarcadero Plaza LP - Embarcadero Plaza and Sue Bierman Park - $12,500,000 |
241214 | 0074-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - California State Coastal Conservancy - Great Highway Promenade Planning Project - $1,000,000 |
250010 | 0075-25 | Settlement of Unlitigated Claim - Nordstrom, Inc. - $36,548.39 Plus Interest |
250012 | 0076-25 | Settlement of Unlitigated Claim - Joanna Lei - $35,491 |
250013 | 0077-25 | Settlement of Unlitigated Claim - Peter Dumanian - $88,000 |
250014 | 0078-25 | Settlement of Unlitigated Claim - 180 Post Street, LLC - $66,858 |
250075 | 0079-25 | Professional Services Agreement - CDM Smith, Inc. - Engineering Services for Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant Ozonation - Not to Exceed $24,600,000 |
250139 | 0080-25 | Fundraising for Services Related to Immigration, LGBTQ+ Rights, Environmental Protection, Reproductive Rights, and Racial Equity - Behested Payment Waiver |
250141 | 0081-25 | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - James Irvine Foundation - Northern California Apprenticeship Network Sustainability Grant - $675,000 |
250142 | 0082-25 | Loan Agreement - 1155 Ellis GP LLC - Small Sites Program - 1135, 1155 and 1175 Ellis Street - Not to Exceed $50,600,000 |
250143 | 0083-25 | Execute Standard Agreement and Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - California Department of Housing and Community Development - Round 3 Homekey Grant - 42 Otis Street - Not to Exceed $8,225,095 |
250145 | 0084-25 | Agreement - New Flyer of America, Inc. - Battery-Electric Buses - Not to Exceed $13,424,512 |
250073 | 0085-25 | Grant Agreement Amendment - Brilliant Corners - Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool - Not to Exceed $59,542,690 |
250106 | 0086-25 | Affirming San Francisco’s Support for Birthright Citizenship |
250128 | 0087-25 | Supporting the SFMTA’s Joint Development Program Goals and Policy |
250199 | 0088-25 | Reaffirming San Francisco’s Commitment to the 14B Local Business Enterprise Program |
250200 | 0089-25 | Opposing President Trump’s “Commencing the Reduction of the Federal Bureaucracy” Executive Order |
250011 | 0090-25 | Settlement of Unlitigated Claims - Twilio Inc. and, Inc. - $101,291.38 |
250146 | 0091-25 | Affirming San Francisco’s Commitment to Developing Fiscal Solutions to Ensure Public Transportation Remains a Safe, Accessible, Affordable, and Convenient Option |
250147 | 0092-25 | Children’s Dental Health Month - February 2025 |
250148 | 0093-25 | Supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 381 (Stefani) - State Contracts: Certification Process: Forced Labor and Human Trafficking |
250149 | 0094-25 | Captain Jason Sawyer Day - February 14, 2025 |
250173 | 0095-25 | Reverend Roland Gordon Day - February 13, 2025 |
250081 | 0096-25 | Airport Professional Services Agreement Modification - Consor PMCM, Inc. Project Management Support Services for the Cargo Building 626.1 Project - Further Modifications Not to Exceed $13,000,000 |
250082 | 0097-25 | Airport Professional Services Agreement - West Field Consultants - Project Management Support Services - Further Modifications Not to Exceed $13,000,000 |
250084 | 0098-25 | Real Property Lease Amendment - Communication and Control, Inc. - Communication Services Facilities in Alameda County - Monthly Base Rent $9,080 |
250085 | 0099-25 | Emergency Declaration - Restoration of Uninterruptible Standby Power Supply System for Tesla Treatment Facility - $700,000 |
250086 | 0100-25 | Real Property Lease - FACES SF - 1099 Sunnydale Avenue - $48,867.12 Initial Yearly Base Rent |
250087 | 0101-25 | Real Property Lease - Felton Institute - 1099 Sunnydale Avenue - $24,216.48 Initial Yearly Base Rent |
250107 | 0102-25 | Contract Amendment - Hyland Software, Inc. - Software Facilitating Health Services System Member Documents - Not to Exceed $574,000 |
250108 | 0103-25 | Contract Amendment - P & A Administrative Services, Inc. - Administers COBRA, AB528 Programs, Flexible Spending and Health Spending Accounts - Not to Exceed $4,667,457 |
250215 | 0104-25 | Temporary Sidewalk Closure - Figma Config 2025 - Both Sides of Howard Street Between 3rd Street and 4th Street |
250214 | 0105-25 | Recognizing Problem Gambling Awareness Month - March 2025 |
250216 | 0106-25 | Recognizing the Commencement of Ramadan, the Muslim Holy and Blessed Month |
250217 | 0107-25 | Supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 458 (Stefani) - Public Contracts: Firearms, Ammunition, and Firearm Accessories |
250218 | 0108-25 | Urging the Mayor and HSH to Explore and Implement a Fair Distribution of Homeless Shelters Across All Districts |